=head1 AnoNet, Take 2!Welcome to AnoNet! AnoNet is a highly decentralized darknet, aiming to create a censorship resistant network free from government influence and restrictions. AnoNet uses an IP network to accomplish this, as an alternative to the existing internet.You can read more information about AnoNet below, or on L<http://wiki.ucis.nl/Anonet>.=head2 Theory=over=item *L<anonymity in general and its place in AnoNet in particular|http://www.anonet2.org/anonymity>=item *L<darknet comparison page|http://www.anonet2.org/darknet_comparison>=item *L<AnoNet FAQ|http://www.anonet2.org/faq>=item *L<quick introduction to darknets and anonymity in general and AnoNet2 in particular|http://www.anonet2.org/intro>=item *L<the problem with allowing ICANN to control your internet|http://www.anonet2.org/icann>=back=head2 How to JoinThere are many ways to join AnoNet. If you just want to hang out withus and chat, it's very easy:=begin xhtmlZ<><table> <tr><th>Protocol</th><th>Service</th><th>Anonymity</th></tr> <tr><td>HTTP WebChatZ<></td><td>L<KwaakNet|http://anortr.ucis.nl:8086/?channels=anonet&nick=Anonymous></td><td>L<aaya|http://www.anonet2.org/irc_anonymity> (Hidden IP, username and realname, custom nickname (note 1))</td></tr> <tr><td>HTTP WebChatZ<></td><td>L<KwaakNet|http://webchat.kwaaknet.org/?c=AnoNet></td><td>L<naya|http://www.anonet2.org/irc_anonymity> (Visible IP, hidden username and realname, custom nickname (warning!) (note 1))</td></tr> <tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<SRN|irc://anortr.ucis.nl:8804/RendezVous></td><td>L<aaoa|http://www.anonet2.org/irc_anonymity> (Hidden IP, username and realname (note 2), and also blocks most CTCP messages)</td></tr> <tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<SRN (tor)|irc://2dmrunyyp6bp53th.onion/RendezVous></td><td>L<aaoa|http://www.anonet2.org/irc_anonymity> (Hidden IP, username and realname (note 2), and also blocks most CTCP messages)</td></tr> <tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<SRN2|irc://anortr.ucis.nl:8806/anonet></td><td>L<aaoa|http://www.anonet2.org/irc_anonymity> (Hidden IP, username and realname (note 2))</td></tr> <tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<SRN2 (tor)|irc://w53qxqs27amlrwnm.onion/anonet></td><td>L<aaoa|http://www.anonet2.org/irc_anonymity> (Hidden IP, username and realname (note 2))</td></tr> <tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<SRN3 (tor)|irc://elef7kcrczguvamt.onion/anonet></td><td>L<aaoa|http://www.anonet2.org/irc_anonymity> (Hidden IP, username and realname (note 2))</td></tr> <tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<SRN4 (tor)|irc://wllef6hh2mt6uoi4.onion/anonet></td><td>L<aaoa|http://www.anonet2.org/irc_anonymity> (Hidden IP, username and realname (note 2))</td></tr> <tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<UFO|irc://anortr.ucis.nl:8805/anonet></td><td>L<aooo|http://www.anonet2.org/irc_anonymity> (Hidden IP, visible username and realname)</td></tr> <tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<UFO|irc://irc.kwaaknet.org:6667/anonet></td><td>L<nooo|http://www.anonet2.org/irc_anonymity> (Visible IP, username and realname (warning!))</td></tr> <tr><td>TelnetZ<></td><td>L<SRN|telnet://anortr.ucis.nl:8803/></td><td>L<aaya|http://www.anonet2.org/irc_anonymity> (Hidden IP and username, custom nickname)</td></tr></table>=end xhtml=over=item *Note 1: your browser may send information that can be used to identify you. Although this information is not directly visible to other chat users, it may be sent in clear text over the internet and over anonet.=item *Note 2: your IRC client always sends your configured username, realname and possibly also hostname. Although this information is not directly visible to other chat users, it may be sent in clear text over the internet and over anonet. You should therefore always properly configure your IRC client!=backIf you want to browse around first, there's a tor gateway available at L<http://mkdopl6dniqykj2y.onion/>. (You will need tor for that link to work.)If you're feeling adventurous enough to connect at the IP level, thereare a few options available:=over=item *L<UFO has a client port.|http://ix.ucis.nl/clientport.php> (You willneed openvpn for this option, but there is no need for routing software.)