
age author description
2011-07-10 d3v1150m471c peer2anonet: draft
2011-07-10 d3v1150m471c peer2anonet changes made: draft
2011-07-10 d3v1150m471c Changed makefile to 'Makefile' in contrib/peer2anonet draft
2011-07-10 d3v1150m471c added peer2anonet: autoconfig tool for easily setting up peering and bgp on anonet using quicktun, bird, and daemontools draft
2011-07-08 Astrosmash Added astrosmash6.ano domain info draft
2011-07-08 Nick updated a2.o/links draft
2011-07-07 Nick reverting IPv6 changes because too much new complexity and no real benefit draft
2011-07-06 lex Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft
2011-07-06 lex Removing whatsmyip claim, since it will eventually be overwritten by the claims manager draft
2011-07-06 d3v1150m471c added git url as git.d3v1150m471c.ano draft
2011-07-06 d3v1150m471c added domain www.d3v1150m471c.ano to somerandomnick's nameserver draft
2011-07-06 d3v1150m471c d3v1150m471c was here draft
2011-07-06 d3v1150m471c added d3v1150m471c draft
2011-07-05 Nick updated a2.o/links draft
2011-07-03 Nick updated a2.o/darknet_comparison draft
2011-06-26 Nick added a2.o/icann draft
2011-06-24 Nick updated a2.o/darknet_comparison draft
2011-06-07 wakawaka cleaning :) draft
2011-06-06 Anonymous Coward add sirio email draft
2011-06-05 Nick updated a2.o/links draft
2011-06-05 Anonymous Coward add sirio.ano draft
2011-06-05 Anonymous Coward add sirio ip, asn and git draft
2011-06-05 Nick updated a2.o/index draft
2011-06-01 Nick updated a2.o/anonymity draft
2011-05-29 Nick a2.o/faq updates draft
2011-05-29 Nick updated a2.o/darknet_comparison draft
2011-05-24 Nick new link in a2.o draft
2011-05-24 Nick new link in a2.o draft
2011-05-23 Nick The proxies work. draft
2011-05-22 Punkbob creaton f zone draft
2011-05-22 Punkbob Creation draft
2011-05-19 Nick added anOS.ano draft
2011-05-19 Nick fixed pod format error of lex draft
2011-05-19 lex Added link to lynx.vanet.org client port draft
2011-05-11 Nick bug fix in powerfulproxy draft
2011-05-11 Nick bugfix in powerfulproxy draft
2011-05-11 Nick added host and IP verification to powerfulproxy draft
2011-05-11 Nick new version of powerfulproxy from atiti draft
2011-05-11 Nick added http://mkdopl6dniqykj2y.onion/ (powerfulproxy) draft
2011-05-10 Nick added irc3 and irc4 SRN tor services draft
2011-05-09 lex Updating faq.pod for a2.o with new IPv6 info draft
2011-04-17 lex Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft
2011-04-17 lex Merge branch 'master' of git://git1.somerandomnick.ano draft
2011-04-15 Nick Merge commit '8db5f4a188acb637d26cb779998e6a4c59dd4ce2' draft
2011-04-16 lex Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft
2011-04-15 lex Merge git:// draft
2011-04-15 vutral bla draft
2011-04-15 Obee added AS6 and range for Obee draft
2011-04-10 Obee Added Obee draft
2011-04-07 thejetset Merge branch 'master' of git://git1.somerandomnick.ano draft
2011-04-03 sevilNatas ano draft
2011-04-03 sevil sn.ano added for dns draft
2011-04-03 Nick Merge commit 'e9b57552aef580873cff3ef5e177c054986831c7' draft
2011-04-02 lex Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft
2011-04-02 lex Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft
2011-04-03 Nick Merge commit '2d2ae16579f8cddc20ce151b410501ad5af8beee' draft
2011-04-02 vutral blubb draft
2011-04-01 Nick Merge commit 'a9174299de600bba04763487767b821a638ea184' draft
2011-03-29 Anonymous Coward Just fixing a type-o. ;-) YW, Ivo. draft
2011-03-31 vutral Sponsored by early morning productions... draft
2011-03-31 vutral Modifications... As Requested... draft
2011-03-29 lex Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft
2011-03-29 lex Merge branch 'master' of git://git1.somerandomnick.ano draft
2011-03-29 lex Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft
