1 <?php |
2 if (!function_exists('hex2bin')) { function hex2bin($h) { return pack("H*", $h); } } |
3 |
4 class MARCUpdate implements ArrayAccess { |
5 private $_version, $_key, $_serial, $_label, $_extensions, $_value = FALSE, $_valueoffset = -1, $_message, $_tags = array(); |
6 public function __get($name) { |
7 switch (strtolower($name)) { |
8 case 'version': return $this->_version; |
9 case 'key': return $this->_key; |
10 case 'serial': return $this->_serial; |
11 case 'label': return $this->_label; |
12 case 'expiration': return (isset($this->_extensions[4]) && strlen($this->_extensions[4]) >= 4) ? marc_decode_int32be($this->_extensions[4]) : NULL; |
13 case 'transfer': return isset($this->_extensions[1]) ? $this->_extensions[1] : NULL; |
14 case 'value': |
15 if ($this->_value === FALSE) $this->_value = self::DecodeValue($this->_message, $this->_valueoffset); |
16 return $this->_value; |
17 case 'updatemessage': return $this->_message; |
18 case 'tags': return $this->_tags; break; |
19 default: throw new Exception('Property '.$name.' does not exist'); |
20 } |
21 } |
22 public function __set($name, $value) { |
23 switch (strtolower($name)) { |
24 case 'version': case 'key': case 'serial': case 'label': case 'value': case 'expiration': case 'transfer': case 'updatemessage': case 'tags': throw new Exception('Property '.$name.' is read only'); |
25 default: throw new Exception('Property '.$name.' does not exist or is read-only'); |
26 } |
27 } |
28 public function __isset($name) { |
29 switch (strtolower($name)) { |
30 case 'version': case 'key': case 'serial': case 'label': case 'value': case 'updatemessage': case 'tags': return TRUE; |
31 case 'expiration': return isset($this->_extensions[4]); |
32 case 'transfer': return isset($this->_extensions[1]); |
33 default: return FALSE; |
34 } |
35 } |
36 public function __unset($name) { |
37 switch (strtolower($name)) { |
38 case 'version': case 'key': case 'serial': case 'label': case 'value': case 'expiration': case 'transfer': case 'updatemessage': case 'tags': throw new Exception('Property '.$name.' is read only'); |
39 default: throw new Exception('Property '.$name.' does not exist'); |
40 } |
41 } |
42 public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { $this->__set($offset, $value); } |
43 public function offsetExists($offset) { return $this->__isset($offset); } |
44 public function offsetUnset($offset) { $this->__unset($offset); } |
45 public function offsetGet($offset) { return $this->__get($offset); } |
46 |
47 private function __construct() { } |
48 public static function Decode($data) { |
49 $upd = new MARCUpdate(); |
50 $upd->_message = $data; |
51 if (strlen($data) < 1 + NACL_CRYPTO_SIGN_ed25519_PUBLICKEYBYTES) return FALSE; |
52 $upd->_version = ord($data[0]); |
53 if ($upd->_version != 2) return FALSE; |
54 $upd->_key = substr($data, 1, NACL_CRYPTO_SIGN_ed25519_PUBLICKEYBYTES); |
55 $i = NACL_CRYPTO_SIGN_ed25519_PUBLICKEYBYTES + 64 + 1; |
56 $l = strlen($data); |
57 if (!$l || $l < $i+4+1+1) return FALSE; |
58 $upd->_serial = marc_decode_int32be($data, $i); $i += 4; |
59 $labellen = ord($data[$i++]); |
60 if ($l < $i+$labellen+4) return FALSE; |
61 $upd->_label = substr($data, $i, $labellen); $i += $labellen; |
62 $upd->_extensions = array(); |
63 for ($numext = ord($data[$i++]); $numext > 0; $numext--) { |
64 if ($l < $i+1+2) return FALSE; |
65 $extid = ord($data[$i++]); |
66 $extlen = marc_decode_int16be($data, $i); $i += 2; |
67 if ($l < $i + $extlen) return FALSE; |
68 $upd->_extensions[$extid] = substr($data, $i, $extlen); |
69 $i += $extlen; |
70 } |
71 $upd->_valueoffset = $i; |
72 return $upd; |
73 } |
74 public function Verify() { |
75 $data = $this->_message; |
