1 ???using System; |
2 using System.Collections.Generic; |
3 using System.IO; |
4 using System.Reflection; |
5 using System.Reflection.Emit; |
6 using System.Runtime.Remoting; |
7 using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging; |
8 using System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies; |
9 using System.Runtime.Serialization; |
10 using System.Threading; |
11 using UCIS.Util; |
12 using SysThreadPool = System.Threading.ThreadPool; |
13 |
14 //[assembly: InternalsVisibleToAttribute("UCIS.Remoting.Proxies")] |
15 |
16 namespace UCIS.Remoting { |
17 public class RemotingManager { |
18 Dictionary<UInt32, PendingRemoteCall> pendingCalls = new Dictionary<uint, PendingRemoteCall>(); |
19 Dictionary<Thread, UInt32> waitingCallThreads = new Dictionary<Thread, UInt32>(); |
20 Boolean Closed = false; |
21 |
22 IDictionary<String, Object> incomingCallContext = new Dictionary<String, Object>(); |
23 [ThreadStatic] |
24 static IDictionary<String, Object> currentCallContext; |
25 |
26 public event Action<String> OnDebugLog; |
27 public event Action<Exception> OnErrorLog; |
28 |
29 private void DebugLog(String text, params Object[] args) { |
30 if (OnDebugLog != null) OnDebugLog(String.Format(text, args)); |
31 } |
32 private void ErrorLog(Exception ex) { |
33 if (OnErrorLog != null) OnErrorLog(ex); |
34 } |
35 |
36 public Object LocalRoot { get; set; } |
37 |
38 public IDictionary<String, Object> CallContext { get { return incomingCallContext; } } |
39 public static IDictionary<String, Object> CurrentCallContext { get { return currentCallContext; } } |
40 |
41 public RemotingManager(PacketStream stream) : this(stream, null) { } |
42 public RemotingManager(PacketStream stream, Object localRoot) { |
43 this.stream = stream; |
44 this.LocalRoot = localRoot; |
45 stream.BeginReadPacketFast(ReceiveCallback, null); |
46 } |
47 |
48 #region I/O, multiplexing, encoding |
49 PacketStream stream; |
50 public PacketStream Stream { get { return stream; } } |
51 int streamIndex = 0; |
52 Dictionary<int, StreamChannel> streamChannels = new Dictionary<int, StreamChannel>(); |
53 |
54 class StreamChannel : QueuedPacketStream { |
55 public RemotingManager Manager { get; private set; } |
56 public int StreamID { get; private set; } |
57 public StreamChannel OtherSide { get; set; } |
58 |
59 public StreamChannel(RemotingManager conn, int sid) { |
60 this.Manager = conn; |
61 this.StreamID = sid; |
62 } |
63 |
64 internal void AddBuffer(Byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { |
65 if (Closed) return; |
66 base.AddReadBufferCopy(buffer, offset, count); |
67 } |
68 |
69 public override bool CanRead { get { return !Closed; } } |
70 public override bool CanWrite { get { return !Closed; } } |
71 |
72 public override void Flush() { } |
73 |
74 public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { |
75 if (Closed) throw new ObjectDisposedException("BaseStream", "The connection has been closed"); |
76 Manager.WriteStreamChannelPacket(StreamID ^ 0x4000, buffer, offset, count); |
77 } |
78 |
79 public override void Close() { |
80 StreamChannel other = OtherSide; |
81 MultiplexorClosed(); |
82 if (other != null) other.CloseInternal(); |
83 lock (Manager.streamChannels) Manager.streamChannels.Remove(StreamID); |
84 } |
85 public void CloseInternal() { |
86 MultiplexorClosed(); |
87 lock (Manager.streamChannels) Manager.streamChannels.Remove(StreamID); |
88 } |
89 internal void MultiplexorClosed() { |
90 base.Close(); |
91 OtherSide = null; |
92 } |
93 } |
94 |
95 private void ReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult ar) { |
96 if (ar.CompletedSynchronously) { |
97 SysThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(ReceiveCallbackA, ar); |
98 } else { |
99 ReceiveCallbackB(ar); |
100 } |
101 } |
102 private void ReceiveCallbackA(Object state) { |
103 ReceiveCallbackB((IAsyncResult)state); |
104 } |
105 private void ReceiveCallbackB(IAsyncResult ar) { |
106 try { |
107 ArraySegment<Byte> packet = stream.EndReadPacketFast(ar); |
108 Byte[] array = packet.Array; |
109 if (packet.Count < 2) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("packet.Count", "Packet is too small"); |
110 int offset = packet.Offset; |
111 int sid = (array[offset + 0] << 8) | (array[offset + 1] << 0); |
112 if ((sid & 0x8000) != 0) { |
113 StreamChannel substr; |
114 if (streamChannels.TryGetValue(sid, out substr)) substr.AddBuffer(array, offset + 2, packet.Count - 2); |
115 } |
116 stream.BeginReadPacketFast(ReceiveCallback, null); |
117 if (sid == 0) { |
118 Object obj; |
119 using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(packet.Array, packet.Offset + 2, packet.Count - 2, false)) obj = Deserialize(ms); |
120 ReceiveObject(obj); |
121 } |
122 } catch (Exception ex) { |
123 Closed = true; |
124 stream.Close(); |
125 lock (ObjectReferencesByID) { |
126 ObjectReferencesByID.Clear(); |
127 RemoteObjectReferences.Clear(); |
128 } |
129 lock (pendingCalls) { |
