
age author description
2013-05-03 SeekingFor Merge http://anogit.ucis.ano/ draft
2013-05-03 Ivo Smits Fixed bgp_graph readme.txt draft
2013-05-03 Anonymous Coward Merge /package/resdb draft
2013-04-24 Anonymous Coward xmpp draft
2013-05-02 Ivo Smits Added domain ip4.ano for IPv6-to-IPv4 gateway draft
2013-05-02 Ivo Smits Replaced broken nameserver ns.lynx.ano for ucis.ano and kwaaknet.ano draft
2013-04-16 d3v11 [configure] fixes draft
2013-04-16 chisquare this is a commit draft
2013-04-09 ntma reverse dns draft
2013-04-09 ntma gaybar.ano torrent tracker draft
2013-04-08 ntma no as for clientport draft
2013-04-08 ntma client port as/subnet claim draft
2013-04-07 ntma samuel l jackson superiority draft
2013-04-07 Anonymous Coward UDPMSG4 CLEANUP draft
2013-03-26 SeekingFor new domains draft
2013-03-25 epoch domain stuff draft
2013-03-25 SeekingFor Merge git:// draft
2013-03-24 epoch epoch added as 4141 and CIDR draft
2013-03-24 d3v11 icann draft
2013-03-24 d3v11 icann draft
2013-03-24 d3v11 [freeanons.ano] delegated to a.ns.lulzprincess.ano draft
2013-03-24 d3v11 Merge branch 'master' of git:// draft
2013-03-22 lulzPrincess lulzprincess (initial commit) draft
2013-03-23 SeekingFor pirate bay proxy draft