76 if (strlen($data) < 1 + NACL_CRYPTO_SIGN_ed25519_PUBLICKEYBYTES) return FALSE; |
77 $version = ord($data[0]); |
78 if ($version != 2) return FALSE; |
79 $key = substr($data, 1, NACL_CRYPTO_SIGN_ed25519_PUBLICKEYBYTES); |
80 $data = substr($data, NACL_CRYPTO_SIGN_ed25519_PUBLICKEYBYTES + 1); |
81 $data = nacl_crypto_sign_ed25519_open($data, $key); |
82 return $data !== NULL && $data !== FALSE; |
83 } |
84 public function Create($upd, $seckey, $current = NULL) { |
85 if (strlen($seckey) == 32) nacl_crypto_sign_ed25519_keypair($seckey, $seckey); |
86 if (strlen($seckey) < 64) throw new Exception('Signing key is not valid'); |
87 if (!isset($upd['key'])) $upd['key'] = substr($seckey, 32, 32); |
88 if ($upd['key'] != substr($seckey, 32, 32)) throw new Exception('Resource key is not valid'); |
89 if (!isset($upd['label'])) throw new Exception('Resource label not set'); |
90 if (strlen($upd['label']) > 255) throw new Exception('Resource label too long'); |
91 if (!isset($upd['serial'])) $upd['serial'] = time(); |
92 if ($current) { |
93 if ($upd['serial'] <= $current['serial']) $upd['serial'] = $current['serial'] + 1; |
94 if (!self::CanImport($upd, $current)) throw new Exception('Can not update resource'); |
95 } |
96 if (isset($upd['transfer']) && (strlen($upd['transfer']) != 0 && strlen($upd['transfer']) != NACL_CRYPTO_SIGN_ed25519_PUBLICKEYBYTES)) throw new Exception('Transfer recipient key is not valid'); |
97 $data = marc_encode_int32be($upd['serial']); |
98 $data .= chr(strlen($upd['label'])).$upd['label']; |
99 $value = array(); |
100 if (isset($upd->_extensions)) foreach ($upd->_extensions as $identifier => $item) $value[$identifier] = $item; |
101 if (isset($upd['transfer'])) $value[1] = $upd['transfer']; |
102 if (isset($upd['expiration'])) $value[4] = marc_encode_int32be($upd['expiration']); |
103 if (count($value) > 0xff) throw new Exception('Too many extensions used'); |
104 $data .= chr(count($value)); |
105 foreach ($value as $identifier => $item) { |
106 $item = (string)$item; |
107 if (strlen($item) > 0xffff) throw new Exception('Extension data too big'); |
108 $data .= chr($identifier).marc_encode_int16be(strlen($item)).$item; |
109 } |
110 if (isset($upd['value'])) $data .= self::EncodeValue($upd['value']); |
111 $data = nacl_crypto_sign_ed25519($data, $seckey); |
112 if (!strlen($data)) throw new Exception('Failed to sign data'); |
113 if (!strlen(nacl_crypto_sign_ed25519_open($data, $upd['key']))) throw new Exception('Key pair is not valid'); |
114 $data = chr(2).$upd['key'].$data; |
115 return self::Decode($data); |
116 } |
117 public function ToArray() { |
118 $arr = array('version' => $this->version, 'key' => $this->key, 'serial' => $this->serial, 'label' => $this->label, 'value' => $this->value); |
119 if (isset($this->expiration)) $arr['expiration'] = $this->expiration; |
120 if (isset($this->transfer)) $arr['transfer'] = $this->transfer; |
121 return $arr; |
122 } |
123 |
124 private static function EncodeValue($data) { |
125 if (is_null($data)) { |
126 return chr(0); |
127 } else if (is_scalar($data)) { |
128 return chr(1).(string)$data; |
129 } else if (is_array($data)) { |
130 $iscollection = TRUE; |
131 foreach ($data as $key => $value) if (!is_int($key) || $key < 0) $iscollection = FALSE; |
132 $ret = $iscollection ? chr(2) : chr(3); |
133 foreach ($data as $key => $value) { |
134 if (!$iscollection) { |
135 if (strlen($key) > 0xff) throw new Exception('Dictionary key is too long'); |
136 $ret .= chr(strlen($key)).$key; |
137 } |
138 $bytes = self::EncodeValue($value); |
139 $ret .= marc_encode_int32be(strlen($bytes)).$bytes; |
140 } |
141 return $ret; |
142 } else { |
143 throw new Exception('Unable to encode type '.gettype($data)); |
