1 ???using System; |
2 using System.Collections.Generic; |
3 using System.Diagnostics; |
4 using System.Drawing; |
5 using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; |
6 using System.Drawing.Imaging; |
7 using System.IO; |
8 using System.Net; |
9 using System.Net.Sockets; |
10 using System.Security.Cryptography; |
11 using System.Text; |
12 using System.Threading; |
13 using System.Windows.Forms; |
14 using UCIS.Net.HTTP; |
15 |
16 namespace UCIS.VNCServer { |
17 public class VNCServerManager : IFramebuffer { |
18 private VNCFramebuffer fb; |
19 private List<VNCServerConnection> clients = new List<VNCServerConnection>(); |
20 private VNCServer server; |
21 |
22 public event MouseEventHandler MouseDown; |
23 public event MouseEventHandler MouseMove; |
24 public event MouseEventHandler MouseUp; |
25 public event KeyEventHandler KeyDown; |
26 public event KeyEventHandler KeyUp; |
27 |
28 public VNCServerManager(int w, int h) : this(w, h, 5901) { } |
29 public VNCServerManager(int w, int h, int p) { |
30 fb = new VNCFramebuffer(w, h); |
31 server = new VNCServer(p); |
32 server.ClientConnected += delegate(object sender, VNCClientConnectedEventArgs e) { |
33 e.Client.Framebuffer = fb; |
34 e.Client.MouseDown += MouseDown; |
35 e.Client.MouseMove += MouseMove; |
36 e.Client.MouseUp += MouseUp; |
37 e.Client.KeyDown += KeyDown; |
38 e.Client.KeyUp += KeyUp; |
39 e.Client.Disconnected += ClientDisconnected; |
40 lock (clients) clients.Add(e.Client); |
41 }; |
42 server.Listen(); |
43 } |
44 |
45 private void ClientDisconnected(Object sender, EventArgs e) { |
46 lock (clients) clients.Remove((VNCServerConnection)sender); |
47 } |
48 |
49 public void Close() { |
50 server.Close(); |
51 foreach (VNCServerConnection c in clients.ToArray()) c.Close(); |
52 } |
53 |
54 public int Width { |
55 get { return fb.Width; } |
56 } |
57 public int Height { |
58 get { return fb.Height; } |
59 } |
60 public void Clear() { |
61 fb.Clear(); |
62 } |
63 public void DrawImage(Image image, Rectangle srcrect, Point dest) { |
64 fb.DrawImage(image, srcrect, dest); |
65 } |
66 public void DrawPixels(int[] bitmap, int bmwidth, Rectangle srcrect, Point dest) { |
67 fb.DrawPixels(bitmap, bmwidth, srcrect, dest); |
68 } |
69 public void DrawPixels(IntPtr bitmap, int bmwidth, Rectangle srcrect, Point dest) { |
70 fb.DrawPixels(bitmap, bmwidth, srcrect, dest); |
71 } |
72 public void CopyRectangle(Rectangle srcrect, Point dest) { |
73 fb.CopyRectangle(srcrect, dest); |
74 } |
75 public void CopyRectangleTo(Rectangle srcrect, IFramebuffer destbuffer, Point destposition) { |
76 fb.CopyRectangleTo(srcrect, destbuffer, destposition); |
77 } |
78 |
79 public void Resize(int w, int h) { |
80 fb = new VNCFramebuffer(w, h); |
81 foreach (VNCServerConnection c in clients) c.Framebuffer = fb; |
82 } |
83 } |
84 public class VNCFramebufferUpdateEventArgs : EventArgs { |
85 public VNCFramebuffer Framebuffer { get; private set; } |
86 public Rectangle Area { get; private set; } |
87 internal VNCFramebufferUpdateEventArgs(VNCFramebuffer fb, Rectangle a) { |
88 this.Framebuffer = fb; |
89 this.Area = a; |
90 } |
91 } |
92 public class VNCFramebuffer : IFramebuffer { |
93 public event EventHandler<VNCFramebufferUpdateEventArgs> Update; |
94 internal Int32[] Framebuffer { get; private set; } |
95 public int Width { get; private set; } |
96 public int Height { get; private set; } |
97 public VNCFramebuffer(int width, int height) { |
98 if (width <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("width"); |
99 if (height <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("height"); |
100 this.Width = width; |
101 this.Height = height; |
102 this.Framebuffer = new Int32[width * height]; |
103 } |
104 public void Clear() { |
105 for (int i = 0; i < Width * Height; i++) Framebuffer[i] = 0; |
106 EventHandler<VNCFramebufferUpdateEventArgs> eh = Update; |
107 if (eh != null) eh(this, new VNCFramebufferUpdateEventArgs(this, new Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height))); |
108 } |
109 public unsafe void DrawImage(Image image, Rectangle srcrect, Point dest) { |
110 if (srcrect.Width == 0 || srcrect.Height == 0) return; |
111 fixed (int* fbptr = Framebuffer) { |
112 using (Bitmap b = new Bitmap(Width, Height, Width * 4, PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb, (IntPtr)fbptr)) { |
113 using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(b)) { |
114 g.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceCopy; |
115 g.DrawImage(image, new Rectangle(dest, srcrect.Size), srcrect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); |
116 } |
117 } |
118 } |
119 EventHandler<VNCFramebufferUpdateEventArgs> eh = Update; |
120 if (eh != null) eh(this, new VNCFramebufferUpdateEventArgs(this, new Rectangle(dest, srcrect.Size))); |
121 } |
122 public void DrawBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, Rectangle srcrect, Point dest) { |
123 DrawImage(bitmap, srcrect, dest); |
124 } |
125 public unsafe void DrawPixels(int[] bitmap, int bmwidth, Rectangle srcrect, Point dest) { |
126 fixed (int* bmp = bitmap) DrawPixels(bmp, bmwidth, srcrect, dest); |
127 } |
128 public unsafe void DrawPixels(IntPtr bitmap, int bmwidth, Rectangle srcrect, Point dest) { |
129 DrawPixels((int*)bitmap, bmwidth, srcrect, dest); |
130 } |
131 public unsafe void DrawPixels(int* bitmap, int bmwidth, Rectangle srcrect, Point dest) { |
132 if (srcrect.X < 0 || srcrect.Y < 0 || srcrect.Width < 0 || srcrect.Height < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("srcrect"); |
133 if (dest.X < 0 || dest.Y < 0 || dest.X + srcrect.Width > Width || dest.Y + srcrect.Height > Height) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("dest"); |
134 if (srcrect.Width == 0 || srcrect.Height == 0) return; |
135 int* bmin = bitmap + srcrect.Y * bmwidth + srcrect.X; |
136 //Optionally detect regions that have actually changed. This produces many small regions which may slow down the Tight JPEG encoder (and ZLib based codecs) |
137 //DrawChangedPixels(Framebuffer, dest.Y * Width + dest.X, bmin, srcrect.Width, srcrect.Height, bmwidth, dest.X, dest.Y); |
138 //return; |
139 fixed (int* fbptr = Framebuffer) { |
140 int* bmout = fbptr + dest.Y * Width + dest.X; |
141 for (int y = 0; y < srcrect.Height; y++) { |
142 int* bminl = bmin + y * bmwidth; |
143 int* bmoutl = bmout + y * Width; |
144 for (int x = 0; x < srcrect.Width; x++) { |
145 bmoutl[x] = bminl[x]; |
146 } |
147 } |
148 } |
149 EventHandler<VNCFramebufferUpdateEventArgs> eh = Update; |
150 if (eh != null) eh(this, new VNCFramebufferUpdateEventArgs(this, new Rectangle(dest, srcrect.Size))); |
151 } |
152 private unsafe void DrawChangedPixels(int[] shadow, int shadowoffset, int* pixels, int width, int height, int bmwidth, int xoffset, int yoffset) { |
153 EventHandler<VNCFramebufferUpdateEventArgs> eh = Update; |
154 if (eh == null) return; |
155 int firstx = -1, lastx = -1, firsty = -1, lasty = -1; |
156 for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { |
