
age author description
2018-07-19 cathugger add rDNS and ygg srv reservation draft
2018-07-19 cathugger descriptions draft
2018-07-08 epochqwert fixed git link draft
2018-07-08 epochqwert fixed stupid shebang for whoisd.pl draft
2018-07-07 epochqwert claimed n.ano for link shortener. some minor changes to whoisd and I guess pulled a new copy of marc.db. draft
2018-05-13 cathugger NSD requires absolute origin draft
2018-05-13 cathugger small tweak draft
2018-05-13 cathugger scripts/check_db_safety: don't complain so much about missing things draft
2018-05-13 abs Commiter: abs <post@abslimit.info> draft
2018-05-13 abs ????????: abs <post@abslimit.info> draft
2018-05-12 cathugger a bit more alignment for bind tld zonefile generation draft
2018-01-18 cathugger something useless draft
2017-11-17 cathugger rewrite bind tld zonefile generators draft
2017-03-21 epoch added a small tweak to whoisd to show current commit of resdb in whoisd. added and change angelica's resources. draft
2017-03-10 cathugger tweak update-git-remotes script draft
2017-03-10 cathugger separate domain for git draft
2017-03-10 cathugger add IPv6 and git addresses draft
2017-03-10 cathugger small ns address fix draft
2017-03-10 cathugger add muh nameserver, some script tweaks draft
2017-03-10 epoch torrent.ano got their own DNS server. draft
2017-03-10 cathugger use UTC for dates, 1->21 draft
2017-03-09 epoch updated the bind_tld_zonefile_all.sh for draft
2017-03-09 epoch LOTS of shit. draft
2017-02-19 epoch added cathugger's IP and ASN and epoch's second ASN draft
2017-02-19 epoch made a couple error messages more informative draft
2016-06-01 epoch added a chan domain. changed some marc stuff. anocheck script for watching for ASN downages. draft
2016-02-09 epoch changed some ns stuff. added ice's resources. some leftover files from playing with marc.c draft
2015-10-22 Ivo Smits Merge git:// draft
2015-07-12 epoch added ipv6 support to epoch.ano, whois.ano. added zeronet.ano. draft
2015-07-06 epoch updated them to have no out-of-zone data. draft
2015-04-02 epoch added AS190's shit draft
2014-12-03 epoch murder. no, not really. draft
2015-10-18 Ivo Smits Updated DNS servers for UCIS.ano draft
2014-10-14 epoch hey, pgp key! don't remember what I changed in whoisd.pl draft
2014-09-25 root Hello, world! draft
2014-08-11 Anonymous Coward new domain: gate.ano draft
2014-08-05 epoch added anycast.ano contrib dir to store webroot of a website to be run behind http://anycast.ano/ draft
2014-08-03 epoch added stuff for playing with anycast. :) draft
2014-08-01 epoch ;) draft
2014-07-23 epoch changed location of resdb git repo. draft
2014-07-17 epoch oopsed on configure. undid that. draft
2014-07-17 epoch forked bind_told_zonefile.sh to do all TLDs in resdb instead of just ano. draft
2014-07-17 epoch added a vanity domain.. err. I mean a domain for an ntp daemon. draft
2014-07-08 SeekingFor add forum.ano draft
2014-05-28 SeekingFor add new IP range for yupyup draft
2014-04-16 SeekingFor check_db_safety: allow - in domain names and dns server names, escape - correctly for tr -d draft
2014-03-17 Ivo Smits Merge git:// draft
2014-03-17 epoch cleaned up some old files. draft
2014-03-17 epoch Merge branch 'master' of git:// draft
2014-03-10 Ivo Smits Merge git://git.sfor.ano/resdb draft
2014-03-10 Query Aded a little documentation for newbies, that explain a litle bit how resdb is structured. draft