144 } |
145 } |
146 private static function DecodeValue($data, $offset = 0, $length = -1) { |
147 if ($length == -1) $length = strlen($data) - $offset; |
148 if ($length < 0) throw new Exception('Truncated'); |
149 if ($length == 0) return NULL; |
150 $type = ord($data[$offset]); $offset++; $length--; |
151 switch ($type) { |
152 case 0: return NULL; |
153 case 1: return substr($data, $offset, $length); |
154 case 2: |
155 $value = array(); |
156 while ($length > 0) { |
157 if (4 > $length) throw new Exception('Truncated'); |
158 $len = marc_decode_int32be($data, $offset); $offset += 4; $length -= 4; |
159 if ($len > $length) throw new Exception('Truncated'); |
160 $value[] = self::DecodeValue($data, $offset, $len); $offset += $len; $length -= $len; |
161 } |
162 return $value; |
163 case 3: |
164 $value = array(); |
165 while ($length > 0) { |
166 if (1 > $length) throw new Exception('Truncated'); |
167 $len = ord($data[$offset]); $offset++; $length--; |
168 if ($len + 4 > $length) throw new Exception('Truncated'); |
169 $key = substr($data, $offset, $len); $offset += $len; $length -= $len; |
170 $len = marc_decode_int32be($data, $offset); $offset += 4; $length -= 4; |
171 if ($len > $length) throw new Exception('Truncated'); |
172 $value[$key] = self::DecodeValue($data, $offset, $len); $offset += $len; $length -= $len; |
173 } |
174 return $value; |
175 default: throw new Exception('Unsupported type code '.$type); |
176 } |
177 } |
178 public static function CanImport($nw, $cu = NULL) { |
179 if (!$nw || !isset($nw['label'])) return FALSE; |
180 if ($cu) { |
181 if ($nw['label'] != $cu['label']) return FALSE; |
182 if ($cu['serial'] >= $nw['serial']) return FALSE; |
183 if ($cu['key'] == $nw['key']) return TRUE; |
184 if (isset($cu['expiration']) && $cu['expiration'] < time()) return TRUE; |
185 if ($cu['serial'] < time() - 365*24*60*60) return TRUE; |
186 if (isset($cu['transfer']) && (!strlen($cu['transfer']) || $cu['transfer'] == $nw['key'])) return TRUE; |
187 return FALSE; |
188 } else { |
189 if ($nw['serial'] < time() - 365*24*60*60) return FALSE; |
190 if (isset($nw['expiration']) && $nw['expiration'] < time()) return FALSE; |
191 } |
192 return TRUE; |
193 } |
194 } |
195 abstract class MARCDatabase { |
196 private $_importResourceFilterCallbacks = array(), $_importResourceCallbacks = array(); |
197 public abstract function GetResource($label); |
198 protected abstract function ImportInternal($resource); |
199 public abstract function GetResources($labelprefix = NULL, $mints = NULL); |
200 public abstract function DeleteResource($label); |
201 public function Import($resource, $force = FALSE) { |
202 if (is_string($resource)) $resource = MARCUpdate::Decode($resource); |
203 if (!$resource) return FALSE; |
204 $current = $this->GetResource($resource['label']); |
205 if (!$force) foreach ($this->_importResourceFilterCallbacks as $callback) if (!call_user_func($callback, $this, $resource, $current)) return FALSE; |
206 if (!$force && !MARCUpdate::CanImport($resource, $current)) return FALSE; |
207 if (!$resource->Verify()) return FALSE; |
208 if (!$this->ImportInternal($resource)) return FALSE; |
209 $this->ResourceImported($resource); |
210 return $resource; |
211 } |
212 public function UpdateResource($resource, $seckey, $force = FALSE) { |
213 $res = MARCUpdate::Create($resource, $seckey, $force ? NULL : $this->GetResource($resource['label'])); |
214 if (!$res) return FALSE; |
215 return $this->Import($res, $force); |
216 } |
217 protected function CanImportResource(&$resource, $force = FALSE) { |
218 if (is_string($resource)) $resource = MARCUpdate::Decode($resource); |
219 if (!$resource) return FALSE; |