=item *L<Thejetset's client port|http://www.anonet2.org/thejetset_clientport>=item *L<lex's lynx client port|http://lynx.vanet.org/ClientPort>, which also provides connectivity to IPv6 Anonet=item *It is possible to negotiate your first peering on IRC, completelybypassing the client port. (For this option you can use quicktun,openvpn, or tinc. You will also need routing software, for example birdor zebra. If you are on Windows, DnRouter can do everything.)=backOnce you're online, you can reconnect to IRC from inside AnoNet:=begin xhtmlZ<><table> <tr><th>ProtocolZ<></th><th>Service using DNSZ<></th><th>Service using IP (no DNS)</th><th>Anonymity</th></tr> <tr><td>UDPMSG4Z<></td><td>L<SRN (UDPMSG4 cloud)|udpmsg4://irc3.srn.ano:15783/chat/anonet></td><td>L<SRN (UDPMSG4 cloud)|udpmsg4://></td><td>UDPMSG4 is anonymous by design. L<You can run your own IRC server.|http://www.powerfulproxy.com/do_it.php/http/www.srw.ano/udpmsg4ircd></td></tr> <tr><td>UDPMSG3Z<></td><td>L<SRN (UDPMSG3 cloud)|udpmsg3://irc2.srn.ano:15387/chat/anonet></td><td>L<SRN (UDPMSG3 cloud)|udpmsg3://></td><td>UDPMSG3 is anonymous by design.</td></tr> <tr><td>HTTP WebChatZ<></td><td>L<sevilIRC (Relaying on #anoNet)|http://www.sevilnatas.ano/chat.html></td><td></td><td>L<aaya|http://www.anonet2.org/irc_anonymity> (Hidden IP, username and realname, custom nickname (note 1))</td></tr> <tr><td>HTTP WebChatZ<></td><td>L<KwaakNet|http://anortr.ucis.ano:8086/?channels=anonet&nick=Anonymous></td><td>L<KwaakNet|></td><td>L<aaya|http://www.anonet2.org/irc_anonymity> (Hidden IP, username and realname, custom nickname (note 1))</td></tr> <tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<SRN (NewNickNet)|irc://irc3.srn.ano:6667/anonet></td><td>L<SRN (NickNet)|irc://></td><td>L<aaoa|http://www.anonet2.org/irc_anonymity> (Hidden IP, username and realname (note 2))</td></tr> <tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<SRN (NickNet)|irc://irc4.srn.ano:6667/anonet></td><td>L<SRN (NickNet)|irc://></td><td>L<aaoa|http://www.anonet2.org/irc_anonymity> (Hidden IP, username and realname (note 2))</td></tr> <tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<SRN|irc://irc.somerandomnick.ano:6667/RendezVous></td><td>L<SRN|irc://></td><td>L<aaoa|http://www.anonet2.org/irc_anonymity> (Hidden IP, username and realname (note 2), and also blocks most CTCP messages)</td></tr> <!--<tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<sevilNatas|irc://irc0.sevilnatas.ano:6667/anoNet></td><td>L<aaao|http://www.anonet2.org/irc_anonymity> (Hidden IP, username and realname, custom nickname, SSL enabled)</td></tr>--> <tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<sevilNatas|irc://irc0.sevilnatas.ano:6667/anonet></td><td></td><td>L<aaao|http://www.anonet2.org/irc_anonymity> (Hidden IP, username and realname, custom nickname, SSL enabled)</td></tr> <tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<KwaakNet|irc://irc.kwaaknet.ano:6667/anonet></td><td>Server L<1|irc://>, L<2|irc://>, L<3|irc://></td><td>L<nooo|http://www.anonet2.org/irc_anonymity> (Visible IP, username and realname)</td></tr> <tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<pragmo|irc://irc.pragmo.ano:6667/atomic></td><td>L<pragmo|irc://></td><td>L<????|http://www.anonet2.org/irc_anonymity> (Unknown)</td></tr> <tr><td>TelnetZ<></td><td>L<SRN|telnet://irc.somerandomnick.ano:2323/></td><td></td><td>L<aaya|http://www.anonet2.org/irc_anonymity> (Hidden IP and username, custom nickname)</td></tr> <tr><td>JabberZ<></td><td>irc.somerandomnick.ano (RendezVous MUC)</td><td></td><td>L<aaya|http://www.anonet2.org/irc_anonymity> (Hidden IP, username and realname, custom nickname)</td></tr></table>=end xhtml=over=item *Note 1: your browser may send information that can be used to identify you. Although this information is not directly visible to other chat users, it may be sent in clear text over the internet and over anonet.=item *Note 2: your IRC client always sends your configured username, realname and possibly also hostname. Although this information is not directly visible to other chat users, it may be sent in clear text over the internet and over anonet. You should therefore always properly configure your IRC client!=backFor more information about anonimity on IRC, see L<this page|http://www.anonet2.org/irc_anonymity>.