2011-03-29 lex Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft
2011-03-28 lex Merge branch 'master' of git://git1.somerandomnick.ano draft
2011-03-28 lex Merge branch 'master' of git://git1.somerandomnick.ano draft
2011-03-26 lex Merge branch 'master' of git://git1.somerandomnick.ano draft
2011-03-25 lex Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft
2011-03-25 lex Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft
2011-03-25 lex Merge branch 'master' of git://git1.somerandomnick.ano draft
2011-03-24 lex Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft
2011-03-23 lex Merge branch 'master' of git://git1.somerandomnick.ano draft
2011-03-21 lex Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft
2011-03-21 lex Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft
2011-03-19 lex Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft
2011-03-19 lex Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft
2011-04-07 thejetset Added iface.php script draft
2011-03-29 Nick formatting fixes draft
2011-03-29 Nick Merge commit 'a9baa5de74e59b4b8a0e98b77849f1b2f6dd7fc2' draft
2011-03-29 thejetset FTFY draft
2011-03-29 Nick updated a2.o makefile for thejetset_clientport.pod draft
2011-03-29 thejetset WHY?!? FTFY draft
2011-03-29 thejetset Added myself to "your social network" draft
2011-03-29 thejetset Edited Anonet2.org to include thejetset's client port draft
2011-03-28 Nick powerfulproxy draft
2011-03-28 Nick moved sevil's IRC to the right section draft
2011-03-28 Nick a2.o updates draft
2011-03-28 sevil Merge branch 'master' of git://git1.somerandomnick.ano draft
2011-03-28 Anonymous Coward Fixed a typo. draft
2011-03-28 Anonymous Coward Added more JCS. draft
2011-03-26 Nick s/irc2.srn.ano/irc4.srn.ano/ draft
2011-03-24 Anonymous Coward Added JCS. draft
2011-03-23 Nick Merge git:// draft
2011-03-23 Lander lander.ano draft
2011-03-18 lex Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft
2011-03-18 sevil asdf draft
2011-03-18 lex Changes were automatically committed from the web interface at claims.lynx.ano draft
2011-03-11 Nick updates draft
2011-03-10 sevil glue draft
2011-03-09 Nick nuked srn nameservers for sevil's domains draft
2011-03-09 sevil Hope it floats, the concrete canoe that is... draft
2011-03-09 sevil Hope it floats. draft
2011-03-09 sevil really need to study... draft
2011-03-09 sevil gotta study... draft
2011-03-09 sevil sevilNatas's git updates (take 2) draft
2011-03-09 sevil sevilNatas's git updates draft
2011-03-08 sevil nuked kn redundancy draft
2011-03-08 sevil Merge branch 'master' of git://git1.somerandomnick.ano draft
2011-03-08 Nick Merge commit '8d7dd4b15f9687d2a7e2d980a20ea47691454d3a' draft
2011-03-08 mirsal Make my resdb entry more complete draft
2011-03-03 sevil Merge branch 'master' of git://git1.somerandomnick.ano draft
2011-03-02 Nick merged sevilNatas commit with conflicts draft
2011-03-02 sevil Merge branch 'master' of git://git1.somerandomnick.ano draft
2011-03-02 Nick Merge commit '34d7bf4c1f31a736f93a4a4541bf59f1df9b5556' draft
2011-03-02 lex Updated kwaaknet links for inside anonet draft
2011-03-02 sevil sevilIRC updates draft
2011-03-02 sevil Merge branch 'master' of git://git1.somerandomnick.ano draft
2011-03-02 Nick updates draft
2011-02-27 ben Claims related to thejetset draft
2011-03-02 sevil translator draft
2011-02-21 Nick added links to a2.o draft
2011-02-21 Nick added irc3.srn.ano to a2.o draft
2011-02-17 sevil db/usr/sevilNatas/git fixed... draft
2011-02-17 Nick Merge commit '266724473d2ec28318bcbb54a63be53856c69835' draft
2011-02-15 pragmo Merge branch 'master' of git:// draft
2011-02-13 pragmo updates draft
2011-02-17 Ivo Smits Merge branch 'master' of git:// draft
2011-02-17 lex Added new nameserver for kwaaknet.ano draft