220 $current = $this->GetResource($resource['label']); |
221 if (!$force) foreach ($this->_importResourceFilterCallbacks as $callback) if (!call_user_func($callback, $this, $resource, $current)) return FALSE; |
222 if (!$force && !MARCUpdate::CanImport($resource, $current)) return FALSE; |
223 if (!$resource->Verify()) return FALSE; |
224 return TRUE; |
225 } |
226 protected function ResourceImported($resource) { |
227 foreach ($this->_importResourceCallbacks as $callback) call_user_func($callback, $this, $resource); |
228 } |
229 public function RegisterResourceFilterCallback($callback) { |
230 $this->_importResourceFilterCallbacks[] = $callback; |
231 } |
232 public function RegisterResourceImportCallback($callback) { |
233 $this->_importResourceCallbacks[] = $callback; |
234 } |
235 public function SyncHTTP($server, $options = array()) { |
236 $log = isset($options['log']) ? $options['log'] : TRUE; |
237 $result = array(); |
238 $method = isset($options['method']) ? $options['method'] : 'PUT'; |
239 if ($method != 'POST' && $method != 'PUT' && $method != 'GET') throw new Exception('Unsupported method '.$method); |
240 $result['exported'] = 0; |
241 $post = NULL; |
242 if ($method != 'GET' && (!isset($options['noexport']) || !$options['noexport'])) { |
243 $post = $method == 'POST' ? array() : ''; |
244 $updates = $this->GetResources(NULL, isset($options['exporttimestamp']) ? $options['exporttimestamp'] : NULL); |
245 foreach ($updates as $update) { |
246 if (!is_string($update)) $update = $update['updatemessage']; |
247 if ($method == 'PUT') { |
248 $post .= marc_encode_int32be(strlen($update)).$update; |
249 } else { |
250 $post[] = 'update[]='.urlencode($update); |
251 } |
252 $result['exported']++; |
253 } |
254 $updates = NULL; |
255 if ($method == 'POST') $post = implode('&', $post); |
256 } |
257 if ($log) echo "Sending ".strlen($post)." bytes... "; |
258 $result['bytessent'] = strlen($post); |
259 $ch = curl_init(); |
260 $timestamp = isset($options['importtimestamp']) ? intval($options['importtimestamp']) : 0; |
261 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $server.'?version=3&get='.$timestamp); |
262 if ($method == 'PUT') curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PUT"); |
263 else if ($method == 'POST') curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE); |
264 if ($post != NULL) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post); |
265 $post = NULL; |
266 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); |
267 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10); |
268 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60); |
269 $response = curl_exec($ch); |
270 if ($response === FALSE) throw new Exception('HTTP request failed'); |
271 if ($log) echo "received ".strlen($response)." bytes.\n"; |
272 $result['bytesreceived'] = strlen($response); |
273 if (($httpcode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE)) != 200) throw new Exception('Received unexpected HTTP code '.$httpcode.' - '.(strlen($response)?var_export($response,TRUE):'')); |
274 if (($contenttype = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE)) != 'application/octet-stream') throw new Exception('Received unexpected content type '.$contenttype.' - '.(strlen($response)?var_export($response,TRUE):'')); |
275 curl_close($ch); |
276 $i = 0; |
277 if ($i + 2 > strlen($response)) throw new Exception('Data has been truncated'); |
278 $version = ord($response[$i++]); |
279 if ($version != 3) throw new Exception('Unsupported protocol version '.$version); |
280 for ($numext = ord($response[$i++]); $numext > 0; $numext--) { |
281 if ($i + 3 > strlen($response)) throw new Exception('Truncated'); |
282 $extid = ord($response[$i++]); |