=head2 IRC ChannelsThe activity level on #anonet got a bit too high (especially with all the bots), so some new channels have been added. Here are the currently known channels:=over=item #anonet (chat/anonet)This is the main channel for AnoNet-related discussion. All AnoNet2 IRC servers carry this channel.=item #talk (chat/talk)This is a new channel for general talk, and at least for now it is the home of most of our bots. Only sevil and SRN IRC servers carry this channel.=item #1984 (chat/1984)This is a channel that BrainBox requested. Most SRN IRC servers carry it.=backCreating a new channel is done the traditional way (just /join it),but linking the channel through the udpmsg3 cloud requires a littlebit of configuration for all current udpmsg3 clients. SRN is happyto reconfigure his stuff for any new channel. L<SRN's new UDPMSG4 IRCserver|http://www.powerfulproxy.com/do_it.php/http/www.srw.ano/udpmsg4ircd>doesn't require any special configuration. Just join a new channel onirc3.srn.ano, and it will immediately exist on the udpmsg4 cloud.=head2 Why to JoinNote that if your only aim in joining AnoNet is to search Googleanonymously, you can save yourself the hassle L<by just heading overto Scroogle|http://www.scroogle.org/>. If you're looking to browsethe rest of the public Internet anonymously, though, we now haveoutbound proxies, which you're more than welcome to use. (L<Here's aservice that tries to show you what you're likely to be leaking, rightnow.|http://what-is-my-ip-address.anonymous-proxy-servers.net/>)(Note: There's now L<a separate page with links to many more reasons tojoin AnoNet|http://www.anonet2.org/links>.)You'd want to join AnoNet2 for the same reasons as you'd want to joinAnoNet1: to exercise your freedom of speech and action, without havingto worry too much about people who don't like you making too manyconnections between your online and offline identities. Unlike AnoNet1,we're not nazis about our rules, so if you don't feel the need to concealyour real-life identity, we won't get all mad at you. Just please beconsiderate of those who would like to stay anonymous ("pseudonomous,"technically), and everybody is happy. (For more discussion on thistopic in particular, you may want to check out L<a separate pagehere|http://www.anonet2.org/anonymity>.)A secondary reason for joining is to gain an opportunity to experimentwith internet technologies without breaking "the real thing." Whilethat's not the purpose behind AnoNet, it seems to be a common reasonfor joining, and as long as you don't break too much with your fun,you're more than welcome to have your fun here.If you saw L<this article about people getting arrested on false accusations from one guy|http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/Cyberactivists-warned-arrest-ftimes-3487898538.html?x=0>, then you may want to make yourself a bit more difficult to find. (L<Do you really want to get raided by the FBI just because some "security researcher" thinks you're a co-founder of Anonymous?|http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=x69Akp5L>) AnoNet can help.You may want to join for the social scene (we even have our ownsocial network, although nobody uses it for what should be obviousreasons), or you may want to create your own social scene. Even ifyou don't care about your anonymity, L<you don't need to worryabout our social network "owner" deleting your identity for "private"reasons|http://technolog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2010/09/02/5033412-booted-from-facebook-woman-sues>,because our social network is decentralised and resists censorship,like most of the core AnoNet services. Again, you're not looking at an"official" reason for joining, but nobody owns AnoNet, so "official"is an artificial term 'round here.You may be looking for help with your Mathematics, Physics or ComputerScience homework. Due to AnoNet's nature, many of the guys who hangout here have an academic background in one (or more) of the above,and most are quite happy to help students.If you're interested in starting your own darknet, you can get plenty ofadvice here. In addition, the AnoNet2 infrastructure is easy to reusefor any other darknet, by design. (Technical ease of forking is a coregoal of AnoNet2. We avoid forks only by being good enough so nobodyfeels the need to fork AnoNet2.)Finally, L<you may be getting a bit nervous at theamount of regulation