Mercurial > hg > anonet-resdb
view contrib/splicex/src/manual @ 1146:da853b90f62b draft
Added mkz to anonet and as many of the needed files as I could think of.
That as.c is the part of NetBSD traceroute that does AS lookups.
author | epoch <> |
date | Fri, 01 Nov 2013 09:12:45 +0000 |
parents | 5c86c4e82b4c |
children |
line wrap: on
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.TH SpliceX "" "" "" "" __________ _ _ __ __ ______ / / / / ___| _ __ | (_) ___ ___\\ \\/ / / / / / / / / /\\___ \\| '_ \\| | |/ __/ _ \\\\ / / / / / / / / / ___) | |_) | | | (_| __// \\ / / / / /_/_/_/ |____/| .__/|_|_|\\___\\___/_/\\_\\/_/_/_/ |_| .:Brute Force Utilities For GNU/Linux:. .SH OPTIONS --help Show help display and exit --command Parse passwords to this command splicex --command='<command> PASSWORD' --dictionary Path to custom dictionary(wordlist) splicex --dictionary='WordList.txt' --rtfm Show manual page and exit --restore Path to restore file splicex --restore='' --save Directory path to create save file splicex --save=/home/$USER/ --test Test output of command splicex --test='Password Ok' --time Manipulate timed iterations splicex --time='12, 3' --usernames Path to username list splicex --usernames='UserList.txt' --exh-l Use an exhaustive attack with letters only --exh-n Use an exhaustive attack with numbers only --exh-s Use an exhaustive attack with special characters only --exh-ln Use an exhaustive attack with letters and numbers only --exh-ls Use an exhaustive attack with letters and special characters only --exh-ns Use an exhaustive attack with numbers and special characters only --exh-all Use an exhaustive attack with all characters --exh-custom Use an exhaustive attack with custom characters splicex --exh-custom='CharsList.txt' --stdout Print only passwords to stdout -A Use alphabetical mixing module -B Use backwords module -C Use alternating caps module -L Use "L337" speak module -M Use MD5 module -N Use numerical mixing module -R Use regular words module -S Use special mixing module --mix-custom Use custom mixing module splicex --mix-custom='CharsList.txt' --wep-5 Use 5 character WEP module --wep-13 Use 13 character WEP module --wep-* Use 5 and 13 character WEP module --letters Use letter characters --numbers Use number characters --specials Use special characters --char-all Use all characters --no-char Override character usage --char-length Start and end with set character lengths --custom Use custom characters splicex --custom='CharsList.txt' --deshadow Crack shadow hash sums --get-shadow Get the shadow info for a user splicex --get-shadow=$USER --set-shadow Use the shadow info from a file splicex --set-shadow='UserShadow.txt' --se-module Use the social engineering module --create Create a dictionary --debug Enable debugging .SH DICTIONARIES splicex comes equipped with its own dictionary but is .br designed to use custom dictionaries as well. The .br dictionary should be in the following format: a plain .br text file with one word per line, no spaces between .br words, letters only. You do not have to follow the .br above guideline exactly but it is strongly suggested. .br IE: ============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE =============== .br qwerty .br john .br linux .br newpass .br princess .br hacker .br ============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE =============== .SH USERNAMES splicex is capable of cycling through usernames as it .br would a dictionary. There is no default username list .br on splicex. The username list should be in the .br following format: a plain text file with one word per .br line, no spaces between words, letters only. You do .br not have to follow the above guideline exactly but it .br is strongly suggested. .br IE: ============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE =============== .br john .br admin .br root .br david .br fred .br ============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE =============== .SH SAVING AND RESTORING splicex is capable of restarting where it was stopped .br by using the --restore switch followed by the full path to .br a file. DO NOT modify these files or .br splicex may receive an error or not load at all. .br When restoring, if you set the --test switch you must .br manually set it again or splicex will not test for .br specified output. If saving splicex's status, then .br splicex will save to the specified directory as .br If already exists it will .br be overwritten so change the name of any original .br copies if you want to keep them. If saving a splicex .br session you should stop the process using the .br appropriate