Mercurial > hg > anonet-resdb
view contrib/splicex/src/splicex.list @ 1146:da853b90f62b draft
Added mkz to anonet and as many of the needed files as I could think of.
That as.c is the part of NetBSD traceroute that does AS lookups.
author | epoch <> |
date | Fri, 01 Nov 2013 09:12:45 +0000 |
parents | 2e33b56d4f0d |
children |
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a aaa aaaaaa aaron abacab abby abc abcd abcdef abcdefg abigail abracadabra absolut access account ace acropolis adam adi adidas admin adrian alaska albert alex alexander alexandr alexis alfred alice allison alpha alpine amanda amber amy ander andre andrea andrew andy angel angela angie animal anita anna annette antares anthony apache apollo apple aragorn archie ariel arizona arnold arsenal arthur asdf asdfasdf asdfg asdfgh asdfghjk asdfjkl; ashley as assword athena august austin avalon avenger avenir awesome axbycz baby babydoll babylon bach backup badger bailey bamboo banana bandit barbara barney barry baseball basf basil basket basketball bass bastard batman beagle beaner bear beast beatle beatrice beautiful beaver beavis beer bella ben benjamin benny bertha big bigben bigdog bigmac bigman bill billy bingo binky biology bird bishop bismillah bitch biteme black blazer bliss blonde blondie blow blowfish blowjob blue bluebird bluefish bmw bob bobby bobcat bond bonnie bonzo booboo booger boogie boomer boris bosco boss boston bradley brandon brandy brave brazil brenda brian bridge bright broadway bruce bruno brutus bubba bubble buck buddy buffalo buffy bugsy bull bulldog bullet bullshit bunny business buster butch butler butter butthead button button c cacti cactus cake call callgirl call-girl caitlin california calvin camaro camera canada candy cannondale canon canuck captain cardinal carebear carlos carmen carol carole caroline carrie cash cashmoney casey casper cassie castle catalina catalog catch catherine catnip cba celine celtic center challenge champion champ chance chanel changeme chaos charity charles charlie charlotte cheese chelsea cheryl chester chevy chicago chicken chico chip chloe chocolate chris christian christin christy church cinder cindy civil claire clancy clark claudia clipper cocacola cock coffee coke colleen colorado coltrane columbia commander compaq compton computer connect connie conrad content control cook cookie cooking cooper cooter copper cordelia corona cosmos cougar cowboy coyote crack cracker craig crawford creative cricket crow cruise crystal cuddle cuervo cunt curtis cutie cyber cyclone cyrano daddy daisie daisy dakota dallas dan dance daniel danielle danny dark darkman database dave david dawn deadhead dean death debbie deliver delta denali denis denise dennis depeche derek design destiny deutsch diablo diamond diana diane dick dicken dickhead digger digital dilbert disney doctor dodger dog dollar dolphin don donald donna dookie doom dorothy dougie douglas draft dragon dragonfly dreamer dream duck duckie duke dumbass dundee dwarf dwarves dylan eagle eclipse eddie edward eeyore einstein electric elephant elizabeth elvis email e-mail emerald emily emmitt enter entropy eric esther etoile europe excalibur explorer export express faith falcon family farmer farout farside feedback felix fender ferrari fidel figaro fiona fire firebird fireman firenze fish fisher fishing flamingo flash fletch fletcher flip flipper florida flower floyd fluffy fonzy fonzie foobar fool football ford fortune foster fountain fox foxtrot fozzie france francesco francine francis francois frank franklin freak fred freddy freedom french friday friend frodo frog froggy front fucker fuckface fuckme fuckoff fuckyou fun gabriel gabriell galaxy galileo gambit gandalf garden garfield gargoyle garlic garnet gasman gemini general genesis genius george gerald germany geronimo giant gilbert ginger girl gizmo global goaway godzilla goforit gold golden goldfish golf golfer goober goodluck goofy goose gopher gordon grace graham grant graphic grateful green greenday gregory gretchen gretel groovy grover guest guitar gunner gurl hack hacker hal hammer hannah hansolo happy harley harold harrison harry harvey hawkeye hazel heather heaven hector heidi helen helena hell hello help helpme hendrix henry herbert herman hershey hithere hobbit hockey homer honda honey hoop horizon hornet horse house houston howard huey hunt ibanez icecream iceman idontknow iguana iloveyou image imagine impala indiana indigo info insane inside integra intern internet intrepid ireland irene irish ironman isaac isabel island jack jackie jackson jaguar jake jamaica james jane janet janice japan jasmin jasmine jason jasper jeanette jeanne jeff jeffrey jenifer jenni jennifer jenny jeremy jerry jersey jessica jessie jesus jethrotull jewel jim jkl joanna joanne joe joel joey johan johanna john johnny johnson joker jonathan jordan joseph joshua judith julia julian julie jumanji junior jupiter jussi justice justin kangaroo karen katherine kathleen kathy katie keepout keith kelly kelsey kennedy kenneth kermit kevin kidder kid killer kim kimberly king kingdom kingfish kirk kitkat