283 $extlen = marc_decode_int16be($response, $i); $i += 2; |
284 if ($i + $extlen > strlen($response)) throw new Exception('Truncated'); |
285 switch ($extid) { |
286 case 2: |
287 if ($extlen >= 4 * 3) { |
288 $result['remotereceived'] = marc_decode_int32be($response, $i + 0); |
289 $result['remoteimported'] = marc_decode_int32be($response, $i + 4); |
290 $result['remoteexported'] = marc_decode_int32be($response, $i + 8); |
291 } |
292 break; |
293 case 3: if ($extlen >= 4) $result['importtimestamp'] = marc_decode_int32be($response, $i); break; |
294 } |
295 $i += $extlen; |
296 } |
297 if ($log) echo "Exported ".$result['exported']." updates of which ".(isset($result['remoteimported']) ? $result['remoteimported'] : 'none')." were imported.\n"; |
298 $result['updates'] = array(); |
299 $result['imported'] = 0; |
300 $result['updatesreceived'] = 0; |
301 while ($i < strlen($response)) { |
302 if ($i + 4 > strlen($response)) throw new Exception('Truncated'); |
303 $len = marc_decode_int32be($response, $i); $i += 4; |
304 if ($i + $len > strlen($response)) throw new Exception('Truncated'); |
305 $result['updatesreceived']++; |
306 $value = substr($response, $i, $len); $i += $len; |
307 $res = MARCUpdate::Decode($value); |
308 $result['updates'][] = $res; |
309 if (!$this->Import($value)) continue; |
310 $result['imported']++; |
311 } |
312 if ($log) echo "Imported ".$result['imported']." out of ".$result['updatesreceived']." updates.\n"; |
313 return $result; |
314 } |
315 } |
316 class MARCDatabaseFlatFile extends MARCDatabase { |
317 private $dbfile = NULL; |
318 private $resources = array(); |
319 private $changed = FALSE; |
320 public function GetResource($label) { |
321 if (!isset($this->resources[$label])) return NULL; |
322 return $this->resources[$label]['update']; |
323 } |
324 public function DeleteResource($label) { |
325 if (!isset($this->resources[$label])) return FALSE; |
326 unset($this->resources[$label]); |
327 $this->changed = TRUE; |
328 return TRUE; |
329 } |
330 protected function ImportInternal($update) { |
331 $this->resources[$update['label']] = array('timestamp' => time(), 'update' => $update); |
332 $this->changed = TRUE; |
333 return TRUE; |
334 } |
335 public function GetResources($labelprefix = NULL, $mints = NULL) { |
336 return new MARCDatabaseFlatFileFilteredResourceIterator(new ArrayIterator($this->resources), $labelprefix, $mints); |
337 } |
338 public function __construct($filename = FALSE) { |
339 if ($filename) $this->Open($filename); |
340 } |
341 private function OpenFile($filename) { |
342 $this->Close(); |
343 $this->dbfile = fopen($filename, 'c+'); |
344 if (!$this->dbfile) throw new Exception('Could not open database file'); |
345 if (!flock($this->dbfile, LOCK_EX)) throw new Exception('Could not lock database file'); |
346 } |
347 public function Open($filename) { |
348 $this->OpenFile($filename); |
349 $this->resources = array(); |
350 $this->changed = FALSE; |
351 rewind($this->dbfile); |
352 while (true) { |
353 $data = fread($this->dbfile, 8); |
354 if (strlen($data) == 0) break; |
355 if (strlen($data) != 8) throw new Exception('Database truncated'); |
356 $ts = marc_decode_int32be($data, 0); |
357 $len = marc_decode_int32be($data, 4); |
358 $data = fread($this->dbfile, $len); |
359 if (strlen($data) != $len) throw new Exception('Database truncated'); |
360 $res = MARCUpdate::Decode($data); |
361 if (!$res) continue; |
362 $this->resources[$res['label']] = array('timestamp' => $ts, 'update' => $res); |
363 } |
364 } |
365 public function Save() { |
366 if (!$this->dbfile) throw new Exception('No database file is open'); |
367 rewind($this->dbfile); |
368 ftruncate($this->dbfile, 0); |
369 foreach ($this->resources as $res) { |
