Mercurial > hg > anonet-resdb
added a chan domain. changed some marc stuff. anocheck script for watching for ASN downages. draft2016-06-01, by epoch
changed some ns stuff. added ice's resources. some leftover files from playing with marc.c draft2016-02-09, by epoch
added anycast.ano contrib dir to store webroot of a website to be run behind http://anycast.ano/ draft2014-08-05, by epoch
forked to do all TLDs in resdb instead of just ano. draft2014-07-17, by epoch
check_db_safety: allow - in domain names and dns server names, escape - correctly for tr -d draft2014-04-16, by SeekingFor
Aded a little documentation for newbies, that explain a litle bit how resdb is structured. draft2014-03-10, by Query
fixed a bug where I used a literal instead of one of the user defined variables (thx mkz) draft2013-11-04, by epoch
fixed the ns.whois.ano thing... don't remember what I did to Oh well. draft2013-10-28, by epoch
Added a whoisd to make for easier querying of the resdb's info. Read the source. draft2013-08-23, by epoch
changed add_dom to not even bother with anything head -c -1 related. should still work. draft2013-05-27, by epoch
There was some werid stuff with add_dom went with what looked like the best draft2013-05-24, by epoch
epoch added his anonet ipv6 range to the db. not sure what I changed in add_dom... that's odd. draft2013-05-12, by epoch
[peer2anonet] fix for ./scripts/add_ip (also include tinydns and tinydns) draft2013-03-19, by d3v11
[contrib/peer2anonet/peer2anonet] better comment instructions for dynamic peers draft2012-10-13, by d3v11
The artist formerly known as spoonzy - now known as lucifer presents this git commit as his entry into the resdb draft2012-08-01, by lucifer
To Whom it concerns, I updated index.pod again with new tor links. Please let me know draft2011-11-11, by d3v11
peer2anonet bug(s) fixed with new /service*/<peername>/run configurations draft2011-11-03, by d3v11
added as14 for Obee, added onet.ano and NS entry for it, added ip ranges and draft2011-11-04, by Obee
SpliceX patched compiler for /path/to/Python.h and /path/to/structmember.h draft2011-10-29, by d3v11
d3v11 added irc.d3v11.ano and irc.whatis-theplan.ano with Tor links to draft2011-10-06, by d3v11
/A1/lex2> somerandomnick: BTW you can remove my clientport from a2.o if you so desire draft2011-09-16, by Nick
restored old resdb from srn and added new changes for tinydns, my git domain, and peer2anonet draft2011-07-24, by d3v11
peer2anonet: simplified client local/remote ports using asn numbers. draft2011-07-14, by d3v1150m471c
peer2anonet: added configuration on install to create env variables. see README for details. draft2011-07-13, by d3v1150m471c
peer2anonet: made some patches to script. see README file for details. draft2011-07-11, by d3v1150m471c
added peer2anonet: autoconfig tool for easily setting up peering and bgp on anonet using quicktun, bird, and daemontools draft2011-07-10, by d3v1150m471c
reverting IPv6 changes because too much new complexity and no real benefit draft2011-07-07, by Nick
Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft2011-07-06, by lex
Removing whatsmyip claim, since it will eventually be overwritten by the claims manager draft2011-07-06, by lex
Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft2011-04-17, by lex
Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft2011-04-16, by lex
Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft2011-04-02, by lex
Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft2011-04-02, by lex
Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft2011-03-29, by lex
Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft2011-03-29, by lex
Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft2011-03-29, by lex
Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft2011-03-25, by lex
Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft2011-03-25, by lex
Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft2011-03-24, by lex
Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft2011-03-21, by lex
Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft2011-03-21, by lex
Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft2011-03-19, by lex
Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft2011-03-19, by lex
Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft2011-03-18, by lex
Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft2011-03-18, by lex