157 int firstxline = -1, lastxline = -1; |
158 for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { |
159 if (shadow[shadowoffset] != *pixels) { |
160 if (firstxline == -1) firstxline = x; |
161 lastxline = x; |
162 shadow[shadowoffset] = *pixels; |
163 } |
164 shadowoffset++; |
165 pixels++; |
166 } |
167 shadowoffset += Width - width; |
168 pixels += bmwidth - width; |
169 if (firsty != -1 && firstxline == -1) { |
170 eh(this, new VNCFramebufferUpdateEventArgs(this, new Rectangle(firstx + xoffset, firsty + yoffset, lastx - firstx + 1, lasty - firsty + 1))); |
171 firsty = lasty = -1; |
172 } else if (firstxline != -1) { |
173 if (firsty == -1) { |
174 firsty = y; |
175 firstx = firstxline; |
176 lastx = lastxline; |
177 } else { |
178 if (firstxline < firstx) firstx = firstxline; |
179 if (lastxline > lastx) lastx = lastxline; |
180 } |
181 lasty = y; |
182 } |
183 } |
184 if (firsty != -1) { |
185 eh(this, new VNCFramebufferUpdateEventArgs(this, new Rectangle(firstx + xoffset, firsty + yoffset, lastx - firstx + 1, lasty - firsty + 1))); |
186 } |
187 } |
188 public void CopyRectangle(Rectangle srcrect, Point dest) { |
189 DrawPixels(Framebuffer, Width, srcrect, dest); |
190 } |
191 public void CopyRectangleTo(Rectangle srcrect, IFramebuffer destbuffer, Point destposition) { |
192 destbuffer.DrawPixels(Framebuffer, Width, srcrect, destposition); |
193 } |
194 } |
195 struct RFBPixelFormat { |
196 public Byte BitsPerPixel { get; set; } |
197 public Byte ColorDepth { get; set; } |
198 public Boolean BigEndian { get; set; } |
199 public Boolean TrueColor { get; set; } |
200 public UInt16 RedMax { get; set; } |
201 public UInt16 GreenMax { get; set; } |
202 public UInt16 BlueMax { get; set; } |
203 public Byte RedShift { get; set; } |
204 public Byte GreenShift { get; set; } |
205 public Byte BlueShift { get; set; } |
206 } |
207 public class VNCClientConnectedEventArgs : EventArgs { |
208 public VNCServer Server { get; private set; } |
209 public EndPoint RemoteEndPoint { get; private set; } |
210 public VNCServerConnection Client { get; private set; } |
211 public Boolean Drop { get; set; } |
212 public Boolean AllowNoAuthentication { get; set; } |
213 public Boolean AllowPasswordAuthentication { get; set; } |
214 public VNCClientConnectedEventArgs(VNCServer serv, VNCServerConnection c, EndPoint ep) { |
215 this.Server = serv; |
216 this.RemoteEndPoint = ep; |
217 this.Client = c; |
218 this.Drop = false; |
219 this.AllowNoAuthentication = true; |
220 this.AllowPasswordAuthentication = false; |
221 } |
222 } |
223 public class VNCClientAuthenticationEventArgs : EventArgs { |
224 public VNCServerConnection Client { get; private set; } |
225 public Boolean Drop { get; set; } |
226 public Boolean UsedPasswordAuthentication { get; internal set; } |
227 public String DesktopName { get; set; } |
228 internal Byte[] VNCAuthChallenge { private get; set; } |
229 internal Byte[] VNCAuthResponse { private get; set; } |
230 internal VNCClientAuthenticationEventArgs(VNCServerConnection c) { |
231 this.Client = c; |
232 this.Drop = false; |
233 } |
234 public Boolean CheckPassword(String password) { |
235 return CheckPassword(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(password)); |
236 } |
237 public Boolean CheckPassword(Byte[] password) { |
238 Byte[] passwordtransform = new Byte[8]; |
239 for (int i = 0; i < 8 && i < password.Length; i++) { |
240 Byte a = password[i], b = 0; |
241 for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) b |= (Byte)(((a >> (7 - j)) & 1) << j); |
242 passwordtransform[i] = b; |
243 } |
244 byte[] check; |
245 using (DES des = new DESCryptoServiceProvider()) { |
246 des.Mode = CipherMode.ECB; |
247 des.Padding = PaddingMode.None; |
248 using (ICryptoTransform transform = des.CreateEncryptor(passwordtransform, null)) { |
249 check = transform.TransformFinalBlock(VNCAuthChallenge, 0, 16); |
250 } |
251 } |
252 for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) if (VNCAuthResponse[i] != check[i]) return false; |
253 return true; |
254 } |
255 } |
256 public class VNCServer { |
257 public event EventHandler<VNCClientConnectedEventArgs> ClientConnected; |
258 public EndPoint LocalEndPoint { get; protected set; } |
259 public Boolean Listening { get; protected set; } |
260 private Socket socket = null; |
261 public VNCServer() : this(null) { } |
262 public VNCServer(int port) : this(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port)) { } |
263 public VNCServer(EndPoint ep) { |
264 LocalEndPoint = ep; |
265 } |
266 public void Listen() { |
267 if (LocalEndPoint == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("LocalEndPoint"); |
268 Listen(LocalEndPoint); |
269 } |
270 public void Listen(int port) { |
271 Listen(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port)); |
272 } |
273 public virtual void Listen(EndPoint ep) { |
274 if (Listening) throw new InvalidOperationException("The server is already listening"); |
275 socket = new Socket(ep.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Unspecified); |
276 socket.Bind(ep); |
277 socket.Listen(5); |
278 LocalEndPoint = ep; |
279 Listening = true; |
280 socket.BeginAccept(AcceptCallback, socket); |
281 } |
282 public virtual void Close() { |
283 if (!Listening) throw new InvalidOperationException("The server is not listening"); |
284 Listening = false; |
285 socket.Close(); |
286 } |
287 private void AcceptCallback(IAsyncResult ar) { |
288 Socket socket = ar.AsyncState as Socket; |
289 try { |
290 Socket clientsock = socket.EndAccept(ar); |
291 if (clientsock.ProtocolType == ProtocolType.Tcp) clientsock.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.KeepAlive, true); |
292 ClientAccepted(new VNCServerConnection(clientsock)); |
293 } catch (SocketException ex) { |
294 Debug.WriteLine(ex); |
295 } catch (ObjectDisposedException ex) { |
296 Debug.WriteLine(ex); |
297 } |
298 if (Listening) socket.BeginAccept(AcceptCallback, socket); |
299 } |
300 protected void ClientAccepted(VNCServerConnection client) { |
301 VNCClientConnectedEventArgs clientargs = new VNCClientConnectedEventArgs(this, client, client.RemoteEndPoint); |
302 if (ClientConnected != null) ClientConnected(this, clientargs); |
303 if (clientargs.Drop) { |
304 client.Close(); |
305 } else { |
306 client.RunAsync(clientargs); |
307 } |
308 } |
309 } |
310 public class WebVNCServer : VNCServer { |
311 private HTTPServer httpserver; |
312 public WebVNCServer() : this(null) { } |
313 public WebVNCServer(int port) : this(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port)) { } |
314 public WebVNCServer(EndPoint ep) : base(ep) { |
315 httpserver = new HTTPServer(); |
316 httpserver.ContentProvider = new HTTPContentProviderFunction(HandleClient); |
317 httpserver.ServeFlashPolicyFile = true; |
318 } |
319 public override void Listen(EndPoint ep) { |
320 httpserver.Listen(ep); |
321 } |
322 public override void Close() { |
323 httpserver.Dispose(); |
324 } |
