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Added interesting metadata about 3090, 3100, maybe useful for graphs
author lex <lex@lynx.ano>
date Thu, 09 Dec 2010 18:42:00 -0600
parents 522906f070db
children 37814214743d
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=head1 Assholes

We weren't expecting to find an asshole this early, but here's part of
the IRC log from #dn42:

j> spam
somerandomnick> j: I'd suggest not spamming here ;-)
somerandomnick> Feel free to spam #anonet :-)
j> sorry, died for a bit
j> I'm working on updating my spamming script to target here
j> I just need to add a cupple lines
j> Why not?
somerandomnick> because dn42 doesn't like spam
j> What will they do about it?
somerandomnick> They will complain to me :-)
j> What keeps me from spamming them directly, not through here?
somerandomnick> j: That's between you and them.
somerandomnick> but if you spam them through here, they will complain to me
j> Yes but I need you for telnet
j> Otherwise this won't work
somerandomnick> j: then I suggest staying with #anonet
somerandomnick> j: You can spam #anonet as much as you want.  I don't mind.
j> fine, you spoil all my fun. Later
j> I"ll get a good few spams in here later on
Ivo> j, why?
j> but not to many
somerandomnick> j: LOL, sorry ;-)
j> well, if I succeed in annoying two networks so they part from each other, I've succeeded.
Ivo> uh?
somerandomnick> LOL
Ivo> what two networks?
somerandomnick> j: I don't think we're about to part from each other.
j> I haven't been spamming here yet
somerandomnick> but if I get complaints from dn42 about you, I think anonet will have to part from you
j> how?
lex> j: Exactly why are you even interested in spamming? It is not considered a gracious activity in the slightest
j> I just do it to annoy the shit out of everyone.
lex> j: And you take some kind of crazy pleasure from annoying other people?
Ivo> j, I really don't understand why you would do that
j> It's just base64-encoded /dev/urandom, but it'll fill up screens, irc logs, and make it hard to have  areal conversation with that going on.
somerandomnick> j: What's wrong?
somerandomnick> You come to anonet to test your spam script, I say no problem,
somerandomnick> and offer to help.
somerandomnick> I didn't even hear 1 "thank you" and never asked for one either.
j> well
j> You can't stop me even if you wanted to
somerandomnick> If your goal is to have a contest, I'm willing to take your challenge.
j> I'm just out to cause problems for anonet and be an asshole. Later

somerandomnick> Sorry, guys, for the spam ;-)
somerandomnick> alice: Sorry about unlinking your server.  I shut down the relay until we can fix the spam problem.

j> did it work?
somerandomnick> yes
somerandomnick> Now, dn42 will depeer us.
somerandomnick> ;-P
j> good
somerandomnick> I think you need to try a bit harder ;-)
j> full scale?
somerandomnick> still not sure what exactly you're trying to achieve
somerandomnick> sure, why not?
j> mission goals to annoy people.
somerandomnick> If that's your only goal, you aren't doing too bad ;-)
somerandomnick> but I think you can guess my goal ;-)
j> what is your goal
somerandomnick> You can't guess it?
j> to stop me, maybe.
somerandomnick> well
somerandomnick> What would your goal be, if you were in my place and I were in your place?
j> I would try to limit the damage one spammer could do.
somerandomnick> good guess :-)
Ivo> j, I don't understand why you do this
Ivo> you want to break some darknets apart?
j> yeah!
Ivo> which ones?
j> I don't know.
somerandomnick> LOL
Ivo> so, what do you know about darknets?
j> nothing.
somerandomnick> um
Ivo> ok, so why do this?
Ivo> why not annoy some other people?
Ivo> Im sure you can easily annoy more people on a large irc network
j> This is easier. I just telnet to 8803 and spam.
somerandomnick> and how does it help you?
j> It doesn't.
Ivo> so, what's so much fun ?
Ivo> btw, do I know you?
j> no
Ivo> oh cool
Ivo> so how did you find out about anonet?
j> what's anonet?
j> I just telnet here and start
Ivo> how did you find out about this place?
j> I found it while searching for telnet servers somewhere.
somerandomnick> ;-)
Ivo> oh right
Ivo> sounds like fun
Ivo> so, you were looking for telnet chat servers to send spam ?
j> yes
j> Is there another one that's more popular?
Ivo> damn.
somerandomnick> Nobody really uses telnet anymore for chat ;-)
somerandomnick> hehe
somerandomnick> but if you don't mind writing to IRC, you can use any IRC server ;-)
j> irc servers can ban you though.
somerandomnick> right
somerandomnick> It's possible to ban here too, but it's a bit harder ;-)
somerandomnick> You need to get everyone mad at you before it's really possible to ban you here.
somerandomnick> but if you succeed, it's equally hard to unban you later
Ivo> do you feel good now?
Ivo> oh yes, definitely
Ivo> oh come on...
Ivo> j, I can easily ban you
somerandomnick> Ivo: That's a technical accident.
Ivo> don't care.
j> Youd' have to ban whole of tor.
Ivo> :)
somerandomnick> How easy or hard it is to ban him isn't the point.
Ivo> oh well, we have dns blacklists now
somerandomnick> Most IRC networks ban tor, and anonet can also, if necessary.
somerandomnick> UFO has full control over that, so even if I prefer to let you stay here, if you annoy UFO enough you're history, and there's nothing I can do about it.
j> What, UFO can change the etlnet port?
Ivo> :)
Ivo> oh yes
somerandomnick> He can block tor from the telnet port.
j> shit.
somerandomnick> He can shut it down completely.
somerandomnick> ;-)
somerandomnick> and me liking you won't help
Ivo> j, where are you from ?
j> That isn't important.
Ivo> no it isn't
Ivo> I'm just interested
somerandomnick> j: If you succeed in annoying all ~20 of us on anonet, what does it add to your life?
j> nothing.
somerandomnick> then why do you want to waste your time on it?
j> Because I can.
somerandomnick> You enjoy getting banned?
j> It's tor, not me.
somerandomnick> You're part of tor.
somerandomnick> and even in that, we don't have to ban tor completely
j> shit.
somerandomnick> You just create a little more work for us in spam countermeasures.
somerandomnick> You're 1, and we're about 20.
j> Pretty soon, you'll get tired of my spam and close anonet.
somerandomnick> We can probably develop countermeasures faster than you can develop measures, right?
j> right.
somerandomnick> j: I won't get tired of your spam for the rest of my life.
Ivo> so, do you do this all the time, j?
somerandomnick> I love spam.
j> yeah
Ivo> hmm.. interesting hobby
j> off to tweak my script.

After this, UFO censored j by blocking access to IRC from IcannNet.  Hidden tor services have been opened (L<on the main page|>), so j can come back and try spamming again.