130 foreach (PendingRemoteCall call in pendingCalls.Values) call.SetError(new InvalidOperationException("The connection has been closed")); |
131 pendingCalls.Clear(); |
132 } |
133 lock (streamChannels) { |
134 foreach (StreamChannel s in streamChannels.Values) s.MultiplexorClosed(); |
135 streamChannels.Clear(); |
136 } |
137 ErrorLog(ex); |
138 } |
139 } |
140 private void SendObject(Object obj) { |
141 if (Closed) throw new ObjectDisposedException("RemotingManager", "The connection has been closed"); |
142 using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { |
143 ms.WriteByte(0); |
144 ms.WriteByte(0); |
145 Serialize(ms, obj); |
146 lock (stream) ms.WriteTo(stream); |
147 } |
148 } |
149 |
150 private void WriteStreamChannelPacket(int sid, Byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { |
151 Byte[] store = new Byte[count + 2]; |
152 store[0] = (Byte)(sid >> 8); |
153 store[1] = (Byte)(sid >> 0); |
154 Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, offset, store, 2, count); |
155 lock (stream) stream.Write(store, 0, store.Length); |
156 } |
157 |
158 public PacketStream GetStreamPair(out PacketStream remote) { |
159 StreamChannel stream; |
160 int sid; |
161 lock (streamChannels) { |
162 if (Closed) throw new ObjectDisposedException("BaseStream", "Reading from the base stream failed"); |
163 while (true) { |
164 sid = Interlocked.Increment(ref streamIndex); |
165 if ((sid & 0xc000) != 0) streamIndex = sid = 0; |
166 sid |= 0x8000; |
167 if (!streamChannels.ContainsKey(sid)) break; |
168 } |
169 stream = new StreamChannel(this, sid); |
170 streamChannels.Add(sid, stream); |
171 } |
172 stream.OtherSide = (StreamChannel)SyncCall(new CreateStreamRequest() { StreamObject = stream, StreamID = sid | 0x4000 }); |
173 remote = stream.OtherSide; |
174 return stream; |
175 } |
176 #endregion |
177 |
178 #region Incoming call processing |
179 private void ReceiveObject(Object obj) { |
180 if (obj is ReferenceReleaseRequest) { |
181 ReferenceReleaseRequest req = (ReferenceReleaseRequest)obj; |
182 lock (ObjectReferencesByID) { |
183 RemoteObjectReference objref = (RemoteObjectReference)ObjectReferencesByID[req.ObjectID]; |
184 if (objref.Release(req.ReferenceCount) == 0) { |
185 ObjectReferencesByID.Remove(objref.ID); |
186 RemoteObjectReferences.Remove(objref); |
187 DebugLog("Release remoted object {0} with reference count {1}; {2} objects referenced", objref.ID, req.ReferenceCount, RemoteObjectReferences.Count); |
188 } |
189 } |
190 } else if (obj is SynchronousCall) { |
191 SynchronousCall sc = (SynchronousCall)obj; |
192 if (sc.IsResult) { |
193 PendingRemoteCall call; |
194 lock (pendingCalls) { |
195 call = pendingCalls[sc.CallID]; |
196 pendingCalls.Remove(call.ID); |
197 } |
198 call.SetResult(sc.Data); |
199 } else if (sc.HasPreviousCallID) { |
200 PendingRemoteCall call; |
201 lock (pendingCalls) call = pendingCalls[sc.PreviousCallID]; |
202 if (!call.SetNextCall(sc)) { |
203 ProcessRemoteCallRequest(sc); |
204 } |
205 } else { |
206 ProcessRemoteCallRequest(sc); |
207 } |
208 } else { |
209 throw new InvalidDataException("Unexpected object type"); |
210 } |
211 } |
212 |
213 private void ProcessRemoteCallRequest(SynchronousCall call) { |
214 UInt32 prevcallid; |
215 Boolean hasprevcallid; |
216 Thread currentThread = Thread.CurrentThread; |
217 lock (waitingCallThreads) { |
218 hasprevcallid = waitingCallThreads.TryGetValue(currentThread, out prevcallid); |
219 waitingCallThreads[currentThread] = call.CallID; |
220 } |
221 IDictionary<String, Object> prevCallContext = currentCallContext; |
222 currentCallContext = incomingCallContext; |
223 try { |
224 call.Data = ProcessRemoteCallRequestA(call.Data); |
225 } finally { |
226 currentCallContext = prevCallContext; |
227 lock (waitingCallThreads) { |
228 if (hasprevcallid) waitingCallThreads[currentThread] = prevcallid; |
229 else waitingCallThreads.Remove(currentThread); |
230 } |
231 } |
232 call.IsResult = true; |
233 SendObject(call); |
234 } |
235 |
236 private Object FixReturnType(Object value, Type expectedType) { |
237 if (value == null) return value; |
238 Type valueType = value.GetType(); |
239 if (valueType != expectedType) { |
240 if (valueType.IsArray) { |
241 Array retarray = value as Array; |
242 if (retarray != null) { |
243 if (!valueType.GetElementType().IsPublic && retarray.Rank == 1 && |
244 ( |
245 expectedType.IsArray || |
246 (expectedType.IsGenericType && (expectedType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IEnumerable<>) || expectedType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ICollection<>) || expectedType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IList<>))) |
247 ) |
248 ) { |
249 Type btype = expectedType.IsArray ? expectedType.GetElementType() : expectedType.GetGenericArguments()[0]; |
250 Array r = Array.CreateInstance(btype, retarray.Length); |
251 retarray.CopyTo(r, 0); |
252 value = r; |
253 } |
254 } |
255 } |
256 } |
257 return value; |
258 } |
259 private Object ProcessRemoteMethodCallRequestA(Object ret) { |
260 if (ret is DelegateCallRequest) { |