325 public void HandleClient(HTTPContext context) { |
326 WebSocketPacketStream stream = new WebSocketPacketStream(context); |
327 ClientAccepted(new VNCServerConnection(stream, context.Socket)); |
328 } |
329 } |
330 public interface IZLibCompressor { |
331 byte[] Compress(Byte[] data, int offset, int count); |
332 } |
333 public delegate IZLibCompressor ZLibCompressorFactory(); |
334 public class VNCServerConnection { |
335 VNCFramebuffer framebuffer = null; |
336 List<Rectangle> dirtyrects = new List<Rectangle>(); |
337 int waitingforupdate = 0; |
338 Rectangle waitingforupdaterect = Rectangle.Empty; |
339 Int32[] SupportedEncodings = new Int32[] { }; |
340 MouseButtons mousebuttons = MouseButtons.None; |
341 Boolean resized = false; |
342 Thread worker = null; |
343 Keys modifierKeys = Keys.None; |
344 MemoryStream SendBuffer = null; |
345 Stream socket; |
346 Socket realsocket; |
347 Int32 protover; |
348 RFBPixelFormat pixelformat; |
349 int jpegCounter = 0; |
350 Rectangle blurryrect = Rectangle.Empty; |
351 int blurryrecoveryline = 0; |
352 Point mousePosition = new Point(-1, -1); |
353 ZLibCompressorFactory ZLibFactory = null; |
354 |
355 public int Width { get; private set; } |
356 public int Height { get; private set; } |
357 public Object Tag { get; set; } |
358 |
359 public EndPoint RemoteEndPoint { get { return realsocket == null ? null : realsocket.RemoteEndPoint; } } |
360 public VNCFramebuffer Framebuffer { |
361 get { return framebuffer; } |
362 set { |
363 if (framebuffer != null) { |
364 framebuffer.Update -= FBUpdate; |
365 } |
366 framebuffer = value; |
367 if (value == null) return; |
368 lock (dirtyrects) { |
369 resized = true; |
370 dirtyrects.Clear(); |
371 framebuffer.Update += FBUpdate; |
372 } |
373 FBUpdate(this, new VNCFramebufferUpdateEventArgs(value, new Rectangle(0, 0, framebuffer.Width, framebuffer.Height))); |
374 } |
375 } |
376 |
377 public event MouseEventHandler MouseDown; |
378 public event MouseEventHandler MouseMove; |
379 public event MouseEventHandler MouseUp; |
380 public event KeyEventHandler KeyDown; |
381 public event KeyEventHandler KeyUp; |
382 |
383 public event EventHandler Disconnected; |
384 |
385 public event EventHandler UpdateRequested; |
386 public event EventHandler WaitingForUpdate; |
387 |
388 public event EventHandler<VNCClientAuthenticationEventArgs> ClientAuthentication; |
389 public event EventHandler ConnectionComplete; |
390 |
391 public VNCServerConnection(Socket client) : this(new NetworkStream(client, true), client) { |
392 realsocket.SendBufferSize = 1024 * 1024; |
393 } |
394 public VNCServerConnection(Stream client) : this(client, null) { } |
395 public VNCServerConnection(Stream client, Socket socket) { |
396 this.socket = client; |
397 this.realsocket = socket; |
398 pixelformat = new RFBPixelFormat() { |
399 BigEndian = false, BitsPerPixel = 32, ColorDepth = 24, TrueColor = true, |
400 BlueMax = 255, BlueShift = 0, GreenMax = 255, GreenShift = 8, RedMax = 255, RedShift = 16 |
401 }; |
402 } |
403 |
404 public void Close() { |
405 socket.Close(); |
406 } |
407 |
408 public void RunAsync(VNCClientConnectedEventArgs args) { |
409 worker = new Thread(RunSafe); |
410 worker.Start(args); |
411 } |
412 private void RunSafe(Object state) { |
413 try { |
414 RunProc((VNCClientConnectedEventArgs)state); |
415 } catch (Exception ex) { |
416 Console.Error.WriteLine(ex); |
417 } finally { |
418 try { socket.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine(ex); } |
419 if (Disconnected != null) Disconnected(this, new EventArgs()); |
420 } |
421 } |
422 private void RunProc(VNCClientConnectedEventArgs connargs) { |
423 Initialisation(connargs); |
424 ReceiveLoop(); |
425 } |
426 |
427 private void Initialisation(VNCClientConnectedEventArgs connargs) { |
428 { |
429 Byte[] protovbuf = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("RFB 003.008\n"); |
430 SendAll(protovbuf); |
431 FlushSendBuffer(); |
432 protovbuf = ReceiveAll(12); |
433 String protovs = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(protovbuf); |
434 protover = int.Parse(protovs.Substring(4, 3)) * 1000 + int.Parse(protovs.Substring(8, 3)); |
435 } |
436 //Console.WriteLine("Client protocol is {0} = {1}", protovs.TrimEnd('\n'), protover); |
437 if (protover < 3003) throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported protocol version"); |
438 VNCClientAuthenticationEventArgs authargs = new VNCClientAuthenticationEventArgs(this); |
439 if (protover >= 3007) { |
440 if (connargs.AllowNoAuthentication && connargs.AllowPasswordAuthentication) { |
441 SendAll(new Byte[] { 2, 1, 2 }); //2 security types, no security, VNC security |
442 } else if (connargs.AllowNoAuthentication) { |
443 SendAll(new Byte[] { 1, 1 }); //1 security type, none security |
444 } else if (connargs.AllowPasswordAuthentication) { |
445 SendAll(new Byte[] { 1, 2 }); //1 security type, VNC security |
446 } else { |
447 SendAll(new Byte[] { 0 }); //no security types, drop connection |
448 throw new InvalidOperationException("No security types allowed"); |
449 } |
450 FlushSendBuffer(); |
451 Byte[] sectype = ReceiveAll(1); |
452 if (sectype[0] == 1 && connargs.AllowNoAuthentication) { |
453 authargs.UsedPasswordAuthentication = false; |
454 } else if (sectype[0] == 2 && connargs.AllowPasswordAuthentication) { |
455 authargs.UsedPasswordAuthentication = true; |
456 } else throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported security type"); |
457 } else if (protover == 3003) { |
458 if (connargs.AllowNoAuthentication) { |
459 SendUInt32(1); //Security type is none |
460 authargs.UsedPasswordAuthentication = false; |
461 } else if (connargs.AllowPasswordAuthentication) { |
462 SendUInt32(2); //Security type is VNC security |
463 authargs.UsedPasswordAuthentication = true; |
464 } else { |
465 SendUInt32(0); //no security types, drop connection |
466 throw new InvalidOperationException("No security types allowed"); |
467 } |
468 FlushSendBuffer(); |
469 } else { |
470 throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported protocol version"); |
471 } |
472 if (authargs.UsedPasswordAuthentication) { |
473 Byte[] challenge = new Byte[16]; |
474 (new RNGCryptoServiceProvider()).GetBytes(challenge); |
475 SendAll(challenge); |
476 FlushSendBuffer(); |
477 authargs.VNCAuthChallenge = challenge; |
478 authargs.VNCAuthResponse = ReceiveAll(16); |
479 } |
480 if (ClientAuthentication != null) ClientAuthentication(this, authargs); |
481 if (authargs.Drop) { |
482 SendUInt32(1); //Security not OK |
483 FlushSendBuffer(); |
484 throw new Exception("Authentication rejected"); |
485 } |
486 if (authargs.UsedPasswordAuthentication || protover >= 3008) SendUInt32(0); //Security OK |
487 FlushSendBuffer(); |
488 Byte[] clientinit = ReceiveAll(1); |
489 //Console.WriteLine("Shared = {0}", clientinit[0]); |
490 { |
491 VNCFramebuffer fb = framebuffer; |
492 if (fb != null) { |
493 Width = fb.Width; |
494 Height = fb.Height; |
495 } else { |
496 Width = 1024; |
497 Height = 768; |