piling up around the world against the publicInternet|http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/news/8481330/Alarm-over-EU-Great-Firewall-proposal.html>.Since the "public" Internet is owned and managed by a number ofmultinational corporations, it's fairly easy for governments to regulateit. Part of the main purpose behind AnoNet has always been to get awayfrom those private control points, in order to create a truly publicinternet. In AnoNet1, anybody who can regulate crzydmnd can regulateAnoNet1's "official" wiki (and by extension, its resource "database"),and anybody who can regulate Kaos can regulate AnoNet1's "official"client port (and by extension, all new AnoNet1 users), so the privatecontrol point problem hasn't quite been solved there. AnoNet2 is stilllargely controlled by UFO and somerandomnick, but we have both technicaland administrative measures in place to ensure that as the network grows,the two of us will no longer have enough control to destroy the network,even if our own governments ever decide to try regulating us.Here's an interesting exchange:=over=item Relay> [Ivo @ KN] governments do not intend to harm everybody=item Relay> [Ivo @ KN] some criminals just intend harm everybody=item somerandomnick> and some governments do, too=item Relay> [Ivo @ KN] they usually at least pretend to be good for some people=item somerandomnick> People are people.=item Relay> [anonno @ KN] right now they can eavesdrop on telephones, and they like it... if we all move to encrypted voip, they're in trouble=item somerandomnick> It doesn't really matter that much what hat a guy is wearing.=item somerandomnick> A government is just a pretty face for a person to hide behind.=item somerandomnick> It doesn't actually mean anything beyond "I'm stronger than you, so I make decisions for you."=item somerandomnick> A person's government should be his own brain. You should never outsource your free choice.=item Relay> [anonno @ KN] you know what, you could use this as a marketing tool for anonet ;)=back=head2 The AnoNet AdvantageYou may be wondering what AnoNet buys you, relative to IcannNet. The answer obviously depends on what you tend to do on IcannNet. Here are some points to note:=over=item Read HeadlinesIf you only read the headlines from your local news (without clickingthrough to interesting stories, etc.), your anonymity on AnoNet isactually significantly _worse_ than on IcannNet, because you're givingaway geolocation information that your IcannNet ISP already knows butthat AnoNet probably doesn't.=item Read NewsOnce you start clicking around for "interesting" stories, you'regiving away information that your ISP probably wouldn't already know.However, if you read local news it's probably still wise to avoid AnoNet.(You can still use tor directly.)=item Just BrowseIf you just surf aimlessly for hours, you are giving away a lot ofprofiling information to your ISP. With the AnoNet proxies, you canavoid giving your ISP any of this information. (You are still giving thesame information to the AnoNet proxies if you don't use SSL tunneling,but AnoNet proxies can't connect the profiling information with yourreal-life identity, while your ISP (and anybody who can get your ISPrecords) certainly can.) Surfing with AnoNet also means that you don'tneed to worry about your government filtering policies getting in yourway while you surf.=item Browse WikiLeaksIf you're located in a totalitarian regime, your ISP may not allow youto access WikiLeaks. Even if you are located in a less totalitarianregime, your government may monitor your WikiLeaks browsing habits.AnoNet allows you to browse WikiLeaks without your ISP preventing ormonitoring your visits.=item Do ResearchAnoNet shines here. Governments can force Google to cough up yoursearch history, but only if Google can figure out which searches you'reresponsible for. If you use Scroogle (HTTPS) through one of AnoNet'sHTTP proxies, the proxy doesn't know what you're looking for, Scrooglehas no clue who you are, and by the time the search makes its way toGoogle, connecting it to you is all but hopeless.