2014-03-10 Ivo Smits Merge git:// draft
2014-03-10 epoch added some of abuse's stuff draft
2014-03-09 Query Fixed ns for my domain. draft
2014-03-07 Query Hello, people. draft
2014-01-19 SeekingFor add tinc peering range draft
2013-12-20 SeekingFor Merge branch 'master' of git://git.sfor.ano/resdb draft
2013-12-20 SeekingFor AS 148 draft
2013-12-20 SeekingFor i2p.ano and onion.ano gateway IP address space draft
2013-11-06 SeekingFor Merge branch 'master' of git:// draft
2013-11-06 epoch forgot in one place. >_> draft
2013-11-06 SeekingFor Merge branch 'master' of git:// draft
2013-11-06 epoch fixed my nameserver namings. maybe I'll stick with these. draft
2013-11-04 epoch fixed a bug where I used a literal instead of one of the user defined variables (thx mkz) draft
2013-11-01 SeekingFor Merge git:// draft
2013-11-01 epoch Added mkz to anonet and as many of the needed files as I could think of. draft
2013-10-30 SeekingFor allow ipv6 addresses as nameserver draft
2013-10-30 SeekingFor Merge git:// draft
2013-10-28 epoch fixed the ns.whois.ano thing... don't remember what I did to whoisd.pl. Oh well. draft
2013-10-26 ntma Merge git:// draft
2013-10-06 epoch found a bug when sending just '.'... wasn't good. draft
2013-10-06 epoch forgot a newline draft
2013-10-06 epoch added whois.ano ofc. draft
2013-10-06 epoch whoisd... don't remember. draft
2013-08-22 ntma Merge git:// draft
2013-08-23 SeekingFor Merge git:// draft
2013-08-23 epoch Merge branch 'master' of git:// draft
2013-08-22 SeekingFor Merge git:// draft
2013-08-23 epoch fixed another bug in whoisd draft
2013-08-23 epoch updated whoid draft
2013-08-23 epoch Added a whoisd to make for easier querying of the resdb's info. Read the source. draft
2013-08-22 SeekingFor Merge git:// draft
2013-08-22 Krane added domain draft
2013-06-02 spoofsec Merge branch 'master' of git:// draft
2013-08-02 ntma Krane draft
2013-07-18 yusyus added yusyus's stuff draft
2013-06-25 SeekingFor Merge git://git.talamon.ano draft
2013-06-25 ntma client port and peering subnet draft
2013-06-02 icann Merge branch 'master' of git:// draft
2013-06-02 SeekingFor Merge git:// draft
2013-06-02 Food Added my domain draft
2013-05-27 epoch changed add_dom to not even bother with anything head -c -1 related. should still work. draft
2013-05-24 epoch There was some werid stuff with add_dom went with what looked like the best draft
2013-05-18 Anonymous Coward drugs.ano draft
2013-05-18 Anonymous Coward pcp.drugs draft
2013-05-18 Anonymous Coward add_dom bugfix draft
2013-05-12 epoch epoch added his anonet ipv6 range to the db. not sure what I changed in add_dom... that's odd. draft
2013-05-16 Anonymous Coward onion.ano reverse proxy draft
2013-05-16 Anonymous Coward AS 149 draft
2013-05-15 SeekingFor new dns server draft
2013-05-03 SeekingFor Merge http://anogit.ucis.ano/ draft
2013-05-03 Ivo Smits Fixed bgp_graph readme.txt draft
2013-05-03 Anonymous Coward Merge /package/resdb draft
2013-04-24 Anonymous Coward xmpp draft
2013-05-02 Ivo Smits Added domain ip4.ano for IPv6-to-IPv4 gateway draft
2013-05-02 Ivo Smits Replaced broken nameserver ns.lynx.ano for ucis.ano and kwaaknet.ano draft
2013-04-16 d3v11 [configure] fixes draft
2013-04-16 chisquare this is a commit draft
2013-04-09 ntma reverse dns draft
2013-04-09 ntma gaybar.ano torrent tracker draft
2013-04-08 ntma no as for clientport draft
2013-04-08 ntma client port as/subnet claim draft