261 DelegateCallRequest call = (DelegateCallRequest)ret; |
262 Object target = call.Delegate; |
263 DebugLog("Remote delegate call on {0}", target); |
264 if (ReferenceEquals(target, null)) throw new NullReferenceException("target"); |
265 if (!(target is Delegate)) throw new InvalidCastException("target"); |
266 Object[] args = call.Arguments; |
267 return ((Delegate)target).DynamicInvoke(args); |
268 } else if (ret is MethodCallRequest) { |
269 MethodCallRequest call = (MethodCallRequest)ret; |
270 Object target = call.Object; |
271 if (ReferenceEquals(target, null)) throw new NullReferenceException("target"); |
272 Type intf = call.Type ?? target.GetType(); |
273 DebugLog("Remote call {0}.{1} on {2}", intf.FullName, call.MethodName, target); |
274 if (!intf.IsInstanceOfType(target)) throw new InvalidCastException("target"); |
275 MethodInfo meth; |
276 if (call.MethodSignature != null) { |
277 meth = intf.GetMethod(call.MethodName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, call.MethodSignature, null); |
278 } else { |
279 meth = intf.GetMethod(call.MethodName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public); |
280 } |
281 if (meth == null) throw new NullReferenceException("method"); |
282 Object[] args = call.Arguments; |
283 Object retval; |
284 if (meth.Name == "GetType" && meth == typeof(Object).GetMethod("GetType", Type.EmptyTypes)) { |
285 if (target.GetType().IsPublic) retval = target.GetType(); |
286 else retval = intf; |
287 } else { |
288 retval = meth.Invoke(target, args); |
289 } |
290 //Todo: causes lots of redundant data transfers, do something about it! |
291 /*Object[] rargs = new Object[0]; |
292 for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { |
293 if (args[i] == null) continue; |
294 if (args[i].GetType().IsArray) { |
295 Array.Resize(ref rargs, i + 1); |
296 rargs[i] = args[i]; |
297 } |
298 } |
299 resp.ReturnArguments = rargs;*/ |
300 return FixReturnType(retval, meth.ReturnType); |
301 } else if (ret is PropertyAccessRequest) { |
302 PropertyAccessRequest call = (PropertyAccessRequest)ret; |
303 Object target = call.Object; |
304 if (ReferenceEquals(target, null)) throw new NullReferenceException("target"); |
305 Type intf = call.Type ?? target.GetType(); |
306 DebugLog("Remote property access {0}.{1} on {2}", intf.FullName, call.PropertyName, target); |
307 if (!intf.IsInstanceOfType(target)) throw new InvalidCastException("target"); |
308 PropertyInfo meth = intf.GetProperty(call.PropertyName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public); |
309 if (meth == null) throw new NullReferenceException("property"); |
310 if (call.SetValue) { |
311 meth.SetValue(target, call.Value, null); |
312 return null; |
313 } else { |
314 return FixReturnType(meth.GetValue(target, null), meth.PropertyType); |
315 } |
316 } else { |
317 throw new InvalidDataException("Unexpected object type"); |
318 } |
319 } |
320 private Object ProcessRemoteCallRequestA(Object ret) { |
321 if (ret is DelegateCallRequest || ret is MethodCallRequest || ret is PropertyAccessRequest) { |
322 MethodCallResponse resp = new MethodCallResponse(); |
323 try { |
324 resp.ReturnValue = ProcessRemoteMethodCallRequestA(ret); |
325 } catch (Exception ex) { |
326 resp.Exception = ex; |
327 ErrorLog(ex); |
328 } |
329 return resp; |
330 } else if (ret is GetRootRequest) { |
331 DebugLog("Remote root request"); |
332 return LocalRoot; |
333 } else if (ret is ObjectCanCastToRequest) { |
334 ObjectCanCastToRequest ctr = (ObjectCanCastToRequest)ret; |
335 Type intf = ctr.Type; |
336 Object target = ctr.Object; |
337 DebugLog("Remote type check for {0} on {1}", intf.Name, target); |
338 return intf != null && intf.IsInstanceOfType(target); |
339 } else if (ret is CreateStreamRequest) { |
340 CreateStreamRequest csr = (CreateStreamRequest)ret; |
341 StreamChannel ss = new StreamChannel(this, csr.StreamID); |
342 ss.OtherSide = csr.StreamObject; |
343 lock (streamChannels) streamChannels.Add(csr.StreamID, ss); |
344 return ss; |
345 } else { |
346 throw new InvalidDataException("Unexpected object type"); |
347 } |
348 } |
349 #endregion |
350 |
351 #region Outgoing calls |
352 UInt32 callID = 0; |
353 private UInt32 AllocatePendingCallID(PendingRemoteCall call) { |
354 UInt32 cid; |
355 lock (pendingCalls) { |
356 while (true) { |
357 cid = ++callID; |
358 if (!pendingCalls.ContainsKey(cid)) break; |
359 Monitor.Wait(pendingCalls); |
360 } |
361 call.ID = cid; |
362 pendingCalls.Add(cid, call); |
363 } |
364 return cid; |
365 } |
366 private Object SyncCall(Object req) { |
367 UInt32 previousCall; |
368 Boolean hasPreviousCall; |
369 lock (waitingCallThreads) hasPreviousCall = waitingCallThreads.TryGetValue(Thread.CurrentThread, out previousCall); |
370 PendingRemoteCall pending = new PendingRemoteCall() { Completed = false, WaitHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false), CallData = req }; |
371 AllocatePendingCallID(pending); |