498 } |
499 } |
500 resized = false; |
501 SendUInt16((UInt16)Width); |
502 SendUInt16((UInt16)Height); |
503 SendPixelFormat(pixelformat); |
504 { |
505 Byte[] desknamestr; |
506 if (authargs.DesktopName == null) desknamestr = new Byte[0]; |
507 else desknamestr = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(authargs.DesktopName); |
508 SendUInt32((UInt32)desknamestr.Length); |
509 SendAll(desknamestr); |
510 } |
511 FlushSendBuffer(); |
512 if (ConnectionComplete != null) ConnectionComplete(this, new EventArgs()); |
513 } |
514 |
515 private void ReceiveLoop() { |
516 while (true) { |
517 Byte mtype = ReceiveByte(); |
518 switch (mtype) { |
519 case 0: //SetPixelFormat |
520 ReceiveMessageSetPixelFormat(); |
521 break; |
522 case 2: //SetEncodings |
523 Byte[] b = ReceiveAll(3); |
524 b = ReceiveAll(4 * ((b[1] << 8) | b[2])); |
525 SupportedEncodings = new Int32[b.Length / 4]; |
526 for (int i = 0; i < b.Length; i += 4) SupportedEncodings[i / 4] = (b[i] << 24) | (b[i + 1] << 16) | (b[i + 2] << 8) | b[i + 3]; |
527 break; |
528 case 3: //FramebufferUpdateRequest |
529 b = ReceiveAll(9); |
530 Rectangle r = new Rectangle((b[1] << 8) | b[2], (b[3] << 8) | b[4], (b[5] << 8) | b[6], (b[7] << 8) | b[8]); |
531 SendQueuedRectangles(r, b[0] != 0); |
532 break; |
533 case 4: //KeyEvent |
534 ReceiveMessageKeyboard(); |
535 break; |
536 case 5: //PointerEvent |
537 ReceiveMessageMouse(); |
538 break; |
539 case 6: //ClientCutText |
540 b = ReceiveAll(7); |
541 ReceiveAll((b[3] << 24) | (b[4] << 16) | (b[5] << 8) | b[6]); |
542 break; |
543 default: |
544 throw new InvalidOperationException("Received unknown message type, synchronization is lost"); |
545 } |
546 } |
547 } |
548 private void ReceiveMessageSetPixelFormat() { |
549 Byte[] b = ReceiveAll(3); |
550 pixelformat = ReceivePixelFormat(); |
551 if (!pixelformat.TrueColor) { |
552 //I don't want to use a pallette, so I cheat by sending a 8bpp "true color" pallette |
553 pixelformat.TrueColor = true; |
554 pixelformat.BigEndian = false; |
555 pixelformat.RedShift = 0; |
556 pixelformat.RedMax = 3; |
557 pixelformat.GreenShift = 2; |
558 pixelformat.GreenMax = 7; |
559 pixelformat.BlueShift = 5; |
560 pixelformat.BlueMax = 7; |
561 lock (socket) { |
562 SendUInt8(1); //SetColourMapEntries |
563 SendUInt8(0); //Padding |
564 SendUInt16(0); //First colour |
565 SendUInt16(256); //Number of colours |
566 for (UInt16 blue = 0; blue < 256; blue += 32) { |
567 for (UInt16 green = 0; green < 256; green += 32) { |
568 for (UInt16 red = 0; red < 256; red += 64) { |
569 SendUInt16((UInt16)(red << 8)); |
570 SendUInt16((UInt16)(green << 8)); |
571 SendUInt16((UInt16)(blue << 8)); |
572 } |
573 } |
574 } |
575 FlushSendBuffer(); |
576 } |
577 } |
578 } |
579 private void ReceiveMessageKeyboard() { |
580 Byte[] b = ReceiveAll(7); |
581 Boolean down = b[0] != 0; |
582 uint key = (uint)((b[3] << 24) | (b[4] << 16) | (b[5] << 8) | b[6]); |
583 //Console.WriteLine("KeyEvent code=0x{0:x} down={1}", key, down); |
584 Keys keyval = Keys.None; |
585 //see: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/proto/x11proto/plain/keysymdef.h |
586 if (key >= 'A' && key <= 'Z') keyval = (Keys)(key + (int)Keys.A - 'A') | Keys.Shift; |
587 else if (key >= 'a' && key <= 'z') keyval = (Keys)(key + (int)Keys.A - 'a'); |
588 else if (key >= '0' && key <= '9') keyval = (Keys)(key + (int)Keys.D0 - '0'); |
589 else if (key >= 0xffb0 && key <= 0xffb9) keyval = (Keys)(key + (int)Keys.NumPad0 - 0xffb0); |
590 else if (key >= 0xffbe && key <= 0xffd5) keyval = (Keys)(key + (int)Keys.F1 - 0xffbe); //all the way to F35... |
591 else switch (key) { |
592 case 0xff08: keyval = Keys.Back; break; |
593 case 0xff09: keyval = Keys.Tab; break; |
594 case 0xff0a: keyval = Keys.LineFeed; break; |
595 case 0xff0b: keyval = Keys.Clear; break; |
596 case 0xff0d: keyval = Keys.Return; break; |
597 case 0xff13: keyval = Keys.Pause; break; |
598 case 0xff14: keyval = Keys.Scroll; break; |
599 case 0xff15: keyval = Keys.None; break; //Sys req |
600 case 0xff1b: keyval = Keys.Escape; break; |
601 case 0xffff: keyval = Keys.Delete; break; |
602 case 0xff50: keyval = Keys.Home; break; |
603 case 0xff51: keyval = Keys.Left; break; |
604 case 0xff52: keyval = Keys.Up; break; |
605 case 0xff53: keyval = Keys.Right; break; |
606 case 0xff54: keyval = Keys.Down; break; |
607 case 0xff55: keyval = Keys.PageUp; break; |
608 case 0xff56: keyval = Keys.PageDown; break; |
609 case 0xff57: keyval = Keys.End; break; |
610 case 0xff58: keyval = Keys.Home; break; |
611 case 0xff60: keyval = Keys.Select; break; |
612 case 0xff61: keyval = Keys.Print; break; |
613 case 0xff62: keyval = Keys.Execute; break; |
614 case 0xff63: keyval = Keys.Insert; break; |
615 case 0xff65: keyval = Keys.None; break; //Undo |
616 case 0xff66: keyval = Keys.None; break; //Redo |
617 case 0xff67: keyval = Keys.Apps; break; |
618 case 0xff68: keyval = Keys.BrowserSearch; break; |
619 case 0xff69: keyval = Keys.Cancel; break; |
620 case 0xff6a: keyval = Keys.Help; break; |
621 case 0xff6b: keyval = Keys.Pause; break; |
622 case 0xff7e: keyval = Keys.None; break; //Character set switch |
623 case 0xff7f: keyval = Keys.NumLock; break; |
624 case 0xff80: keyval = Keys.Space; break; |
625 case 0xff89: keyval = Keys.Tab; break; |
626 case 0xff8d: keyval = Keys.Enter; break; |
627 case 0xff91: keyval = Keys.F1; break; |
628 case 0xff92: keyval = Keys.F2; break; |
629 case 0xff93: keyval = Keys.F3; break; |
630 case 0xff94: keyval = Keys.F4; break; |
631 case 0xff95: keyval = Keys.Home; break; |
632 case 0xff96: keyval = Keys.Left; break; |
633 case 0xff97: keyval = Keys.Up; break; |
634 case 0xff98: keyval = Keys.Right; break; |
635 case 0xff99: keyval = Keys.Down; break; |
636 case 0xff9a: keyval = Keys.PageUp; break; |
637 case 0xff9b: keyval = Keys.PageDown; break; |
638 case 0xff9c: keyval = Keys.End; break; |
639 case 0xff9d: keyval = Keys.Home; break; |
640 case 0xff9e: keyval = Keys.Insert; break; |
641 case 0xff9f: keyval = Keys.Delete; break; |
642 case 0xffbd: keyval = Keys.None; break; //keypad equals |
643 case 0xffaa: keyval = Keys.Multiply; break; |
644 case 0xffab: keyval = Keys.Add; break; |
645 case 0xffac: keyval = Keys.Separator; break; |
646 case 0xffad: keyval = Keys.Subtract; break; |
647 case 0xffae: keyval = Keys.Decimal; break; |
648 case 0xffaf: keyval = Keys.Divide; break; |
649 case 0xffe1: keyval = Keys.LShiftKey; break; |
650 case 0xffe2: keyval = Keys.RShiftKey; break; |
651 case 0xffe3: keyval = Keys.LControlKey; break; |
652 case 0xffe4: keyval = Keys.RControlKey; break; |
653 case 0xffe5: keyval = Keys.CapsLock; break; |
654 case 0xffe6: keyval = Keys.CapsLock; break; //shift lock!? |
655 case 0xffe7: keyval = Keys.None; break; //Left meta!? |
656 case 0xffe8: keyval = Keys.None; break; //Right meta!? |
657 case 0xffe9: keyval = Keys.LMenu; break; |
658 case 0xffea: keyval = Keys.Menu; break; //right alt |
659 case 0xffeb: keyval = Keys.LWin; break; |
660 case 0xffec: keyval = Keys.RWin; break; |
