+ − 1 =head1 Darknet Comparison
+ − 2
+ − 3 Back to homepage - L<http://www.anonet2.org/>
+ − 4
+ − 5 There are a number of darknets out there. Different darknets have
+ − 6 different features, which any individual may consider as advantages (or
+ − 7 disadvantages) depending on his goals. This page attempts to present
+ − 8 an accurate comparison between the different darknets known to SRN.
+ − 9 In particular, SRN has attempted to avoid being unjustly critical of
+ − 10 AnoNet1 even after having been a victim of AnoNet1's ugly side on multiple
+ − 11 occasions (although obviously, no attempt has been made to avoid "earned"
+ − 12 criticism). If you'd like to add other darknets to this table, keep
+ − 13 in mind that all of anonet2.org is freely editable from within AnoNet.
+ − 14 If none of the existing darknets suit your needs, you're encouraged
+ − 15 to advertise your new one here. You're also more than welcome to spam
+ − 16 AnoNet IRC for new members, but if your advertisements get redundant and
+ − 17 boring and redundant and repetitive and redundant after a while, don't
+ − 18 be surprised if people start B</ignore>ing you. (Please don't let that
+ − 19 discourage you, if you truly believe your new darknet is worth joining.
+ − 20 You may want to rethink your advertising strategy, though.) You may
+ − 21 also be able to get help in planning and/or building a new darknet on
+ − 22 AnoNet IRC.
+ − 23
+ − 24 Please keep in mind that this comparison is mostly focused on relative
+ − 25 anonymity value, rather than, say, the quality of the available social
+ − 26 networks. If the latter is more important to you than the former, you're
+ − 27 almost certainly wasting your time here. If you'd like to understand
+ − 28 more about the mechanics of anonymity, L<there's a whole separate page
+ − 29 here devoted to that topic|http://www.anonet2.org/anonymity>.
+ − 30
+ − 31 =begin xhtml
+ − 32
+ − 33 Z<><table>
+ − 34 Z<><tr>Z<><th colspan='5'>OverviewZ<></th>Z<></tr>
+ − 35 Z<><tr>Z<><td> Z<></td>Z<><th>AnoNet1Z<></th>Z<><th>AnoNet2Z<></th>Z<><th>dn42Z<></th>Z<><th>VAnetZ<></th>Z<></tr>
+ − 36 Z<><tr>Z<><th>Claimed PurposeZ<></th>Z<><td>anonymity to prevent censorshipZ<></td>Z<><td>anonymity to prevent censorshipZ<></td>Z<><td>have fun with BGPZ<></td>Z<><td>freedom and network efficiencyZ<></td>Z<></tr>
+ − 37 Z<><tr>Z<><th>Claimed GovernmentZ<></th>Z<><td>nearly noneZ<></td>Z<><td>noneZ<></td>Z<><td>nearly noneZ<></td>Z<><td>backbone onlyZ<></td>Z<></tr>
+ − 38 Z<><tr>Z<><th>Actual GovernmentZ<></th>Z<><td>oligarchyZ<></td>Z<><td>noneZ<></td>Z<><td>nearly noneZ<></td>Z<><td>backbone onlyZ<></td>Z<></tr>
+ − 39 Z<><tr>Z<><th>Actual Government betrays Claimed PurposeZ<></th>Z<><td>yesZ<></td>Z<><td>noZ<></td>Z<><td>noZ<></td>Z<><td>noZ<></td>Z<></tr>
+ − 40 Z<><tr>Z<><th>Centralized Critical InfrastructureZ<></th>Z<><td>wiki (includes resource database), client port, IRCZ<></td>Z<><td>noneZ<></td>Z<><td>wiki, IRCZ<></td>Z<><td>allZ<></td>Z<></tr>
+ − 41 Z<><tr>Z<><th>Decentralized Critical InfrastructureZ<></th>Z<><td>routingZ<></td>Z<><td>allZ<></td>Z<><td>routing, resource databaseZ<></td>Z<><td>noneZ<></td>Z<></tr>
+ − 42 Z<><tr>Z<><th>Current SizeZ<></th>Z<><td>10-15Z<></td>Z<><td>35-45Z<></td>Z<><td>60-75Z<></td>Z<><td><5Z<></td>Z<></tr>
+ − 43 Z<><tr>Z<><th>Average Monthly GrowthZ<></th>Z<><td>~0%Z<></td>Z<><td>~10%Z<></td>Z<><td>~0%Z<></td>Z<><td>~0%Z<></td>Z<></tr>