=item Discuss the WikiLeaks insurance.aes256 FileIf you and your friends were hoping to talk togetherabout your experience trying to decrypt the file onabovetopsecret's forums, you probably saw L<this complaint from amoderator|http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread598787/pg23#pid9331623>.After quoting from L<the terms and conditionspage|http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread6688/pg1>, he says:B<Going forward, please remember that we cannot discuss how to "break"this file open. We're only allowed to discuss the topic at hand, whichis the posting of the encrypted document itself, and what it I<may>contain.> AnoNet doesn't have a terms and conditions page, so you're"allowed" to discuss whatever you want.=item Share FilesBitTorrent doesn't hide your IP address, so seeding files forL<TPB|http://www.thepiratebay.org/> is not necessarily safe. BitTorrenton AnoNet doesn't hide your IP address either, but the authorities can'teasily connect your AnoNet IP address with your IcannNet IP address(in order to get your ISP to reveal your identity).=item Speak OutIf you know something that you'd like other people to know, and you fear retribution from those who would prefer for others not to know what you know, traditional IcannNet forums can be forced to turn over your IP address, which can then identify you. If your email address is with Gmail, L<you have other problems|http://mirror.wikileaks.info/wiki/Gmail_may_hand_over_IP_addresses_of_journalists/>. On AnoNet, it's comparatively easy to cover your tracks, in such a way that even your own peers would have a hard time figuring out who said whatever it was.=item BlogIf your blog is easy to connect to your offline identity (say, ithas your name and address, and/or dwells primarily on local issues),then moving it to AnoNet obviously won't gain you much anonymity.On the other hand, if it's "just another random blog," AnoNet has thepotential to keep it that way. For example, if you like to tell readersabout your experience with various products, you always run the risk ofhaving to defend yourself against a lawsuit if a corporate lawyer decideshis client would be better served if your critical review went away.Now, since defending yourself in any court of law is never a trivialmatter (since the judges in nearly all first-world countries assumethat you know all the laws, regulations, relevant case histories,civil procedures, etc. - you know, the stuff you'd normally spendyears in law school learning how to make sense of), you may decidethat publishing your blog on IcannNet simply isn't worth the risk.On AnoNet, your blog is pretty well-protected against civil liabilitylawsuits, since before a lawyer can sue you, he first has to find you.(While there are legal mechanisms in place in many countries to allow alawsuit to get started even when the defendant is unknown, it should bepretty obvious that a court will need to find out who you are before itcan meaningfully involve you in a case. If you've done your homework,the cost of finding you will far outweigh the benefit, especially if theplaintiff knows he has no real case against you and was simply hoping tointimidate you.) In addition, the company hosting your IcannNet blogalmost certainly allows itself to delete (any part of) your blog inits own sole discretion without even notifying you. That potentiallyallows a lawyer with an upset client to take a shortcut and bypass youentirely, simply "asking" your blog hosting provider to remove (that partof) your blog. To avoid having to activate its own lawyers, your bloghosting provider may very well decide to pull (that part of) your blog,especially if you're paying little or nothing to host your blog. In fact,if your blog is on its own domain, there's yet another canidate for theweakest link, in that anybody who wants your blog gone can simply appealto your domain's registrar. (Recall the WikiLeaks case, for example.)On AnoNet, you can easily host your own blog, forcing attacks againstyour hosting arrangements to go through you (or at least through _all_of your peers). Your domain is even harder to attack, since wiping yourdomain off of a single resdb repository would only prevent one AnoNetuser from seeing it (and a simple git rollback would fix the situationeven for that individual user). Moreover, the deletion would quicklypropagate throughout AnoNet, potentially raising alarms everywhere.(Even if only a single user notices the attack and re-adds your domain,his own re-addition will quickly propagate throughout AnoNet, restoringaccess to your domain for everybody.)