661 case 0xffed: keyval = Keys.None; break; //Left hyper |
662 case 0xffee: keyval = Keys.None; break; //Right hyper |
663 //Some X11 specific stuff |
664 case 0x20: keyval = Keys.Space; break; |
665 case 0x21: keyval = Keys.D1 | Keys.Shift; break; //! |
666 case 0x22: keyval = Keys.OemQuotes | Keys.Shift; break; //double quotes |
667 case 0x23: keyval = Keys.D3 | Keys.Shift; break; //number sign? # |
668 case 0x24: keyval = Keys.D4 | Keys.Shift; break; //dollar |
669 case 0x25: keyval = Keys.D5 | Keys.Shift; break; //percent |
670 case 0x26: keyval = Keys.D7 | Keys.Shift; break; //ampersand |
671 case 0x27: keyval = Keys.OemQuotes; break; //apostrophe |
672 case 0x28: keyval = Keys.D9 | Keys.Shift; break; //parenleft |
673 case 0x29: keyval = Keys.D0 | Keys.Shift; break; //parenright |
674 case 0x2a: keyval = Keys.D8 | Keys.Shift; break; //askerisk |
675 case 0x2b: keyval = Keys.Oemplus | Keys.Shift; break; //plus |
676 case 0x2c: keyval = Keys.Oemcomma; break; //comma |
677 case 0x2d: keyval = Keys.OemMinus; break; //minus |
678 case 0x2e: keyval = Keys.OemPeriod; break; //period |
679 case 0x2f: keyval = Keys.OemQuestion; break; //slash |
680 //digits handled above |
681 case 0x3a: keyval = Keys.OemSemicolon | Keys.Shift; break; //colon |
682 case 0x3b: keyval = Keys.OemSemicolon; break; //semicolon |
683 case 0x3c: keyval = Keys.Oemcomma | Keys.Shift; break; //less than |
684 case 0x3d: keyval = Keys.Oemplus; break; //equals |
685 case 0x3e: keyval = Keys.OemPeriod | Keys.Shift; break; //greater than |
686 case 0x3f: keyval = Keys.OemQuestion | Keys.Shift; break; //question mark |
687 case 0x40: keyval = Keys.D2 | Keys.Shift; break; //commercial at |
688 //capital letters handled above |
689 case 0x5b: keyval = Keys.OemOpenBrackets; break; //left square bracker |
690 case 0x5c: keyval = Keys.OemBackslash; break; //backslash |
691 case 0x5d: keyval = Keys.OemCloseBrackets; break; //right square bracker |
692 case 0x5e: keyval = Keys.D6 | Keys.Shift; break; //CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT |
693 case 0x5f: keyval = Keys.OemMinus | Keys.Shift; break; //underscore |
694 case 0x60: keyval = Keys.Oemtilde; break; //grave accent |
695 //small letters handled above |
696 case 0x7b: keyval = Keys.OemOpenBrackets | Keys.Shift; break; //left curly bracket |
697 case 0x7c: keyval = Keys.OemBackslash | Keys.Shift; break; //vertical line |
698 case 0x7d: keyval = Keys.OemCloseBrackets | Keys.Shift; break; //right curly bracket |
699 case 0x7e: keyval = Keys.Oemtilde | Keys.Shift; break; //tilde |
700 //blah blah |
701 //experimental: |
702 case 0xfe03: keyval = Keys.RMenu; break; //Alt gr or XK_ISO_Level3_Shift |
703 } |
704 switch (keyval) { |
705 case Keys.LShiftKey: |
706 case Keys.RShiftKey: |
707 case Keys.ShiftKey: |
708 if (down) modifierKeys |= Keys.Shift; else modifierKeys &= ~Keys.Shift; |
709 break; |
710 case Keys.LControlKey: |
711 case Keys.RControlKey: |
712 case Keys.ControlKey: |
713 if (down) modifierKeys |= Keys.Control; else modifierKeys &= ~Keys.Control; |
714 break; |
715 case Keys.LMenu: |
716 case Keys.RMenu: |
717 case Keys.Menu: |
718 if (down) modifierKeys |= Keys.Alt; else modifierKeys &= ~Keys.Alt; |
719 break; |
720 } |
721 keyval |= modifierKeys; |
722 if (down && KeyDown != null) KeyDown(this, new KeyEventArgs(keyval)); |
723 else if (!down && KeyUp != null) KeyUp(this, new KeyEventArgs(keyval)); |
724 } |
725 private void ReceiveMessageMouse() { |
726 Byte[] b = ReceiveAll(5); |
727 Point p = new Point((b[1] << 8) | b[2], (b[3] << 8) | b[4]); |
728 MouseButtons mb = MouseButtons.None; |
729 if ((b[0] & 1) != 0) mb |= MouseButtons.Left; |
730 if ((b[0] & 2) != 0) mb |= MouseButtons.Middle; |
731 if ((b[0] & 4) != 0) mb |= MouseButtons.Right; |
732 if ((b[0] & 32) != 0) mb |= MouseButtons.XButton1; |
733 if ((b[0] & 64) != 0) mb |= MouseButtons.XButton2; |
734 int dd = 0; |
735 if ((b[0] & 8) != 0) dd = 120; |
736 if ((b[0] & 16) != 0) dd = -120; |
737 //Console.WriteLine("PointerEvent x={0} y={1} buttons={2} delta={3}", p.X, p.Y, mb, dd); |
738 foreach (MouseButtons mbi in Enum.GetValues(typeof(MouseButtons))) if ((mousebuttons & mbi) != 0 && (mb & mbi) == 0) if (MouseUp != null) MouseUp(this, new MouseEventArgs(mbi, 0, p.X, p.Y, 0)); |
739 if ((dd != 0 || mousePosition != p) && MouseMove != null) MouseMove(this, new MouseEventArgs(mb & mousebuttons, 0, p.X, p.Y, dd)); |
740 foreach (MouseButtons mbi in Enum.GetValues(typeof(MouseButtons))) if ((mousebuttons & mbi) == 0 && (mb & mbi) != 0) if (MouseDown != null) MouseDown(this, new MouseEventArgs(mbi, 0, p.X, p.Y, 0)); |
741 mousePosition = p; |
742 mousebuttons = mb; |
743 } |
744 |
745 private void FBUpdate(Object sender, VNCFramebufferUpdateEventArgs e) { |
746 if (e.Framebuffer != framebuffer) return; |
747 Rectangle r = e.Area; |
748 r.Intersect(new Rectangle(0, 0, e.Framebuffer.Width, e.Framebuffer.Height)); |
749 if (r.Width == 0 || r.Height == 0) return; |
750 Boolean send; |
751 lock (dirtyrects) { |
752 for (int i = 0; i < dirtyrects.Count; i++) { |
753 Rectangle r2 = dirtyrects[i]; |
754 if (r.IntersectsWith(r2)) { |
755 dirtyrects.RemoveAt(i); |
756 i = -1; |
757 r = Rectangle.Union(r, r2); |
758 } |
759 } |
760 dirtyrects.Add(r); |
761 send = waitingforupdate > 0; |
762 } |
763 if (send) { |
764 Interlocked.Decrement(ref waitingforupdate); |
765 SendQueuedRectangles(waitingforupdaterect, false); |
766 } |
767 } |
768 |
769 private void ClearIntersectingQueuedRectangles(Rectangle r) { |
770 lock (dirtyrects) { |
771 for (int i = 0; i < dirtyrects.Count; i++) { |
772 Rectangle r2 = dirtyrects[i]; |
773 if (!r2.IntersectsWith(r)) continue; |
774 dirtyrects.RemoveAt(i); |
775 i--; |
776 } |
777 dirtyrects.TrimExcess(); |
778 } |
779 } |
780 private void SendQueuedRectangles(Rectangle r, Boolean incremental) { |
781 lock (socket) { |
782 if (resized) { |
783 resized = false; |
784 jpegCounter = 0; |
785 VNCFramebuffer fb = framebuffer; |
786 SendUInt8(0); //FramebufferUpdate |
787 SendUInt8(0); //Padding |
788 if (Array.IndexOf(SupportedEncodings, -223) == -1) { |
789 Console.Error.WriteLine("VNC: Desktop size update not supported"); |
790 SendUInt16(fb == null ? (UInt16)1 : (UInt16)2); //Number of rectangles |
791 int[] empty = new int[r.Width * r.Height]; |
792 SendFBRectangle(empty, new Rectangle(0, 0, r.Width, r.Height), r.Width); |
793 ClearIntersectingQueuedRectangles(r); |
794 blurryrect = Rectangle.Empty; |
795 if (fb != null) SendFBRectangle(fb.Framebuffer, r, fb.Width); |
796 } else { |
797 if (fb != null) { |
798 Width = fb.Width; |
799 Height = fb.Height; |
800 } |
801 Console.Error.WriteLine("VNC: Sending desktop size update {0}x{1}", Width, Height); |
802 SendUInt16(1); //Number of rectangles |
803 SendUInt16(0); |
804 SendUInt16(0); |
805 SendUInt16((UInt16)Width); |
806 SendUInt16((UInt16)Height); |
807 SendUInt32(unchecked((UInt32)(-223))); //Encoding type |
808 } |
809 FlushSendBuffer(); |
810 } else { |