372 SynchronousCall call = new SynchronousCall() { IsResult = false, CallID = pending.ID, Data = req, HasPreviousCallID = false }; |
373 if (hasPreviousCall) { |
374 call.HasPreviousCallID = true; |
375 call.PreviousCallID = previousCall; |
376 } |
377 SendObject(call); |
378 while (true) { |
379 pending.WaitHandle.WaitOne(); |
380 if (pending.Completed) break; |
381 pending.WaitHandle.Reset(); |
382 if (pending.NextCall == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Operation did not complete"); |
383 SynchronousCall sc = pending.NextCall.Value; |
384 pending.NextCall = null; |
385 ProcessRemoteCallRequest(sc); |
386 } |
387 pending.WaitHandle.Close(); |
388 if (pending.Error != null) throw pending.Error; |
389 return pending.Response; |
390 } |
391 private void AsyncCall(Object req) { |
392 UInt32 cid = AllocatePendingCallID(new PendingRemoteCall() { Completed = false, CallData = req }); |
393 SendObject(new SynchronousCall() { IsResult = false, CallID = cid, Data = req, HasPreviousCallID = false }); |
394 } |
395 |
396 public Object RemoteRoot { |
397 get { |
398 return SyncCall(new GetRootRequest()); |
399 } |
400 } |
401 |
402 public static void AsyncCall(Delegate f, params Object[] args) { |
403 IProxyBase proxy; |
404 if ((proxy = GetRealProxyForObject(f)) != null) { |
405 proxy.Manager.AsyncCall(new DelegateCallRequest() { Delegate = proxy, Arguments = args }); |
406 } else if ((proxy = GetRealProxyForObject(f.Target)) != null) { |
407 MethodCallRequest call = new MethodCallRequest() { Object = proxy, Type = f.Method.DeclaringType, MethodName = f.Method.Name, Arguments = args }; |
408 call.MethodSignature = ConvertMethodParameterTypeArray(f.Method); |
409 proxy.Manager.AsyncCall(call); |
410 } else { |
411 throw new InvalidOperationException("Delegate is not a proxy for a remote object"); |
412 } |
413 } |
414 |
415 private static Type[] ConvertMethodParameterTypeArray(MethodInfo method) { |
416 ParameterInfo[] parameters = method.GetParameters(); |
417 Type[] types = new Type[parameters.Length]; |
418 for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++) types[i] = parameters[i].ParameterType; |
419 return types; |
420 } |
421 private void ProxyCallCheckReturnType(Object value, Type type) { |
422 if (type == typeof(void)) return; |
423 if (type.IsInstanceOfType(value)) return; |
424 if (value == null && !type.IsValueType) return; |
425 throw new InvalidCastException("Type returned by remote procedure does not match expected type."); |
426 } |
427 private void ProxyCallFixReturnArguments(Object[] args, Object[] rargs) { |
428 if (rargs == null) return; |
429 for (int i = 0; i < rargs.Length; i++) { |
430 if (rargs[i] == null) continue; |
431 if (args[i] != null && args[i].GetType().IsArray) { |
432 ((Array)rargs[i]).CopyTo((Array)args[i], 0); |
433 } |
434 } |
435 } |
436 private Object ProxyMakeCallDelegate(DelegateProxy obj, Object[] args) { |
437 DelegateCallRequest call = new DelegateCallRequest() { Delegate = obj, Arguments = args }; |
438 MethodCallResponse resp = (MethodCallResponse)SyncCall(call); |
439 if (resp.Exception != null) throw new Exception("Remote exception", resp.Exception); |
440 ProxyCallFixReturnArguments(args, resp.ReturnArguments); |
441 ProxyCallCheckReturnType(resp.ReturnValue, obj.MethodSignature.ReturnType); |
442 return resp.ReturnValue; |
443 } |
444 private Object ProxyMakeCall(IProxyBase obj, MethodInfo method, Object[] args) { |
445 /*if (args.Length == 1 && method.ReturnType == typeof(void) && args[0] != null && args[0] is Delegate) { |
446 foreach (EventInfo ei in type.GetEvents()) { |
447 if (ei.EventHandlerType.IsInstanceOfType(args[0])) { |
448 if (method == ei.GetAddMethod()) { |
449 Console.WriteLine("ADD EVENT"); |
450 } else if (method == ei.GetRemoveMethod()) { |
451 Console.WriteLine("REMOVE EVENT"); |
452 } |
453 } |
454 } |
455 }*/ |
456 MethodCallRequest call = new MethodCallRequest() { Object = obj, Type = method.DeclaringType, MethodName = method.Name, Arguments = args }; |
457 call.MethodSignature = ConvertMethodParameterTypeArray(method); |
458 MethodCallResponse resp = (MethodCallResponse)SyncCall(call); |
459 if (resp.Exception != null) throw new Exception("Remote exception", resp.Exception); |
460 ProxyCallFixReturnArguments(args, resp.ReturnArguments); |
461 ProxyCallCheckReturnType(resp.ReturnValue, method.ReturnType); |
462 return resp.ReturnValue; |
463 } |
464 private Boolean ProxyCanCastTo(IProxyBase obj, Type type) { |
465 return (Boolean)SyncCall(new ObjectCanCastToRequest() { Object = obj, Type = type }); |
466 } |
467 private void ProxyReleaseObject(ProxyObjectReference objref) { |
468 if (objref == null) return; |
469 ProxyReleaseObject(objref, objref.RefCnt); |
470 } |
471 private void ProxyReleaseObject(ProxyObjectReference objref, int refcnt) { |
472 lock (ObjectReferencesByID) { |
473 int newrefcnt = objref.Release(refcnt); |
474 IObjectReferenceBase regobjref; |
475 if (newrefcnt <= 0 && ObjectReferencesByID.TryGetValue(objref.ID, out regobjref) && objref == regobjref) ObjectReferencesByID.Remove(objref.ID); |