370 fwrite($this->dbfile, marc_encode_int32be($res['timestamp'])); |
371 $u = (string)$res['update']['updatemessage']; |
372 fwrite($this->dbfile, marc_encode_int32be(strlen($u))); |
373 fwrite($this->dbfile, $u); |
374 } |
375 $this->changed = FALSE; |
376 } |
377 public function SaveAs($filename) { |
378 $this->OpenFile($filename); |
379 $this->Save(); |
380 } |
381 public function Close() { |
382 if ($this->dbfile) { |
383 flock($this->dbfile, LOCK_UN); |
384 fclose($this->dbfile); |
385 $this->dbfile = NULL; |
386 } |
387 } |
388 public function IsChanged() { |
389 return $this->changed; |
390 } |
391 } |
392 class MARCDatabaseFlatFileFilteredResourceIterator implements Iterator { |
393 private $source, $labelprefixlength, $labelprefix, $mints; |
394 public function __construct($source, $labelprefix, $mints) { |
395 $this->source = $source; |
396 $this->labelprefixlength = is_null($labelprefix) ? 0 : strlen($labelprefix); |
397 $this->labelprefix = $labelprefix; |
398 $this->mints = intval($mints); |
399 } |
400 public function current() { $r = $this->source->current(); return $r ? $r['update'] : NULL; } |
401 public function key() { return $this->source->key(); } |
402 public function valid() { return $this->source->valid(); } |
403 public function next() { $this->source->next(); $this->findnext(); } |
404 public function rewind() { $this->source->rewind(); $this->findnext(); } |
405 private function findnext() { |
406 while ($this->source->valid()) { |
407 $c = $this->source->current(); |
408 if ($c['timestamp'] >= $this->mints && (!$this->labelprefixlength || substr($c['update']['label'], 0, $this->labelprefixlength) == $this->labelprefix)) break; |
409 $this->source->next(); |
410 } |
411 } |
412 } |
413 class MARCDatabaseSQLite extends MARCDatabase { |
414 private $pdo = NULL; |
415 protected function DBPrepareStatement($query, $args = NULL) { |
416 $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare($query); |
417 if (!is_array($args) && !is_null($args)) $args = array($args); |
418 $stmt->execute($args); |
419 return $stmt; |
420 } |
421 private function DBUpdate($query, $args = NULL) { |
422 $stmt = $this->DBPrepareStatement($query, $args); |
423 $cnt = $stmt->rowCount(); |
424 $stmt->closeCursor(); |
425 return $cnt; |
426 } |
427 public function __construct($filename) { |
428 $this->pdo = new PDO('sqlite:'.$filename); |
429 $this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); |
430 $this->DBUpdate('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `resources` (`timestamp` INTEGER, `label` BLOB PRIMARY KEY, `update` BLOB)'); |
431 } |
432 public function GetResource($label) { |
433 $stmt = $this->DBPrepareStatement('SELECT `update` FROM `resources` WHERE `label` = ?', $label); |
434 $res = $stmt->fetchColumn(); |
435 $stmt->closeCursor(); |
436 if ($res === FALSE) return NULL; |
437 return MARCUpdate::Decode($res); |
438 } |
439 public function DeleteResource($label) { |
440 return $this->DBUpdate('DELETE FROM `resources` WHERE `label` = ?', $label) != 0; |
441 } |
442 protected function ImportInternal($update) { |
443 $args = array('d' => $update['updatemessage'], 't' => time(), 'l' => $update['label']); |
444 if ($this->DBUpdate('UPDATE `resources` SET `update` = :d, `timestamp` = :t WHERE `label` = :l', $args) == 0) |
445 $this->DBUpdate('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO `resources` (`label`, `update`, `timestamp`) VALUES (:l, :d, :t)', $args); |
446 return TRUE; |
447 } |
448 public function GetResources($labelprefix = NULL, $mints = NULL) { |
449 $labelprefix = is_null($labelprefix) ? '' : (string)$labelprefix; |