terminal feature before killing splicex .br to avoid corrupting the save file. --save="/path/to/save/directory/" --restore="/path/to/" .SH MODULES -A -B -C -L -M -N -R -S --mix-custom --wep-5 --wep-13 --wep-* --se-module .br splicex comes equipped with several modules that mangle .br the words in the selected dictionary to create probable .br password combinations. You may use as many of these .br modules as you want. Some modules can take a few or more .br minutes to enhance a dictionary depending on the size .br of the selected dictionary. -A Alphabetical Mixing Module: .br This module puts several combinations of alphabet .br characters inside the words in the selected .br dictionary. IE: pZassword .br pCatssword .br passworKd .br passwoJrLd .br ... -B Backwards Module: .br This module creates backwards words from the .br selected dictionary. IE: drowssap .br ... -C Capitalization Module: .br This module recreates the words in the selected .br dictionary with alternating capitalizations. .br IE: Password .br PAssword .br PaSsWoRd .br pAsSwOrD .br passwoRD .br ... -L L337 Speak Module: .br This module converts the words in the selected .br dictionary to several versions of "l337 speak". .br IE: p4ssword .br p455w0rd .br pa5sword .br ps@$$word .br ... -N Numerical Mixing Module: .br This module puts several combinations of number .br characters inside the words in the selected .br dictionary. IE: p2assword .br p5a8ssword .br passwor0d .br passwo6r9d .br ... -R Regular Words Module: .br This module tells splicex to use the words in a .br selected dictionary as they are listed. -S Special Mixing Module: .br This module puts several combinations of special .br characters inside the words in the selected .br dictionary. IE: p!assword .br p@a$ssword .br passwor(d .br passwo-r+d .br ... --mix-custom Custom Mixing Module: .br This module puts several combinations of user .br selected characters inside the words from the .br selected character list. IE: p!assword .br p@a$ssword .br passwor(d .br passwo-r+d .br ... --mix-custom's list should only contain one character per .br line on a plain text file. If you select this .br module then modules -A, -N, -S will be ignored. .br IE: ============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE =============== .br j .br 1 .br @ .br 0 .br z .br ============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE =============== If -A, -N, and/or -S options are selected then .br the modules will be combined. see also --char-all. IE: pZa!ssword .br p0atssword .br passwor7d .br passwo*rLd .br ... -M MD5 Module: .br This module generates md5 hash sums for .br words listed in the selected dictionary. .br IE: 5912d7bfd10f631f1715bf85bbb72d97 .br 966e8fda594333563c02fa4b69765a5e .br 900bc885d7553375aec470198a9514f3 .br 97f014516561ef487ec368d6158eb3f4 .br ... --wep-*, --wep-5, --wep-13 WEP Modules: .br these two modules strip 5 or 13 character .br words from the selected dictionary and produce .br WEP compatible hex passwords. If your dictionary .br does not contain 5 or 13 character words then .br splicex will likely give an error. --se-module Social Engineering Module: .br see the social engineering section below for .br details. .SH CHARACTERS splicex appends alternating character tags to the beginning .br and/or ending of each password. By default splicex will use .br all standard keyboard characters but you can choose to use .br specific combinations. If one or more of the following .br options is omitted then only the selected options will be .br used ; they will be combined. --letters Use letter characters .br Apassword .br passwordA .br abCpassword .br passwordxYz .br ... --numbers Use numbers characters .br 1password .br password1 .br 123password .br password098 .br ... --specials Use specials characters .br $password .br password^ .br %)!password .br password#*@ .br ... --custom Use custom characters from a list .br $password .br password^ .br %)!password .br password#*@ .br ... --custom list should only contain one character per .br line on a plain text file. If you select this .br module then other character flags will be ignored. .br If the custom list matches the selected dictionary .br then splicex will run in exhaustive mode. .br IE: ============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE =============== .br j .br 1 .br @ .br 0 .br z .br ============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE =============== --letters, --numbers, and/or --specials .br Apassword6& .br 7passwordA .br a*Cpassword9 .br a}password0Yz .br ... --no-char Override character usage .br This option tells splicex