+ − 44 Z<><tr>Z<><th>Activity LevelZ<></th>Z<><td>lowZ<></td>Z<><td>mediumZ<></td>Z<><td>mediumZ<></td>Z<><td>noneZ<></td>Z<></tr>
+ − 45 Z<><tr>Z<><th>Interdarknet ConnectivityZ<></th>Z<><td>censored access to AnoNet2 (must use AnoNet2 DNS), censored access to dn42 (must use AnoNet2 DNS)Z<></td>Z<><td>full routing to most of AnoNet1, full routing to part of dn42, full routing to VAnetZ<></td>Z<><td>censored access to AnoNet (1&2, must use SRN's DNS), censored access to VAnet (must use SRN's DNS)Z<></td>Z<><td>full routing to part of AnoNet1, full routing to AnoNet2, full routing to part of dn42Z<></td>Z<></tr>
+ − 46 Z<><tr>Z<><th>DNS CoverageZ<></th>Z<><td>AnoNet1Z<></td>Z<><td>AnoNet (1&2), dn42, VAnet, IcannNetZ<></td>Z<><td>dn42, IcannNetZ<></td>Z<><td>AnoNet (1&2), dn42, VAnet, IcannNetZ<></td>Z<></tr>
+ − 47 Z<><tr>Z<><th>Proxy CoverageZ<></th>Z<><td>AnoNet1Z<></td>Z<><td>AnoNet (1&2), IcannNetZ<></td>Z<><td>noneZ<></td>Z<><td>noneZ<></td>Z<></tr>
+ − 48 Z<><tr>Z<><th>Web-Based Proxy CoverageZ<></th>Z<><td>noneZ<></td>Z<><td>AnoNet (1&2), IcannNetZ<></td>Z<><td>noneZ<></td>Z<><td>noneZ<></td>Z<></tr>
+ − 49 Z<><tr>Z<><th>Peering PrerequisitesZ<></th>Z<><td>OpenVPN, BGP daemon, sustained IRC participation for over a month, and a miracleZ<></td>Z<><td>OpenVPN or tinc or L<quicktun|http://wiki.ucis.nl/QuickTun>, BGP daemon or static routingZ<></td>Z<><td>OpenVPN or tinc or L<quicktun|http://wiki.ucis.nl/QuickTun>, BGP daemon or static routing, and an available subnet, and a big-block owner that will not change the ownership of your subnet to someone elseZ<></td>Z<><td>depends on individual PoP policyZ<></td>Z<></tr>
+ − 50 Z<><tr>Z<><th colspan='5'>ServicesZ<></th>Z<></tr>
+ − 51 Z<><tr>Z<><td> Z<></td>Z<><th>AnoNet1Z<></th>Z<><th>AnoNet2Z<></th>Z<><th>dn42Z<></th>Z<><th>VAnetZ<></th>Z<></tr>
+ − 52 Z<><tr>Z<><th>RoutingZ<></th>Z<><td>decentralizedZ<></td>Z<><td>decentralizedZ<></td>Z<><td>decentralizedZ<></td>Z<><td>centralizedZ<></td>
+ − 53 Z<><tr>Z<><th>Resource DatabaseZ<></th>Z<><td>centralized (part of wiki)Z<></td>Z<><td>decentralized (part of git-based resdb)Z<></td>Z<><td>decentralized (part of monotone-based registry)Z<></td>Z<><td>centralized (ask Borg)Z<></td>Z<></tr>
+ − 54 Z<><tr>Z<><th>DocumentationZ<></th>Z<><td>centralized (crzydmnd's wiki)Z<></td>Z<><td>decentralized (part of git-based resdb, and many wikis)Z<></td>Z<><td>centralized (helios's wiki)Z<></td>Z<><td>centralized (vanet.org)Z<></td>Z<></tr>
+ − 55 Z<><tr>Z<><th>ChatroomZ<></th>Z<><td>centralized (single IRCnet)Z<></td>Z<><td>decentralized (ad-hoc relaying between IRC and Jabber chatrooms, and a L<UDPMSG4|http://www.powerfulproxy.com/do_it.php/http/www.srw.ano/udpmsg4> cloud)Z<></td>Z<><td>semicentralized (single IRCnet, with a Jabber chatroom relay, and a L<UDPMSG4|http://www.powerfulproxy.com/do_it.php/http/www.srw.ano/udpmsg4> relay)Z<></td>Z<><td>temporarily decentralized (shared with AnoNet2)Z<></td>Z<></tr>
+ − 56 Z<><tr>Z<><th>DNSZ<></th>Z<><td>centralized (from wiki), several official "rootservers"Z<></td>Z<><td>decentralized (from resdb), each user fields his own, public nameservers available for the lazyZ<></td>Z<><td>decentralized (from registry), multiple competing deploymentsZ<></td>Z<><td>centralized (from svn), centralized official deploymentZ<></td>Z<></tr>
+ − 57 Z<><tr>Z<><th>BitTorrent Trackers/IndexersZ<></th>Z<><td>none?Z<></td>Z<><td>1 centralized and 1 decentralized (git-based)Z<></td>Z<><td>1 centralizedZ<></td>Z<><td>1 centralizedZ<></td>Z<></tr>
+ − 58 Z<></table>
+ − 59
+ − 60 =end xhtml