811 if (UpdateRequested != null) UpdateRequested(this, new EventArgs()); |
812 VNCFramebuffer fb = framebuffer; |
813 if (!incremental) { |
814 jpegCounter = 0; |
815 ClearIntersectingQueuedRectangles(r); |
816 blurryrect = Rectangle.Empty; |
817 SendUInt8(0); //FramebufferUpdate |
818 SendUInt8(0); //Padding |
819 SendUInt16(1); //Number of rectangles |
820 SendFBRectangle(fb.Framebuffer, r, fb.Width); |
821 } else { //incremental |
822 List<Rectangle> sending = new List<Rectangle>(); |
823 lock (dirtyrects) { |
824 if (dirtyrects.Count == 0) { |
825 if (jpegCounter > 0) jpegCounter--; |
826 } else { |
827 if (jpegCounter < 10) jpegCounter++; |
828 } |
829 for (int i = 0; i < dirtyrects.Count; i++) { |
830 Rectangle r2 = dirtyrects[i]; |
831 if (!r2.IntersectsWith(r)) continue; |
832 dirtyrects.RemoveAt(i); |
833 i--; |
834 r2.Intersect(r); |
835 sending.Add(r2); |
836 } |
837 dirtyrects.TrimExcess(); |
838 if (sending.Count == 0 && blurryrect.IsEmpty) { |
839 Interlocked.Increment(ref waitingforupdate); |
840 waitingforupdaterect = r; |
841 } |
842 } |
843 if (sending.Count > 0 || !blurryrect.IsEmpty) { |
844 SendUInt8(0); //FramebufferUpdate |
845 SendUInt8(0); //Padding |
846 SendUInt16((UInt16)(sending.Count + (blurryrect.IsEmpty ? 0 : 1))); //Number of rectangles |
847 if (!blurryrect.IsEmpty) { |
848 //The idea here is to use a lossless compression for a small area to "recover" textual/static content from the JPEG artifacts |
849 //Only a small area is updated here each time because compressing a full frame takes too much CPU time |
850 Rectangle fixrect = blurryrect; |
851 if (blurryrecoveryline < fixrect.Top) blurryrecoveryline = fixrect.Top; |
852 else if (blurryrecoveryline >= fixrect.Bottom) blurryrecoveryline = fixrect.Top; |
853 fixrect.Intersect(new Rectangle(0, blurryrecoveryline, Int16.MaxValue, 10)); |
854 if (fixrect.IsEmpty) fixrect = blurryrect; |
855 int oldjpeg = jpegCounter; |
856 jpegCounter = 0; |
857 SendFBRectangle(fb.Framebuffer, Rectangle.Intersect(fixrect, r), fb.Width); |
858 jpegCounter = oldjpeg; |
859 blurryrecoveryline = fixrect.Bottom; |
860 if (fixrect.Top <= blurryrect.Top && fixrect.Bottom >= blurryrect.Top) { |
861 blurryrect.Intersect(new Rectangle(0, fixrect.Bottom, Int16.MaxValue, Int16.MaxValue)); |
862 } else if (fixrect.Top <= blurryrect.Bottom && fixrect.Bottom >= blurryrect.Bottom) { |
863 blurryrect.Intersect(new Rectangle(0, 0, fixrect.Top, Int16.MaxValue)); |
864 } |
865 if (blurryrect.Height == 0) blurryrect = Rectangle.Empty; |
866 } |
867 foreach (Rectangle r2 in sending) { |
868 SendFBRectangle(fb.Framebuffer, r2, fb.Width); |
869 } |
870 } else { |
871 if (WaitingForUpdate != null) WaitingForUpdate(this, new EventArgs()); |
872 } |
873 } |
874 } |
875 FlushSendBuffer(); |
876 } |
877 } |
878 |
879 private void SendFBRectangle(Int32[] fb, Rectangle r, Int32 fbwidth) { |
880 r.Intersect(new Rectangle(0, 0, fbwidth, fb.Length / fbwidth)); |
881 r.Intersect(new Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height)); |
882 Boolean sent = false; |
883 foreach (Int32 enc in SupportedEncodings) { |
884 switch (enc) { |
885 case 0: |
886 SendFBRectangleRaw(fb, r, fbwidth); sent = true; break; |
887 case 2: |
888 if (r.Height < 8) break; |
889 SendFBRectangleRRE(fb, r, fbwidth); sent = true; break; |
890 case 5: |
891 if (r.Width < 16 || r.Height < 16) break; |
892 SendFBRectangleHextile(fb, r, fbwidth); sent = true; break; |
893 case 6: |
894 sent = SendFBRectangleZLib(fb, r, fbwidth); |
895 break; |
896 case 7: |
897 sent = SendFBRectangleTight(fb, r, fbwidth); |
898 break; |
899 } |
900 if (sent) break; |
901 } |
902 if (!sent) SendFBRectangleRaw(fb, r, fbwidth); |
903 } |
904 private void SendFBRectangleHeader(Rectangle r, UInt32 encoding) { |
905 SendUInt16((UInt16)r.X); |
906 SendUInt16((UInt16)r.Y); |
907 SendUInt16((UInt16)r.Width); |
908 SendUInt16((UInt16)r.Height); |
909 SendUInt32(encoding); |
910 } |
911 IZLibCompressor TightZLib = null; |
912 private unsafe Boolean SendFBRectangleTight(Int32[] framebuffer, Rectangle r, Int32 fbwidth) { |
913 if (jpegCounter > 3 && r.Width * r.Height > 100 * 100) { |
914 SendFBRectangleHeader(r, 7); |
915 SendUInt8(0x90); //Jpeg encoding |
916 MemoryStream jpeg = new MemoryStream(); |
917 if (r.Width > 0 && r.Height > 0) { |
918 fixed (int* fbptr = framebuffer) { |
919 using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(r.Width, r.Height, fbwidth * 4, PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb, (IntPtr)(fbptr + (r.Top * fbwidth + r.Left)))) { |
920 ImageCodecInfo ici = Array.Find(ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders(), delegate(ImageCodecInfo item) { return item.FormatID == ImageFormat.Jpeg.Guid; }); |
921 EncoderParameters ep = new EncoderParameters(1); |
922 ep.Param[0] = new EncoderParameter(System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Quality, 50L); |
923 bmp.Save(jpeg, ici, ep); |
924 //bmp.Save(jpeg, ImageFormat.Jpeg); |
925 } |
926 } |
927 } |
928 jpeg.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); |
929 int length = (int)jpeg.Length; |
930 Byte b1 = (Byte)(length & 0x7F); |
931 Byte b2 = (Byte)((length >> 7) & 0x7F); |
932 Byte b3 = (Byte)((length >> 14) & 0x7F); |
933 if (b3 != 0) b2 |= 0x80; |
934 if (b2 != 0) b1 |= 0x80; |
935 SendUInt8(b1); |
936 if (b2 != 0) SendUInt8(b2); |
937 if (b3 != 0) SendUInt8(b3); |
938 SendAll(jpeg.ToArray()); |
939 blurryrect = blurryrect.IsEmpty ? r : Rectangle.Union(blurryrect, r); |
940 } else { |
941 if (TightZLib == null && ZLibFactory == null) return false; |
942 SendFBRectangleHeader(r, 7); |
943 SendUInt8(0x00); //Basic encoding, copy filter (raw), zlib stream 0 |
944 Byte[] row; |
945 int i = 0; |
946 if (pixelformat.BitsPerPixel == 32 && pixelformat.ColorDepth == 24) { |
947 row = new Byte[r.Width * r.Height * 3]; |
948 for (int y = r.Top; y < r.Bottom; y++) { |
949 for (int x = r.Left; x < r.Right; x++) { |
950 UInt32 pixel = (UInt32)framebuffer[y * fbwidth + x]; |
951 row[i++] = (Byte)(pixel >> 16); |
952 row[i++] = (Byte)(pixel >> 8); |
953 row[i++] = (Byte)(pixel >> 0); |
954 } |
955 } |
956 } else { |
957 row = new Byte[r.Width * r.Height * pixelformat.BitsPerPixel / 8]; |
958 for (int y = r.Top; y < r.Bottom; y++) { |
959 for (int x = r.Left; x < r.Right; x++) { |
960 UInt32 pixel = (UInt32)framebuffer[y * fbwidth + x]; |
961 UInt32 encoded = 0; |
962 encoded |= ((((pixel >> 16) & 0xff) * (pixelformat.RedMax + 1u) / 256) & pixelformat.RedMax) << pixelformat.RedShift; |
963 encoded |= ((((pixel >> 8) & 0xff) * (pixelformat.GreenMax + 1u) / 256) & pixelformat.GreenMax) << pixelformat.GreenShift; |
964 encoded |= ((((pixel >> 0) & 0xff) * (pixelformat.BlueMax + 1u) / 256) & pixelformat.BlueMax) << pixelformat.BlueShift; |
965 if (pixelformat.BigEndian) { |
966 for (int b = pixelformat.BitsPerPixel - 8; b >= 0; b -= 8) row[i++] = (Byte)(encoded >> b); |
967 } else { |
968 for (int b = 0; b < pixelformat.BitsPerPixel; b += 8) row[i++] = (Byte)(encoded >> b); |
969 } |
970 } |
971 } |