2011-02-15 Ivo Smits Merge branch 'master' of git://git1.somerandomnick.ano draft
2011-02-15 harald Harald's git repository draft
2011-02-14 harald Merge remote branch 'origin' draft
2011-02-13 harald AS 170, for harald draft
2011-02-11 Ivo Smits Merge branch 'master' of git://git1.somerandomnick.ano draft
2011-02-11 Nick updates draft
2011-02-09 Ivo Smits Merge branch 'master' of git://git1.somerandomnick.ano draft
2011-02-09 Nick Merge commit '1e518fea98a664c11525bb198fb9fa877a5286c6' draft
2011-02-09 lex Added kwaaknet.ano domain draft
2011-02-09 Nick Merge commit '8af7b462888158650789b3db53028d5b423b8036' draft
2011-02-09 Ivo Smits Merge branch 'master' of git:// draft
2011-02-09 lex Merge git://git.sevilnatas.ano draft
2011-02-09 sevil new stuff draft
2011-02-09 lex Hopefully I have actually removed the dn42 and van stuff this time... draft
2011-02-07 pieceofpeace corrected ip for pdp.ano draft
2011-02-05 lex Deleted dn42, van NS records and IP claims draft
2011-02-03 vutral Merge branch 'master' of git:// draft
2011-02-03 Nick updates draft
2011-02-02 Ivo Smits Merge branch 'master' of git://git1.somerandomnick.ano draft
2011-02-02 Nick Egypt is back online. draft
2011-02-02 Anonymous Coward Add a very basic script which creates a git remote for each resdb user draft
2011-01-31 Anonymous Coward Register the mirz.ano domain draft
2011-01-31 Anonymous Coward Add mirsal's git repository URL to the db draft
2011-01-30 Anonymous Coward Add AS 1986 and ip network\24 registered to mirsal. draft
2011-01-29 Nick added somerandomindex draft
2011-01-28 Nick urgent appeal for help getting Egyptians online draft
2011-01-28 pieceofpeace changed git-URL to IP rathern than domain draft
2011-01-28 pieceofpeace added pieceofpeace draft
2011-01-25 root Changed pragmo.ano's NS draft
2011-01-25 root Changed pragmo's git url draft
2011-01-20 Nick Merge commit '067040d43aea5ca77f3cac9863493a04da072c2e' draft
2011-01-20 MrSmith Retrieved my old mail account, updating - MrSmith draft
2011-01-20 Nick Merge commit 'a8bcba16f484aa3678781f2e4a5ea02dc800b7d9' draft
2011-01-19 MrSmith Claiming resources - MrSmith draft
2011-01-20 Nick Merge commit '4a218446d378ae6345cdd224303d0ad2e939d51c' draft
2011-01-13 MrSmith Updating email - MrSmith draft
2011-01-13 Atiti Changed owner from Atiti to atiti draft
2011-01-13 MrSmith Added email for MrSmith draft
2011-01-13 Nick Merge git:// draft
2011-01-13 MrSmith Updated git URL for MrSmith draft
2011-01-13 Nick Merge git:// draft
2011-01-13 MrSmith Adding resources for MrSmith draft
2011-01-12 Ivo Smits Merge branch 'master' of git:// draft
2011-01-12 lex Added some more information for "lex" draft
2011-01-12 Ivo Smits Merge branch 'master' of git:// draft
2011-01-12 lex Merge branch 'master' of git:// draft
2011-01-12 Ivo Smits Merge branch 'master' of git://git1.somerandomnick.ano draft
2011-01-12 Atiti Git for Atiti draft
2011-01-12 Nick added a gitignore to quiet the untracked files warnings draft
2011-01-12 Nick Merge git:// draft
2011-01-12 Atiti Corrected stuff (Atiti) draft
2011-01-12 Ivo Smits Merge branch 'master' of git://git1.somerandomnick.ano draft
2011-01-12 Nick Revert "Added git path (Atiti)" draft
2011-01-12 Atiti Added git path (Atiti) draft
2011-01-12 root Taken search.ano (Atiti) draft
2011-01-11 Ivo Smits Added IP and ASN for atiti draft
2011-01-11 pragmo Merge branch 'master' of http://anogit.ucis.ano/ draft
2011-01-11 Ivo Smits Merge branch 'master' of git:// draft
2011-01-11 pragmo Merge branch 'master' of git:// draft
2011-01-11 brainbox Merge branch 'master' of git:// draft
2011-01-11 lex Qualifying domain names in the bind generator script now draft
2011-01-11 pragmo Merge branch 'master' of git:// draft
2011-01-11 lex Fixed 1984's nameserver from ns1.1984.ano to ns.1984.ano as per DNS configuration draft