450 return $this->GetResourcesFromQuery('SELECT `update` FROM `resources` WHERE `timestamp` >= ? AND SUBSTR(`label`, 1, ?) = ? ORDER BY `label`', array(intval($mints), strlen($labelprefix), $labelprefix)); |
451 } |
452 public function GetResourcesFromQuery($query, $args = NULL) { |
453 return $this->GetResourcesFromStatement($this->DBPrepareStatement($query, $args)); |
454 } |
455 public function GetResourcesFromStatement($statement) { |
456 return new MARCDatabaseSQLiteResourceIterator($statement); |
457 } |
458 public function IsChanged() { |
459 return FALSE; |
460 } |
461 public function Close() { |
462 } |
463 } |
464 class MARCDatabaseSQLiteResourceIterator implements Iterator { |
465 private $source, $current = FALSE; |
466 public function __construct($source) { $this->source = $source; } |
467 public function current() { return $this->current === FALSE ? NULL : MARCUpdate::Decode($this->current); } |
468 public function key() { return NULL; } |
469 public function valid() { return $this->current !== FALSE; } |
470 public function next() { $this->current = $this->source->fetchColumn(); if ($this->current === FALSE) $this->source->closeCursor(); } |
471 public function rewind() { $this->next(); } |
472 } |
473 class MARCDatabaseDBA extends MARCDatabase { |
474 private $db = NULL; |
475 public function __construct($path, $mode = 'cd', $handler = 'qdbm') { |
476 $this->db = dba_open($path, $mode, $handler); |
477 if ($this->db === FALSE) throw new Exception('Could not open database'); |
478 } |
479 public function GetResource($label) { |
480 $r = dba_fetch($label, $this->db); |
481 if ($r === FALSE) return NULL; |
482 return MARCUpdate::Decode($r); |
483 } |
484 public function DeleteResource($label) { |
485 return dba_delete($label, $this->db); |
486 } |
487 protected function ImportInternal($update) { |
488 return dba_replace($update['label'], $update['updatemessage'], $this->db); |
489 } |
490 public function GetResources($labelprefix = NULL, $mints = NULL) { |
491 return new MARCDatabaseDBAFilteredResourceIterator($this->db, $labelprefix, $mints); |
492 } |
493 public function Save() { |
494 dba_sync($this->db); |
495 } |
496 public function Close() { |
497 dba_close($this->db); |
498 } |
499 public function IsChanged() { |
500 return FALSE; |
501 } |
502 } |
503 class MARCDatabaseDBAFilteredResourceIterator implements Iterator { |
504 private $db, $currentkey = FALSE, $labelprefixlength, $labelprefix, $mints; |
505 public function __construct($db, $labelprefix, $mints) { |
506 $this->db = $db; |
507 $this->labelprefixlength = is_null($labelprefix) ? 0 : strlen($labelprefix); |
508 $this->labelprefix = $labelprefix; |
509 $this->mints = intval($mints); |
510 } |
511 public function current() { return MARCUpdate::Decode(dba_fetch($this->currentkey, $this->db)); } |
512 public function key() { return $this->currentkey; } |
513 public function valid() { return strlen($this->currentkey); } |
514 public function next() { $this->currentkey = dba_nextkey($this->db); $this->findnext(); } |
515 public function rewind() { $this->currentkey = dba_firstkey($this->db); $this->findnext(); } |
516 private function findnext() { while ($this->currentkey !== FALSE && ($this->labelprefixlength && substr($this->currentkey, 0, $this->labelprefixlength) != $this->labelprefix)) $this->currentkey = dba_nextkey($this->db); } |
517 } |
518 |
519 function marc_decode_int32be($data, $i = 0) { return (ord($data[$i]) << 24) | (ord($data[$i+1]) << 16) | (ord($data[$i+2]) << 8) | ord($data[$i+3]); } |
520 function marc_decode_int16be($data, $i = 0) { return (ord($data[$i+0]) << 8) | ord($data[$i+1]); } |
521 function marc_encode_int32be($v) { return pack("N", $v); } |
522 function marc_encode_int16be($v) { return pack("n", $v); } |
523 |