not to make .br any character additions to passwords. --char-length Start and end with set character lengths .br This option tells splicex to start and stop with a set .br amount of characters. IE: The following will start with one character added and .br end with 3: .br splicex --char-length='1, 3' The following will generate only 6 character passwords: .br splicex --exh-custom='MyCharacters.txt' --char-length='6, 6' .SH SOCIAL ENGINEERING --se-module Social Engineering Module: .br splicex is equipped with a social engineering module to create .br concatenated words from the selected dictionary. This module .br allows for "Module Stacking". IE, if you select other other .br modules when setting this flag then compiled words will also .br be incorporated into the algorithm as if they appeared on the .br the selected dictionary itself. .SH DESHADOW splicex comes with its own small program to compare a created hash .br sum, those found in /etc/shadow with an existing one given through .br user input. When using the deshadow option you will need to set .br exactly one of the --get-shadow or --set-shadow options. There is no .br need to use the --command or the --test flags when using this option .br because the values for each will be preset. --get-shadow Get the shadow info for a user .br see examples below for usage details. --set-shadow Use the shadow info from a file. This file should be .br in plain text and contain only one line with the .br following syntax: ============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE =============== .br $HashingMethod$SaltValue$ActualHashItself ============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE =============== If you need to see an example Shadow entry you may .br use the following command: cat /etc/shadow | grep -i "$USER" .SH EXHAUSTIVE splicex is capable of mounting a standard exhaustive attack. .br An exhaustive attack is a sure\-fire method to crack any .br password but this can also take large amounts of time .br depending on the length of a password. If it's necessary to .br use an exhaustive bruteforcing algorithm you may do so with .br one of the following options: --exh-l .br This attack uses only letters. --exh-n .br This attack uses only numbers. --exh-s .br This attack uses only special characters. --exh-ln .br This attack uses only letters and numbers. --exh-ls .br This attack uses only letters and special characters. --exh-ns .br This attack uses only numbers and special characters. --exh-all .br This attack uses all characters. --exh-custom .br This attack uses custom characters in a character list. IE: .br --exh-custom='CharList.txt' .br A character list should be in the following syntax: ============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE =============== .br j .br 1 .br @ .br 0 .br z .br ============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE =============== .SH STDOUT splicex has the option to skip the command and test flags .br and print only the created passwords to stdout. This is a .br useful flag if you're going to pipe the output to stdin .br on another program. --stdout .br The output will look similar to the following: .br password .br qwerty .br 123magick .br newpass .br john1965 .SH REGEXP splicex can create some regexp type functions .br using existing options: splicex --command='echo onePASSWORDthree' --test='onetwothree' --exh-l splicex --command='echo johnPASSWORD65' --test='john1965' --exh-custom='MyList.txt' splicex --command='echo ilovePASSWORD' -R --no-char --test='iloveqwerty' you may also want to see --se-module for more specific attacks. .SH CONTROLS splicex contains some options worth going over again. --command='<insert command> PASSWORD' #must contain regexp 'PASSWORD' --time='10, 1' #timed iterations --custom='file.txt', -U 'file.txt', --dictionary='file.txt', .br --exh-custom='file.txt' #custom wordlists and/or character lists --no-char #useful flag to only use the generated wordlist .br #no characters will be appended to the passwords --stdout #prints only passwords --debug #helps to troubleshoot .SH EXAMPLES splicex --command="unrar -pPASSWORD t file.rar" --test="All OK" -R splicex --command="sshpass -pPASSWORD ssh user@host" --dictionary="wordlist" -L splicex --command="smbclient -L -Uusername%PASSWORD" -L splicex --deshadow --get-shadow="root" -R splicex --deshadow --set-shadow="/home/user/shadow.txt" -R splicex\\ .br --command="echo PASSWORD | aircrack-ng -b 00:11:22:33:44:55 -w - *.cap"\\ .br --wep-5 --wep-13 --no-char --dictionary='MyWords.txt'\\ .br --test='KEY FOUND' splicex --command='curl --user <user[:PASSWORD]>' -R