=item PublishIf you thought publishing blogs was tricky, try publishing a book.("Alms for Jihad" comes to mind as one obvious example, where thepublisher went so far as to delete the book from its own database andburied the copyright.) While physical books may not be so simple topublish on AnoNet (although you can certainly raise awareness of themby speaking out about them on AnoNet), e-books enjoy considerableanti-censorship advantages on AnoNet.=item TeachYou may want to teach disciplines that can get you into friction with "theauthorities" in a tyrannical regime. (Judges in prominent first-worldcountries have ruled, for example, that knowing your way around a computeris an indication that you may be involved in computer-related crimes.)AnoNet gives you an opportunity to teach without your students beingable to point you out to the authorities, even under pain of torture.=item ReportYou may find yourself in the middle of a news story, but other partsof that news story may not appreciate your reports. When you reportsomething to WikiLeaks without going through tor, you're leaving a longtrail that may lead to you. With AnoNet, you can hide that trail toa certain extent, if you don't want to use tor directly. (WikiLeaksover tor will still give you better protection than AnoNet, if you'reworried about your government's intelligence agencies getting involved.AnoNet's optimization towards pseudonymity with common IcannNet protocolsis the weakness, here. We're working on that, but in the meantime youhave L<tor|http://www.torproject.org/>, L<i2p|http://www.i2p2.de/>,L<Freenet|http://freenetproject.org/>, L<GNUnet|http://gnunet.org/>,and others.)Even if your reports are perfectly legal in your country,you still may become the victim of identity theft, L<likesome journalists reporting on the HP board leak a few yearsago|http://www.wired.com/politics/security/news/2006/09/71749> (andwith governments "reaching out" to corporations more now, it gets worsebefore it gets better). It's harder to find the identity of an anonymousjournalist, so naturally it is harder to steal it. It's also harder tofind your anonymous sources.=item Sell Stuff OnlineWell, even if you don't care about your anonymity and in fact _want_ everyone to know who you are, doing business on IcannNet isn't so safe, L<because you never know when a misguided government will sieze your domain for no real reason, without even admitting its mistake|http://torrentfreak.com/u-s-government-shuts-down-84000-websites-by-mistake-110216/>. AnoNet domains are a safer investment, because it is far more difficult for someone to sieze an AnoNet domain. In addition, L<PowerfulProxy|http://www.powerfulproxy.com/> now makes it possible to reach many AnoNet domains directly from IcannNet.=back=head2 Why Not to JoinIf you're looking for a ready-made community, where you just show up and"browse," AnoNet (either 1 or 2) is probably not quite what you're after.The whole concept behind AnoNet is that it's whatever you make it.Of course, that's not to say you'll have to build everything fromscratch, but if you want to be happy here, you're best off bringingyour creativity along rather than leaving it behind when you join.(If you've been around darknets before, you're probably quite familiarwith "design by committee." On AnoNet, you're more than welcome toinvite a committee to discuss anything you want, but you don't have toorganize one before doing anything. If (you think) you already knowwhat you're doing, just "build it and they will come.")=head2 What You Can DoSee the L<Services|http://www.anonet2.org/services> page=head2 What You Can't Yet Do=over=item A-CommerceGetting Anonymous Commerce right takes a bit of effort, since nearlyall governments regulate the exchange of anything that has value, in anattempt to preserve their power structure. A-Commerce is a core goalof AnoNet, though, and we hope to achieve it someday.=item Watch TVWhile the AnoNet backbone, at this point, is capable of sustainingreal-time video streaming, there are still some technical andanonymity-preservation problems to solve before anybody here is likelyto feel safe broadcasting TV.=backIf you want something that's not on either list, you'll either have toset it up yourself, or con somebody else into setting it up himself. (Ifit's something that others are likely to find useful and/or interesting,you'll probably have an easy time recruiting guys to help you out.)