476 } |
477 try { |
478 if (Closed) return; |
479 SendObject(new ReferenceReleaseRequest() { ObjectID = objref.RemoteID, ReferenceCount = refcnt }); |
480 } catch (Exception) { } //Assume the exception happened because the connection is closed. Otherwise memory leak... |
481 } |
482 |
483 class PendingRemoteCall { |
484 public UInt32 ID = 0; |
485 public ManualResetEvent WaitHandle = null; |
486 public Object Response = null; |
487 public Exception Error = null; |
488 public Boolean Completed = false; |
489 public SynchronousCall? NextCall = null; |
490 public Object CallData = null; |
491 |
492 public void SetError(Exception error) { |
493 this.Error = error; |
494 Completed = true; |
495 if (WaitHandle != null) WaitHandle.Set(); |
496 } |
497 public void SetResult(Object result) { |
498 this.Response = result; |
499 Completed = true; |
500 if (WaitHandle != null) WaitHandle.Set(); |
501 } |
502 public Boolean SetNextCall(SynchronousCall nextcall) { |
503 if (WaitHandle == null) return false; |
504 this.NextCall = nextcall; |
505 WaitHandle.Set(); |
506 return true; |
507 } |
508 } |
509 #endregion |
510 |
511 #region Object serialization support |
512 private void Serialize(Stream stream, Object obj) { |
513 BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(stream); |
514 Serialize(writer, obj); |
515 writer.Flush(); |
516 } |
517 private void Serialize(BinaryWriter writer, Object obj) { |
518 if (ReferenceEquals(obj, null)) { |
519 writer.Write((Byte)0); |
520 } else if (GetRealProxyForObject(obj) != null) { |
521 GetObjectData(obj, writer); |
522 } else { |
523 Type type = obj.GetType(); |
524 if (type == typeof(Boolean)) { |
525 writer.Write((Byte)1); |
526 writer.Write((Boolean)obj); |
527 } else if (type == typeof(Byte)) { |
528 writer.Write((Byte)2); |
529 writer.Write((Byte)obj); |
530 } else if (type == typeof(Char)) { |
531 writer.Write((Byte)3); |
532 writer.Write((Int16)obj); |
533 } else if (type == typeof(Decimal)) { |
534 writer.Write((Byte)4); |
535 writer.Write((Decimal)obj); |
536 } else if (type == typeof(Double)) { |
537 writer.Write((Byte)5); |
538 writer.Write((Double)obj); |
539 } else if (type == typeof(Int16)) { |
540 writer.Write((Byte)6); |
541 writer.Write((Int16)obj); |
542 } else if (type == typeof(Int32)) { |
543 writer.Write((Byte)7); |
544 writer.Write((Int32)obj); |
545 } else if (type == typeof(Int64)) { |
546 writer.Write((Byte)8); |
547 writer.Write((Int64)obj); |
548 } else if (type == typeof(SByte)) { |
549 writer.Write((Byte)9); |
550 writer.Write((SByte)obj); |
551 } else if (type == typeof(Single)) { |
552 writer.Write((Byte)10); |
553 writer.Write((Single)obj); |
554 } else if (type == typeof(String)) { |
555 writer.Write((Byte)11); |
556 writer.Write((String)obj); |
557 } else if (type == typeof(UInt16)) { |
558 writer.Write((Byte)12); |
559 writer.Write((UInt16)obj); |
560 } else if (type == typeof(UInt32)) { |
561 writer.Write((Byte)13); |
562 writer.Write((UInt32)obj); |
563 } else if (type == typeof(UInt64)) { |
564 writer.Write((Byte)14); |
565 writer.Write((UInt64)obj); |
566 } else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Type))) { |
567 writer.Write((Byte)165); |
568 SerializeType(writer, (Type)obj); |
569 } else if (type.IsArray) { |
570 writer.Write((Byte)164); |
571 Array arr = (Array)obj; |
572 writer.Write((int)arr.Length); |
573 SerializeType(writer, type.GetElementType()); |
574 for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) { |
575 Serialize(writer, arr.GetValue(i)); |
576 } |
577 } else if (type.IsPrimitive) { |
578 throw new NotSupportedException(); |
579 } else if (typeof(Delegate).IsAssignableFrom(type) || type.IsMarshalByRef) { |
580 GetObjectData(obj, writer); |
581 } else if (obj is ISerializable) { |
582 SerializationInfo si = new SerializationInfo(type, new FormatterConverter()); |
583 ((ISerializable)obj).GetObjectData(si, new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.All)); |
584 writer.Write((Byte)166); |
585 SerializeType(writer, Type.GetType(si.FullTypeName + "," + si.AssemblyName)); |
586 writer.Write((int)si.MemberCount); |
587 foreach (SerializationEntry se in si) { |
588 writer.Write(se.Name); |
589 Serialize(writer, se.Value); |
590 } |
591 } else if (type.IsSerializable) { |
592 MemberInfo[] members = FormatterServices.GetSerializableMembers(type); |
593 Object[] values = FormatterServices.GetObjectData(obj, members); |
594 writer.Write((Byte)128); |
595 SerializeType(writer, type); |
596 for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { |
597 MemberInfo mi = members[i]; |
598 writer.Write((Byte)255); |
599 writer.Write(mi.Name); |
600 Serialize(writer, values[i]); |
601 } |
602 writer.Write((Byte)0); |
603 } else { |
604 GetObjectData(obj, writer); |
605 } |
606 } |
607 } |
608 private void SerializeType(BinaryWriter writer, Type t) { |
609 writer.Write(t.FullName); |
610 writer.Write(t.Assembly.FullName); |
611 } |
612 private Object Deserialize(Stream stream) { |
