Mercurial > hg > anonet-resdb
updated to generate IPv6 rDNS zone too. added ns record for volatile.ano so I could test. draft2018-09-06, by epochqwert
seeing if this change to the whoisd will make it show IP6 registrations based on username draft2018-07-22, by epochqwert
add missing cidr entry, fix abslimit's IP entry, tweak bind autogen script draft2018-07-19, by cathugger
claimed n.ano for link shortener. some minor changes to whoisd and I guess pulled a new copy of marc.db. draft2018-07-07, by epochqwert
added a chan domain. changed some marc stuff. anocheck script for watching for ASN downages. draft2016-06-01, by epoch
changed some ns stuff. added ice's resources. some leftover files from playing with marc.c draft2016-02-09, by epoch
added anycast.ano contrib dir to store webroot of a website to be run behind http://anycast.ano/ draft2014-08-05, by epoch
forked to do all TLDs in resdb instead of just ano. draft2014-07-17, by epoch
check_db_safety: allow - in domain names and dns server names, escape - correctly for tr -d draft2014-04-16, by SeekingFor