
age author description
2010-09-14 Nick still getting used to the new toolchain draft
2010-09-14 Nick one last update for index.pod draft
2010-09-14 Nick completed index.pod update to take advantage of pod2xhtml draft
2010-09-14 Nick more experiments with hyperlinks draft
2010-09-14 Nick trying some more hyperlink tricks draft
2010-09-14 Nick Oops, you have to get the syntax right if you're hoping for it to work. draft
2010-09-14 Nick Apparently, an underscore doesn't work, either. draft
2010-09-14 Nick Apparently, spaces in the name don't work. draft
2010-09-14 Nick trying pod2xhtml instead of pod2html (for named links) draft
2010-09-13 pragmo changed IP ofr pragmo.ano's dns draft
2010-09-12 pragmo deleted old NS. draft
2010-09-09 pragmo Merge branch 'master' of git://git1.somerandomnick.ano draft
2010-09-08 Nick removed parens around note (thanks anonno) draft
2010-09-08 Nick moved intro to separate page draft
2010-09-08 wakawaka fix wakawaka asn draft
2010-09-08 Nick fixed spelling error in a2.o draft
2010-09-08 Nick updated a2.o on suggestions from anonno draft
2010-09-06 wakawaka fix some wakawaka personal info draft
2010-09-06 wakawaka update wakawaka as draft
2010-09-09 pragmo reserved as890 draft
2010-08-31 Nick Merge git:// draft
2010-08-31 Pythagoras The ol' one-character commit: forgot a trailing slash draft
2010-08-31 Nick Merge git:// draft
2010-08-31 Pythagoras Added git service for pythagoras draft
2010-08-31 Pythagoras added AS and IP range for pythagoras draft
2010-08-29 Nick Revert "Added atomictorrent repo, and added multirepo support for pragmo:" draft
2010-08-29 pragmo typ0 draft
2010-08-24 Nick Merge git://pragmo.ano draft
2010-08-24 pragmo Added atomictorrent repo, and added multirepo support for pragmo: draft
2010-08-23 Nick corrected factual error about VAnet DNS (thanks Borg) draft
2010-08-19 Nick Merge git:// draft
2010-08-19 Federico Cossu Committer: DarkF draft
2010-08-19 Nick Merge git:// draft
2010-08-19 Federico Cossu Committer: DarkF draft
2010-08-19 Nick more links for a2.o draft
2010-08-18 Nick some updates to a2.o draft
2010-08-15 Nick added some links to the "anonymity" page draft
2010-08-15 Nick added "anonymity" section to a2.o draft
2010-08-13 Nick added a "see also" section to a2.o draft
2010-08-13 Nick Merge git:// draft
2010-08-13 wakawaka fix some errors draft
2010-08-13 Nick finally fixed a bug in SRN's DNS (thank UFO for constantly reminding me) draft
2010-08-13 wakawaka first wakawaka setup draft
2010-08-10 root anged ip in home page draft
2010-08-10 pragmo changing ns draft
2010-08-10 pragmo Changing ns draft
2010-08-10 pragmo Merge branch 'master' of git://git1.somerandomnick.ano draft
2010-08-09 Nick added quintum's git URL draft
2010-08-10 pragmo added a new ASN and subclass draft
2010-08-09 Gaius Marius Quintum Agmen Announcing hosting of resdb draft
2010-08-08 Gaius Marius Quintum Agmen claiming asn 5000 and 1.0.18/24 draft
2010-08-08 Nick added darknet comparison page into POD makefile draft
2010-08-08 Nick added links to the darknet comparison page draft
2010-08-08 Nick added more FAQs and a darknet comparison draft
2010-08-05 pragmo Cronix git ip updated in index.html draft
2010-08-05 pragmo typo in index.html draft
2010-08-05 pragmo IRCD address updated draft
2010-08-05 pragmo Added a reserved C-class subnet that we can use as peer range. draft
2010-08-05 pragmo scripts/nameserver_autogen/dnsmasq_tld_conffile now write also revDNS nameservers draft
2010-08-05 pragmo Modification of scripts/nameserver_autogen/dnsmasq_tld_conffile draft