=head2 What You Can ContributeWell, each of us has his own wishlist, but most of us are working onmoving stuff from our TODO lists to our DONE lists, so you're lookingat a bit of a moving (and highly subjective) target. You're more thanwelcome to contribute anything you want, and if it's interesting and/oruseful, it'll probably attract a following. That said, here are a numberof things that would benefit the AnoNet as a whole:=over=item Client PortsWhen a new user wants to connect, he'll normally come in through aclient port. The more client ports are available, the harder it is forany individual client port to abuse its position (for example, if thelocal government decides to try regulating it).=item Public Email ServicesNomius runs a public mail service, and lex is working on another one.While more than 2 public mail services clearly aren't necessary at thisstage, too many is better than too few.=item IRC ServersIRC on AnoNet2 isn't one big network under centralized control.Rather, anybody who wants runs his own IRC (or other chat) server, andlinks whatever channels he wants to channels on other servers, using acollection of relay bots. (Right now, UFO, pragmo and SRN field relays,and the scalability problems are becoming visible. How relay bots maywant to deal with this is still a topic for open discussion. Feel freeto join in the discussion, or just do your own thing and let everyoneelse be damned.)Update: UFO implemented udpmsg3 (inspired by r101's udpmsg protocol),and UFO, SRN, sevilNatas and lex all have IRC servers connecting to theudpmsg3 "cloud" now. The primary advantages of udpmsg3 are that it'struly decentralized, very difficult to censor, fails over gracefully incase of hardware/software failures without dropping messages and withoutduplicating messages, and avoids the long relay chains that normallytake up half your screen.Update: SRN implemented udpmsg4 (a modification to udpmsg3 tosupport binary data without escaping, and to reduce code size andCPU cycles to read and write the protocol), and a few users nowhave IRC servers connecting to the udpmsg4 cloud (running L<SRN's newIRCd|http://www.powerfulproxy.com/do_it.php/http/www.srw.ano/udpmsg4ircd>).SRN and sevilNatas also run udpmsg3 bridges.=item Outbound HTTP ProxiesSRN runs three right now and ryuk runs one, but that means between thetwo of them they can snoop on all HTTP traffic from AnoNet2 to IcannNet.Having more proxies gives you an alternative to blindly trusting SRNand ryuk not to sell your click-through data to Google, invert the orderof search results to your queries, and inject malicious JavaScript intoyour Hotmail homepage.=item IcannNet mailinglist ProxiesAnoNet uses a lot of software in new and interesting ways, so AnoNetusers find "accidental features" quite often. If there were an easyway to join the official mailing lists for some of this software, AnoNetusers would probably submit many more bug reports, resulting in betterquality software being available for us.=back=head2 AssholesWe finally found L<our first asshole|http://www.anonet2.org/assholes>.=head2 See AlsoIf AnoNet sounds good but not perfect, don't despair: there are a numberof other projects that may interest you either instead of - or possiblyin addition to - AnoNet.=over=item L<dn42|http://www.dn42.net/>dn42 is another highly decentralized darknet, and it's also quitefriendly. The main differences are that it doesn't claim anonymity as agoal (it is mostly intended for learning BGP), and that it's significantlylarger than AnoNet. A number of AnoNet members are also active in dn42.=item L<VAnet|http://www.vanet.org/>VAnet is a strange animal. It's a highly I<centralized> darknet, makingthe curious claim that centralization actually aids in privacy protection.It's still quite small, but it should scale extremely well from atechnical perspective, due to its centralization. VAnet's official IRCis part of the AnoNet IRC monster for now, so the easiest way to find outmore about VAnet is actually just to join AnoNet IRC and ask about VAnet.=item L<UCIS IX|http://ix.ucis.nl/>The UCIS Internet eXchange is an attempt to link a bunch of darknetstogether. If you connect using UFO's CP, you're already on the UCIS IX.=back