972 } |
973 if (i >= 12) { |
974 if (TightZLib == null) TightZLib = ZLibFactory(); |
975 Byte[] compressed = TightZLib.Compress(row, 0, i); |
976 int length = compressed.Length; |
977 Byte b1 = (Byte)(length & 0x7F); |
978 Byte b2 = (Byte)((length >> 7) & 0x7F); |
979 Byte b3 = (Byte)((length >> 14) & 0x7F); |
980 if (b3 != 0) b2 |= 0x80; |
981 if (b2 != 0) b1 |= 0x80; |
982 SendUInt8(b1); |
983 if (b2 != 0) SendUInt8(b2); |
984 if (b3 != 0) SendUInt8(b3); |
985 SendAll(compressed); |
986 } else { |
987 SendAll(row, 0, i); |
988 } |
989 } |
990 return true; |
991 } |
992 private void SendFBRectangleRaw(Int32[] framebuffer, Rectangle r, int fbwidth) { |
993 SendFBRectangleHeader(r, 0); |
994 for (int y = r.Top; y < r.Bottom; y++) { |
995 Byte[] row = new Byte[r.Width * pixelformat.BitsPerPixel / 8]; |
996 int i = 0; |
997 for (int x = r.Left; x < r.Right; x++) { |
998 UInt32 pixel = (UInt32)framebuffer[y * fbwidth + x]; |
999 UInt32 encoded = 0; |
1000 encoded |= ((((pixel >> 16) & 0xff) * (pixelformat.RedMax + 1u) / 256) & pixelformat.RedMax) << pixelformat.RedShift; |
1001 encoded |= ((((pixel >> 8) & 0xff) * (pixelformat.GreenMax + 1u) / 256) & pixelformat.GreenMax) << pixelformat.GreenShift; |
1002 encoded |= ((((pixel >> 0) & 0xff) * (pixelformat.BlueMax + 1u) / 256) & pixelformat.BlueMax) << pixelformat.BlueShift; |
1003 if (pixelformat.BigEndian) { |
1004 for (int b = pixelformat.BitsPerPixel - 8; b >= 0; b -= 8) row[i++] = (Byte)(encoded >> b); |
1005 } else { |
1006 for (int b = 0; b < pixelformat.BitsPerPixel; b += 8) row[i++] = (Byte)(encoded >> b); |
1007 } |
1008 } |
1009 SendAll(row); |
1010 } |
1011 } |
1012 |
1013 IZLibCompressor ZLibStream = null; |
1014 private Boolean SendFBRectangleZLib(Int32[] framebuffer, Rectangle r, int fbwidth) { |
1015 if (ZLibStream == null && ZLibFactory == null) return false; |
1016 SendFBRectangleHeader(r, 6); |
1017 Byte[] row = new Byte[r.Width * r.Height * pixelformat.BitsPerPixel / 8]; |
1018 int i = 0; |
1019 for (int y = r.Top; y < r.Bottom; y++) { |
1020 for (int x = r.Left; x < r.Right; x++) { |
1021 UInt32 pixel = (UInt32)framebuffer[y * fbwidth + x]; |
1022 UInt32 encoded = 0; |
1023 encoded |= ((((pixel >> 16) & 0xff) * (pixelformat.RedMax + 1u) / 256) & pixelformat.RedMax) << pixelformat.RedShift; |
1024 encoded |= ((((pixel >> 8) & 0xff) * (pixelformat.GreenMax + 1u) / 256) & pixelformat.GreenMax) << pixelformat.GreenShift; |
1025 encoded |= ((((pixel >> 0) & 0xff) * (pixelformat.BlueMax + 1u) / 256) & pixelformat.BlueMax) << pixelformat.BlueShift; |
1026 if (pixelformat.BigEndian) { |
1027 for (int b = pixelformat.BitsPerPixel - 8; b >= 0; b -= 8) row[i++] = (Byte)(encoded >> b); |
1028 } else { |
1029 for (int b = 0; b < pixelformat.BitsPerPixel; b += 8) row[i++] = (Byte)(encoded >> b); |
1030 } |
1031 } |
1032 } |
1033 if (ZLibStream == null) ZLibStream = ZLibFactory(); |
1034 Byte[] compressed = ZLibStream.Compress(row, 0, i); |
1035 SendUInt32((UInt32)compressed.Length); |
1036 SendAll(compressed); |
1037 return true; |
1038 } |
1039 |
1040 |
1041 private void SendFBRectangleRRE(Int32[] framebuffer, Rectangle r, int fbwidth) { |
1042 SendFBRectangleHeader(r, 2); |
1043 int basecolor = framebuffer[r.Y * fbwidth + r.X]; |
1044 List<Rectangle> subrects = new List<Rectangle>(); |
1045 if (false) { |
1046 for (int y = r.Top; y < r.Bottom; y++) { |
1047 int color = basecolor; |
1048 int runstart = r.Left; |
1049 int runlength = 0; |
1050 for (int x = r.Left; x < r.Right; x++) { |
1051 int newcolor = framebuffer[y * fbwidth + x]; |
1052 if (color != newcolor) { |
1053 if (color != basecolor && runlength > 0) { |
1054 Rectangle r2 = new Rectangle(runstart, y, runlength, 1); |
1055 if (r2.Y > 0 && framebuffer[(r2.Y - 1) * fbwidth + r2.X] == color) { |
1056 Boolean hasadjacent = false; |
1057 Rectangle adjacent = r2; |
1058 foreach (Rectangle r3 in subrects) { |
1059 if (r3.Left == r2.Left && r3.Width == r2.Width && r3.Top + r3.Height == r2.Top) { |
1060 adjacent = r3; |
1061 hasadjacent = true; |
1062 break; |
1063 } |
1064 } |
1065 if (hasadjacent) { |
1066 subrects.Remove(adjacent); |
1067 r2 = Rectangle.Union(r2, adjacent); |
1068 } |
1069 } |
1070 subrects.Add(r2); |
1071 } |
1072 runstart = x; |
1073 runlength = 0; |
1074 color = newcolor; |
1075 } |
1076 runlength++; |
1077 } |
1078 if (color != basecolor && runlength > 0) subrects.Add(new Rectangle(runstart, y, runlength, 1)); |
1079 } |
1080 } else { |
1081 Queue<Rectangle> remaining = new Queue<Rectangle>(); |
1082 remaining.Enqueue(r); |
1083 while (remaining.Count > 0) { |
1084 Rectangle r2 = remaining.Dequeue(); |
1085 int color = framebuffer[r2.Y * fbwidth + r2.X]; |
1086 int rw = -1, rh = -1; |
1087 for (int x = r2.Left; x < r2.Right && rw == -1; x++) { |
1088 if (color != framebuffer[r2.Y * fbwidth + x]) rw = x - r2.Left; |
1089 } |
1090 if (rw == -1) rw = r2.Width; |
1091 for (int y = r2.Top + 1; y < r2.Bottom && rh == -1; y++) { |
1092 Boolean success = true; |
1093 for (int x = r2.Left; x < r2.Left + rw && success; x++) { |
1094 if (color != framebuffer[y * fbwidth + x]) success = false; |
1095 } |
1096 if (!success) rh = y - r2.Top; |
1097 } |
1098 if (rh == -1) rh = r2.Height; |
1099 if (rw != 0 && rh != 0) subrects.Add(new Rectangle(r2.X, r2.Y, rw, rh)); |
1100 //if (r2.Width - rw > 0 && rh != 0) remaining.Enqueue(new Rectangle(r2.X + rw, r2.Y, r2.Width - rw, rh)); |
1101 if (r2.Height - rh > 0 && rw != 0) remaining.Enqueue(new Rectangle(r2.X, r2.Y + rh, rw, r2.Height - rh)); |
1102 //if (r2.Width - rw > 0 && r2.Height - rh > 0) remaining.Enqueue(new Rectangle(r2.X + rw, r2.Y + rh, r2.Width - rw, r2.Height - rh)); |
1103 //if (r2.Height - rh > 0) remaining.Enqueue(new Rectangle(r2.X, r2.Y + rh, r2.Width, r2.Height - rh)); |
1104 if (r2.Width - rw > 0) remaining.Enqueue(new Rectangle(r2.X + rw, r2.Y, r2.Width - rw, r2.Height)); |
1105 } |
1106 } |
1107 SendUInt32((UInt32)subrects.Count); |
1108 SendPixel(basecolor); |
1109 foreach (Rectangle r2 in subrects) { |
1110 SendPixel(framebuffer[r2.Y * fbwidth + r2.X]); |
1111 SendUInt16((UInt16)(r2.Left - r.Left)); |
1112 SendUInt16((UInt16)(r2.Top - r.Top)); |
1113 SendUInt16((UInt16)r2.Width); |
1114 SendUInt16((UInt16)r2.Height); |
1115 } |
1116 } |
1117 private void SendFBRectangleHextile(Int32[] framebuffer, Rectangle r, int fbwidth) { |
1118 SendFBRectangleHeader(r, 5); |
1119 const int hextileRaw = 1; |
1120 const int hextileBgSpecified = 2; |
1121 const int hextileFgSpecified = 4; |
1122 const int hextileAnySubrects = 8; |
1123 const int hextileSubrectsColoured = 16; |
1124 int oldBg = 0, oldFg = 0; |
1125 bool oldBgValid = false; |
1126 bool oldFgValid = false; |
1127 Rectangle t = new Rectangle(); |
1128 for (t.Y = r.Top; t.Top < r.Bottom; t.Y += 16) { |
1129 t.Height = Math.Min(r.Bottom, t.Top + 16) - t.Top; |
1130 for (t.X = r.Left; t.Left < r.Right; t.X += 16) { |
1131 t.Width = Math.Min(r.Right, t.Left + 16) - t.Left; |
1132 int tileType = 0; |
1133 int bg = framebuffer[t.Y * fbwidth + t.X]; |