kitten kitty knick knight koala kramer kris kristen kunt l lacrosse lady laker lambda larry laura lauren laurie law lawrence lawyer ledzep lee legend leon leonard leslie lestat letmein liberty library light lincoln linda lindsay lindsey linux lionking lisa liverpool lizard logan logical lola london lonely lorrie louis louise love lovely loveme lucas lucky lucy m maddog made madeline madison madonna maggie magic maid mail mailman major majordomo malcolm malibu mantra marathon marcel margaret maria mariah marie marilyn marina mariner mario mariposa mark market marlboro marley martin marty marvin mary maryjane master matrix matt matthew maurice maverick max maxine maxwell mayday mazda md me media meggie melanie melissa mellon melody menblow mensuck mercede mercury merlin merlot metal metallic mexico michael michel michele michelle mickey micro midnight midway milk mike mikey miki miller millie mindy mine minnie miracle mirage miss misty mitch mitchell mmm mmouse molly molson mom monday monet money monica monique monkey monopoly monster montreal moocow moon moore moose mopar morgan moron morris mort mortimer mother mountain mouse muffin mulder murphy music mustang nancy naomi nascar natasha nathan nautica nelly nellie nelson nermal nesbitt netware new newpass newpassword news newton newuser newyork nicholas nick nicole nimrod nina niner ninja nirvana nissan non norman notebook nothing null ocean october oi olive olivia olivier ollie olsen one online open opera orange oregon orion oscar ou overkill oxford pacer pacific packer painter paladin pamela panda pandora pantera panther paris parker passion passwd password pat patricia patrick peace peache peanut pearl pearljam pee pencil penis penelope penguin penny pentium people pepper pepsi percy person pete peter petey petunia phantom phil philip phish phoenix photo piano picard picasso pickle picture pierre piglet pinkfloyd pit pizza player please plus polar polaris police polo poo poohbear pookie popcorn poppy pork porsche porter power ppp predator preston primus prince princess prometheus psycho public pumpkin punkin puppy purple pyramid python q quality queen queenie quentin quest quiet quite qwe qwerty r rabbit rachel radio raider rain rainbow raistlin ralph random randy ranger raptor raquel rascal rastafarian raven raymond reality rebecca red reddog redrum remember remote reptile republic research reynold rhonda ricardo richard ricky river roadrunner rob robbie robert robin robinhood robotech rocket rocknroll rocky rodeo roger rolex roman ronald root rose rosebud rouge route roxy roy royal ruby rugby runner running russell ruthie ryan sabrina sadie sailing sailor sakura salasana sally salmon salt sam samantha sammy sampson samson samuel sandra sandy santa sapphire sarah sasha saturn savage scarecrow scarlet scarlett school scooter scorpio scott scottie scout scruffy scuba sean seattle secret security serena service seven sex shadow shalom shannon shanti shark sharon sheba sheena sheila shelby shit shithead shoe shogun short shorty shortie sidekick sierra silver simba simon simple singer skeeter ski skibum skiing skipper skippy skull skunk sky skywalker slacker slut smashing smile smiley smokey snail snailmail snake snapple sne snicker sniper snoopdog snoopy snowball snowflake snowman snowski snuffy soccer soleil sonic sonny sophie sound spanky sparky sparrow special speedy spencer sphincter spider spike spitfire spooky spring sprite spunky stacey stanley star start starter startrek starwar station stealth steeler stella stephanie stephen sterling steve steven stimpy sting stingray stinky storm stormy strawberry stuart student stupid success sugar summer sumuinen sun sunbird sundance sunflower sunny sunrise sunshine superfly superman support supra surfer susan suzanne suzuki sverige sweetie swimmer swimming swoosh sydney sylvia system t taffy tamara tammy tango tanya tara tarzan taurus taylor tbird teacher tech techno ted teddy teddybear teflon telecom temp temporal tennis teresa terminal terry test testing the theatre theboss thejudge theking theresa thomas thumper thunder thunderbird thursday thx tiger tigger time tina tinker tintin tit tities titties toby today tokyo tomcat tommy tony tootsie topgun tornado toyota tracy training travel trebor tree trek trevor tricia trident tristan trojan trout truck truman trumpet trust tucker tuesday turtle tweety tyler unicorn utopia vader vag vagina val valentine valerie valhalla vanilla vernon veronica victor victoria victory video vincent viper viral virus visa vodka voila volvo voyager wally walter warcraft warlock warren warrior water waterloo wayne weasel webster weener weiner welcome wendy wesley whatever wheel whisky whiskey wilbur william willie willow willy wilson win window windsurf winner winnie winona winston winter wisdom wizard wolf wolverine wolves wombat women womensuck womenblow woodrow woody woofwoof world wrangler wright www xanadu xavier xaybzc xcountry xfile x xxxx xxxxxx xyz y yankee yellow yoda yukon yvonne zapata zaphod zebra zenith zephyr zeppelin zeus zig zigzag zombie zorro zyx zxcvbnm zzz