613 BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream); |
614 return Deserialize(reader); |
615 } |
616 private Object Deserialize(BinaryReader reader) { |
617 Byte t = reader.ReadByte(); |
618 if (t == 0) return null; |
619 if (t == 1) return reader.ReadBoolean(); |
620 if (t == 2) return reader.ReadByte(); |
621 if (t == 3) return (Char)reader.ReadInt16(); |
622 if (t == 4) return reader.ReadDecimal(); |
623 if (t == 5) return reader.ReadDouble(); |
624 if (t == 6) return reader.ReadInt16(); |
625 if (t == 7) return reader.ReadInt32(); |
626 if (t == 8) return reader.ReadInt64(); |
627 if (t == 9) return reader.ReadSByte(); |
628 if (t == 10) return reader.ReadSingle(); |
629 if (t == 11) return reader.ReadString(); |
630 if (t == 12) return reader.ReadUInt16(); |
631 if (t == 13) return reader.ReadUInt32(); |
632 if (t == 14) return reader.ReadUInt64(); |
633 if (t == 128) { |
634 Type type = DeserializeType(reader); |
635 Object inst = FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(type); |
636 List<MemberInfo> members = new List<MemberInfo>(); |
637 List<Object> values = new List<object>(); |
638 while (true) { |
639 t = reader.ReadByte(); |
640 if (t == 0) { |
641 break; |
642 } else if (t == 255) { |
643 String mname = reader.ReadString(); |
644 Object value = Deserialize(reader); |
645 MemberInfo[] mms = type.GetMember(mname, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); |
646 if (mms.Length != 1) throw new InvalidOperationException(); |
647 members.Add(mms[0]); |
648 values.Add(value); |
649 } else throw new InvalidDataException(); |
650 } |
651 FormatterServices.PopulateObjectMembers(inst, members.ToArray(), values.ToArray()); |
652 return inst; |
653 } |
654 if (t == 129 || t == 130 || t == 131) { |
655 return SetObjectData(t, reader); |
656 } |
657 if (t == 164) { |
658 int len = reader.ReadInt32(); |
659 Type type = DeserializeType(reader); Array arr = Array.CreateInstance(type, len); |
660 for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) arr.SetValue(Deserialize(reader), i); |
661 return arr; |
662 } |
663 if (t == 165) { |
664 return DeserializeType(reader); |
665 } |
666 if (t == 166) { |
667 Type type = DeserializeType(reader); |
668 SerializationInfo si = new SerializationInfo(type, new FormatterConverter()); |
669 int cnt = reader.ReadInt32(); |
670 for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { |
671 String name = reader.ReadString(); |
672 Object sub = Deserialize(reader); |
673 si.AddValue(name, sub); |
674 } |
675 StreamingContext sc = new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.All); |
676 Object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Object[] { si, sc }, null); |
677 IObjectReference objref = obj as IObjectReference; |
678 if (objref != null) obj = objref.GetRealObject(sc); |
679 return obj; |
680 } |
681 throw new NotSupportedException(); |
682 } |
683 private Type DeserializeType(BinaryReader reader) { |
684 String name = reader.ReadString(); |
685 String aname = reader.ReadString(); |
686 Type t = Type.GetType(name + ", " + aname, false); |
687 if (t != null) return t; |
688 foreach (Assembly assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) { |
689 t = assembly.GetType(name, false); |
690 if (t != null) return t; |
691 } |
692 return t; |
693 } |
694 |
695 Dictionary<UInt32, IObjectReferenceBase> ObjectReferencesByID = new Dictionary<uint, IObjectReferenceBase>(); |
696 List<RemoteObjectReference> RemoteObjectReferences = new List<RemoteObjectReference>(); |
697 uint remoteReferenceIndex = 0; |
698 void GetObjectData(object obj, BinaryWriter w) { |
699 IObjectReferenceBase rref = null; |
700 IProxyBase proxy = GetRealProxyForObject(obj); |
701 if (proxy != null && proxy.Manager == this) { |
702 rref = proxy.ObjectReference; |
703 w.Write((Byte)131); |
704 w.Write((UInt32)rref.RemoteID); |
705 } else { |
706 Boolean isDelegate = obj is Delegate; |
707 lock (ObjectReferencesByID) { |
708 foreach (IObjectReferenceBase objref in RemoteObjectReferences) { |
709 Object other = objref.Target; |
710 if (ReferenceEquals(other, obj) || (isDelegate && Delegate.Equals(other, obj))) { |
711 rref = objref; |
712 break; |
713 } |
714 } |
715 if (rref == null) { |
716 UInt32 objid; |
717 lock (ObjectReferencesByID) { |
718 while (true) { |
719 remoteReferenceIndex++; |
720 objid = remoteReferenceIndex; |
721 if ((objid & 0x80000000) != 0) { |
722 remoteReferenceIndex = 0; |
723 continue; |
724 } |
725 if (!ObjectReferencesByID.ContainsKey(objid)) break; |
726 Monitor.Wait(ObjectReferencesByID); |
727 } |
728 } |
729 rref = new RemoteObjectReference(objid, obj); |
730 ObjectReferencesByID.Add(objid, rref); |
731 RemoteObjectReferences.Add((RemoteObjectReference)rref); |
732 } |
733 rref.AddRef(); |
734 } |
735 if (isDelegate) { |
736 w.Write((Byte)130); |
737 w.Write((UInt32)rref.RemoteID); |
738 SerializeType(w, obj.GetType()); |
739 } else { |
740 w.Write((Byte)129); |
741 w.Write((UInt32)rref.RemoteID); |
742 } |
743 } |
744 } |
745 object SetObjectData(Byte t, BinaryReader r) { |