1134 int fg = 0; |
1135 if (!oldBgValid || oldBg != bg) { |
1136 tileType |= hextileBgSpecified; |
1137 oldBg = bg; |
1138 oldBgValid = true; |
1139 } |
1140 Boolean foundfg = false; |
1141 Boolean foundcol = false; |
1142 int subrects = 0; |
1143 for (int y = t.Top; y < t.Bottom; y++) { |
1144 int color = bg; |
1145 int length = 0; |
1146 for (int x = t.Left; x < t.Right; x++) { |
1147 int pixel = framebuffer[y * fbwidth + x]; |
1148 if (pixel == bg) { |
1149 } else if (!foundfg) { |
1150 fg = pixel; |
1151 foundfg = true; |
1152 } else if (pixel == fg) { |
1153 } else { |
1154 foundcol = true; |
1155 } |
1156 if (color != pixel && length > 0) { |
1157 if (color != bg) subrects++; |
1158 length = 0; |
1159 } |
1160 length++; |
1161 color = pixel; |
1162 } |
1163 if (length > 0 && color != bg) subrects++; |
1164 } |
1165 if (foundcol) { |
1166 tileType |= hextileSubrectsColoured | hextileAnySubrects; |
1167 oldFgValid = false; |
1168 } else if (foundfg) { |
1169 tileType |= hextileAnySubrects; |
1170 if (!oldFgValid || oldFg != fg) { |
1171 tileType |= hextileFgSpecified; |
1172 oldFg = fg; |
1173 oldFgValid = true; |
1174 } |
1175 } |
1176 int encbytes = 0; |
1177 if ((tileType & hextileBgSpecified) != 0) encbytes += pixelformat.BitsPerPixel / 8; |
1178 if ((tileType & hextileFgSpecified) != 0) encbytes += pixelformat.BitsPerPixel / 8; |
1179 if ((tileType & hextileAnySubrects) != 0) { |
1180 int pertile = 2; |
1181 if ((tileType & hextileSubrectsColoured) != 0) pertile += pixelformat.BitsPerPixel / 8; |
1182 encbytes += pertile * subrects; |
1183 } |
1184 if (t.Width * t.Height * pixelformat.BitsPerPixel / 8 <= encbytes) { |
1185 SendUInt8(hextileRaw); |
1186 for (int y = t.Top; y < t.Bottom; y++) for (int x = t.Left; x < t.Right; x++) SendPixel(framebuffer[y * fbwidth + x]); |
1187 oldBgValid = oldFgValid = false; |
1188 continue; |
1189 } |
1190 SendUInt8((Byte)tileType); |
1191 if ((tileType & hextileBgSpecified) != 0) SendPixel(bg); |
1192 if ((tileType & hextileFgSpecified) != 0) SendPixel(fg); |
1193 if ((tileType & hextileAnySubrects) != 0) { |
1194 SendUInt8((Byte)subrects); |
1195 int subrectsa = 0; |
1196 for (int y = t.Top; y < t.Bottom; y++) { |
1197 int color = bg; |
1198 int length = 0; |
1199 int start = 0; |
1200 for (int x = t.Left; x < t.Right; x++) { |
1201 int newcolor = framebuffer[y * fbwidth + x]; |
1202 if (color != newcolor && length > 0) { |
1203 if (color != bg && subrectsa < subrects) { |
1204 if ((tileType & hextileSubrectsColoured) != 0) SendPixel(color); |
1205 SendUInt8((Byte)(((start & 0xF) << 4) | ((y - t.Top) & 0xF))); |
1206 SendUInt8((Byte)((((length - 1) & 0xF) << 4) | (0 & 0xF))); |
1207 subrectsa++; |
1208 } |
1209 length = 0; |
1210 start = x - t.Left; |
1211 } |
1212 length++; |
1213 color = newcolor; |
1214 } |
1215 if (length > 0 && color != bg && subrectsa < subrects) { |
1216 if ((tileType & hextileSubrectsColoured) != 0) SendPixel(color); |
1217 SendUInt8((Byte)(((start & 0xF) << 4) | ((y - t.Top) & 0xF))); |
1218 SendUInt8((Byte)((((length - 1) & 0xF) << 4) | (0 & 0xF))); |
1219 subrectsa++; |
1220 } |
1221 } |
1222 for (int i = subrectsa; i < subrects; i++) { |
1223 if ((tileType & hextileSubrectsColoured) != 0) SendPixel(0); |
1224 SendUInt16(0); |
1225 subrectsa++; |
1226 } |
1227 if (subrects != subrectsa) throw new Exception("subrects != subrectsa"); |
1228 } |
1229 } |
1230 //Flush(); |
1231 } |
1232 } |
1233 |
1234 private void SendPixel(int pixeli) { |
1235 UInt32 encoded = 0; |
1236 UInt32 pixel = (UInt32)pixeli; |
1237 encoded |= ((((pixel >> 16) & 0xff) * (pixelformat.RedMax + 1u) / 256) & pixelformat.RedMax) << pixelformat.RedShift; |
1238 encoded |= ((((pixel >> 8) & 0xff) * (pixelformat.GreenMax + 1u) / 256) & pixelformat.GreenMax) << pixelformat.GreenShift; |
1239 encoded |= ((((pixel >> 0) & 0xff) * (pixelformat.BlueMax + 1u) / 256) & pixelformat.BlueMax) << pixelformat.BlueShift; |
1240 byte[] row = new Byte[pixelformat.BitsPerPixel / 8]; |
1241 int i = 0; |
1242 if (pixelformat.BigEndian) { |
1243 for (int b = pixelformat.BitsPerPixel - 8; b >= 0; b -= 8) row[i++] = (Byte)(encoded >> b); |
1244 } else { |
1245 for (int b = 0; b < pixelformat.BitsPerPixel; b += 8) row[i++] = (Byte)(encoded >> b); |
1246 } |
1247 SendAll(row); |
1248 } |
1249 |
1250 private void SendPixelFormat(RFBPixelFormat pf) { |
1251 SendUInt8(pf.BitsPerPixel); //bits per pixel |
1252 SendUInt8(pf.ColorDepth); //depth |
1253 SendUInt8(pf.BigEndian ? (Byte)1 : (Byte)0); //big endian |
1254 SendUInt8(pf.TrueColor ? (Byte)1 : (Byte)0); //true color |
1255 SendUInt16(pf.RedMax); //red max |
1256 SendUInt16(pf.GreenMax); //green max |
1257 SendUInt16(pf.BlueMax); //blue max |
1258 SendUInt8(pf.RedShift); //red shift |
1259 SendUInt8(pf.GreenShift); //green shift |
1260 SendUInt8(pf.BlueShift); //blue shift |
1261 SendUInt8(0); //padding |
1262 SendUInt8(0); //padding |
1263 SendUInt8(0); //padding |
1264 } |
1265 private RFBPixelFormat ReceivePixelFormat() { |
1266 Byte[] b = ReceiveAll(16); |
1267 RFBPixelFormat pf = new RFBPixelFormat(); |
1268 pf.BitsPerPixel = b[0]; |
1269 pf.ColorDepth = b[1]; |
1270 pf.BigEndian = b[2] != 0; |
1271 pf.TrueColor = b[3] != 0; |
1272 pf.RedMax = (UInt16)((b[4] << 8) | b[5]); |
1273 pf.GreenMax = (UInt16)((b[6] << 8) | b[7]); |
1274 pf.BlueMax = (UInt16)((b[8] << 8) | b[9]); |
1275 pf.RedShift = b[10]; |
1276 pf.GreenShift = b[11]; |
1277 pf.BlueShift = b[12]; |
1278 return pf; |
1279 } |
1280 |
1281 private void SendUInt32(UInt32 value) { |
1282 SendAll(new Byte[] { (Byte)(value >> 24), (Byte)(value >> 16), (Byte)(value >> 8), (Byte)value }); |
1283 } |
1284 private void SendUInt16(UInt16 value) { |
1285 SendAll(new Byte[] { (Byte)(value >> 8), (Byte)value }); |
1286 } |
1287 private void SendUInt8(Byte value) { |
1288 SendAll(new Byte[] { value }); |
1289 } |
1290 private void SendAll(Byte[] buffer) { |
1291 SendAll(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); |
1292 } |
1293 |
1294 private void SendAll(Byte[] buffer, int off, int len) { |
1295 if (SendBuffer == null) SendBuffer = new MemoryStream(); |
1296 SendBuffer.Write(buffer, off, len); |
1297 if (SendBuffer.Length > 102400) FlushSendBuffer(); |
1298 } |
1299 private void FlushSendBuffer() { |
1300 if (SendBuffer == null) return; |
1301 SendBuffer.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); |
1302 SendBuffer.WriteTo(socket); |
1303 SendBuffer.SetLength(0); |
1304 } |
1305 |
1306 private Byte ReceiveByte() { |
1307 Byte[] buffer = new Byte[1]; |
1308 ReceiveAll(buffer, 0, 1); |
1309 return buffer[0]; |
1310 } |
1311 private Byte[] ReceiveAll(int len) { |
1312 Byte[] buffer = new Byte[len]; |
1313 ReceiveAll(buffer, 0, len); |
1314 return buffer; |
1315 } |
1316 private void ReceiveAll(Byte[] buffer, int off, int len) { |
1317 while (len > 0) { |
1318 int sent = socket.Read(buffer, off, len); |
1319 if (sent == 0) throw new EndOfStreamException(); |
1320 len -= sent; |
1321 off += sent; |
1322 } |
1323 } |
1324 } |
1325 } |