746 UInt32 objid = r.ReadUInt32(); |
747 Type deltype = null; |
748 if (t == 130) deltype = DeserializeType(r); |
749 lock (ObjectReferencesByID) { |
750 Object target = null; |
751 IObjectReferenceBase rref; |
752 if (ObjectReferencesByID.TryGetValue(objid, out rref)) target = rref.Target; |
753 if (t == 131) { |
754 if (target == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Object not found"); |
755 } else { |
756 if (target == null) { |
757 if ((objid & 0x80000000) == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("The Object ID is invalid"); |
758 IProxyBase proxy; |
759 if (t == 130) { |
760 proxy = CreateDelegateProxy(objid, deltype); |
761 } else { |
762 String[] iftypes = null; //(String[])info.GetValue("InterfaceTypes", typeof(String[])); |
763 proxy = CreateObjectProxy(objid, iftypes); |
764 } |
765 rref = proxy.ObjectReference; |
766 ObjectReferencesByID[objid] = rref; |
767 target = proxy.GetTransparentProxy(); |
768 } |
769 rref.AddRef(); |
770 } |
771 return target; |
772 } |
773 } |
774 #endregion |
775 |
776 #region RPC messages |
777 [Serializable] |
778 struct SynchronousCall { |
779 public UInt32 CallID; |
780 public Boolean IsResult; |
781 public Object Data; |
782 public Boolean HasPreviousCallID; |
783 public UInt32 PreviousCallID; |
784 } |
785 |
786 [Serializable] |
787 struct MethodCallRequest { |
788 public Object Object; |
789 public Type Type; |
790 public String MethodName; |
791 public Type[] MethodSignature; |
792 public Object[] Arguments; |
793 } |
794 [Serializable] |
795 struct MethodCallResponse { |
796 public Exception Exception; |
797 public Object ReturnValue; |
798 public Object[] ReturnArguments; |
799 } |
800 [Serializable] |
801 struct PropertyAccessRequest { |
802 public Object Object; |
803 public Type Type; |
804 public String PropertyName; |
805 public Boolean SetValue; |
806 public Object Value; |
807 } |
808 [Serializable] |
809 struct ReferenceReleaseRequest { |
810 public UInt32 ObjectID; |
811 public Int32 ReferenceCount; |
812 } |
813 [Serializable] |
814 struct GetRootRequest { |
815 } |
816 [Serializable] |
817 struct ObjectCanCastToRequest { |
818 public Object Object; |
819 public Type Type; |
820 } |
821 [Serializable] |
822 struct CreateStreamRequest { |
823 public StreamChannel StreamObject; |
824 public int StreamID; |
825 } |
826 [Serializable] |
827 struct DelegateCallRequest { |
828 public Object Delegate; |
829 public Object[] Arguments; |
830 } |
831 #endregion |
832 |
833 #region Proxy magic |
834 static IProxyBase GetRealProxyForObject(Object obj) { |
835 if (RemotingServices.IsTransparentProxy(obj)) return RemotingServices.GetRealProxy(obj) as FWProxy; |
836 IProxyBase obj_IProxyBase = obj as IProxyBase; |
837 if (obj_IProxyBase != null) return obj_IProxyBase; |
838 Delegate obj_Delegate = obj as Delegate; |
839 if (obj_Delegate != null) { |
840 DelegateProxy pb = obj_Delegate.Target as DelegateProxy; |
841 if (pb != null) return pb; |
842 } |
843 return null; |
844 } |
845 public static RemotingManager GetManagerForObjectProxy(Object obj) { |
846 IProxyBase prox = GetRealProxyForObject(obj); |
847 if (prox == null) return null; |
848 return prox.Manager; |
849 } |
850 |
851 interface IObjectReferenceBase { |
852 UInt32 ID { get; } |
853 Object Target { get; } |
854 int AddRef(); |
855 int RefCnt { get; } |
856 Boolean IsLocal { get; } |
857 UInt32 RemoteID { get; } |
858 } |
859 |
860 class RemoteObjectReference : IObjectReferenceBase { |
861 int refcnt = 0; |
862 public UInt32 ID { get; private set; } |
863 public Object Target { get; private set; } |
864 public int RefCnt { get { return refcnt; } } |
865 public int AddRef() { return Interlocked.Increment(ref refcnt); } |
866 public int Release(int count) { return Interlocked.Add(ref refcnt, -count); } |
867 public Boolean IsLocal { get { return true; } } |
868 public UInt32 RemoteID { get { return ID | 0x80000000; } } |
869 public RemoteObjectReference(UInt32 id, Object obj) { |
870 if ((id & 0x80000000) != 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("The Object ID is invalid"); |
871 this.ID = id; |
872 this.Target = obj; |
873 } |
874 } |
875 |
876 interface IProxyBase { |
877 RemotingManager Manager { get; } |
878 UInt32 ID { get; } |
879 ProxyObjectReference ObjectReference { get; } |
880 Object GetTransparentProxy(); |
881 } |
882 class ProxyObjectReference : IObjectReferenceBase { |
883 int refcnt = 0; |
884 WeakReference targetref; |
885 public UInt32 ID { get; private set; } |
886 public RemotingManager Manager { get; private set; } |
887 public Object Target { |
888 get { |
889 IProxyBase proxy = this.Proxy; |
890 if (proxy == null) return null; |
891 return proxy.GetTransparentProxy(); |
892 } |
893 } |
894 public IProxyBase Proxy { |
895 get { |
896 if (targetref == null) return null; |
897 return (IProxyBase)targetref.Target; |
898 } |
899 } |
900 public int RefCnt { get { return refcnt; } } |
901 public int AddRef() { |
902 int newcnt = Interlocked.Increment(ref refcnt); |
903 if (newcnt > 10000 && Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref refcnt, 1, newcnt) == newcnt) { |
904 Manager.ProxyReleaseObject(this, newcnt - 1); |
905 newcnt = 1; |
906 } |
907 return newcnt; |
908 } |
909 public int Release(int count) { return Interlocked.Add(ref refcnt, -count); } |
910 public Boolean IsLocal { get { return false; } } |
911 public UInt32 RemoteID { get { return ID & 0x7FFFFFFF; } } |
912 public ProxyObjectReference(IProxyBase proxy) { |
913 this.Manager = proxy.Manager; |
914 this.ID = proxy.ID; |
915 if ((ID & 0x80000000) == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("The Object ID is invalid"); |
916 targetref = new WeakReference(proxy); |
917 } |
918 } |
919 class DelegateProxy : IProxyBase { |
920 public ProxyObjectReference ObjectReference { get; private set; } |
921 public RemotingManager Manager { get; private set; } |
922 public UInt32 ID { get; private set; } |
923 public Delegate Target { get; private set; } |
924 public MethodInfo MethodSignature { get; private set; } |
925 public Object GetTransparentProxy() { return Target; } |
926 |
927 public DelegateProxy(RemotingManager manager, UInt32 objid, MethodInfo methodinfo, Type delegateType, DynamicMethod methodBuilder) { |
928 this.Manager = manager; |
929 this.ID = objid; |
930 this.MethodSignature = methodinfo; |
931 Delegate mi = methodBuilder.CreateDelegate(delegateType, this); |
932 ObjectReference = new ProxyObjectReference(this); |
933 } |
934 ~DelegateProxy() { |
935 Manager.ProxyReleaseObject(ObjectReference); |
936 } |
937 private Object DoCall(Object[] args) { |
938 return Manager.ProxyMakeCallDelegate(this, args); |
939 } |
940 } |
941 class FWProxy : RealProxy, IRemotingTypeInfo, IProxyBase { |
942 public RemotingManager Manager { get; private set; } |
943 public UInt32 ID { get; private set; } |
944 public ProxyObjectReference ObjectReference { get; private set; } |
945 |
946 public FWProxy(RemotingManager manager, UInt32 objid) : base(typeof(MarshalByRefObject)) { |
947 this.Manager = manager; |
948 this.ID = objid; |
949 this.ObjectReference = new ProxyObjectReference(this); |
950 } |
951 |
952 ~FWProxy() { |
953 Manager.ProxyReleaseObject(ObjectReference); |
954 } |
955 |
956 public string TypeName { get; set; } |
957 |
958 public override IMessage Invoke(IMessage msg) { |
959 IMethodCallMessage methodCallMessage = msg as IMethodCallMessage; |
960 if (methodCallMessage != null) { |
961 Object r = Manager.ProxyMakeCall(this, (MethodInfo)methodCallMessage.MethodBase, methodCallMessage.Args); |
962 return new ReturnMessage(r, null, 0, null, methodCallMessage); |
963 } |
964 throw new NotImplementedException(); |
965 } |
966 |
967 public bool CanCastTo(Type fromType, object o) { |
968 if (fromType == typeof(ISerializable)) return false; |
969 return Manager.ProxyCanCastTo(this, fromType); |
970 } |
971 } |
972 class ProxyBase : IProxyBase { |
973 public RemotingManager Manager { get; private set; } |
974 public UInt32 ID { get; private set; } |
975 public ProxyObjectReference ObjectReference { get; private set; } |
976 public Object GetTransparentProxy() { return this; } |
977 |
978 public void Init(RemotingManager manager, UInt32 objid) { |
979 this.Manager = manager; |
980 this.ID = objid; |
981 this.ObjectReference = new ProxyObjectReference(this); |
982 } |
983 |
984 protected Object DoCall(RuntimeMethodHandle methodh, Object[] args) { |
985 MethodInfo meth = (MethodInfo)MethodInfo.GetMethodFromHandle(methodh); |
986 return Manager.ProxyMakeCall(this, meth, args); |
987 } |
988 |
989 ~ProxyBase() { |
990 Manager.ProxyReleaseObject(ObjectReference); |
991 } |
992 } |
993 |
994 private IProxyBase CreateDelegateProxy(UInt32 objid, Type deltype) { |
995 MethodInfo newMethod = deltype.GetMethod("Invoke"); |
996 ParameterInfo[] parameters = newMethod.GetParameters(); |
997 Type[] mparams = ArrayUtil.Merge(new Type[1] { typeof(DelegateProxy) }, Array.ConvertAll(parameters, delegate(ParameterInfo pi) { return pi.ParameterType; })); |
998 DynamicMethod methodBuilder = new DynamicMethod(String.Empty, newMethod.ReturnType, mparams, typeof(DelegateProxy)); |
999 ILGenerator ilGenerator = methodBuilder.GetILGenerator(); |
1000 GenerateProxyMethodCode(ilGenerator, parameters, newMethod.ReturnType, typeof(DelegateProxy), "DoCall", null); |
1001 return new DelegateProxy(this, objid, newMethod, deltype, methodBuilder); |
1002 } |
1003 |
1004 private IProxyBase CreateObjectProxy(UInt32 objid, String[] typeNames) { |
1005 DebugLog("Create proxy for remote object {0}", objid); |
1006 IProxyBase proxy; |
1007 if (true) { |
1008 proxy = new FWProxy(this, objid); |
1009 } else { |
1010 Type[] types = new Type[typeNames.Length]; |
1011 int j = 0; |
1012 for (int i = 0; i < typeNames.Length; i++) { |
1013 Type t = Type.GetType(typeNames[i], false); |
1014 if (t == null || !t.IsInterface) continue; |
1015 types[j] = t; |
1016 j++; |
1017 } |
1018 Array.Resize(ref types, j); |
1019 Type proxyType = GetProxyType(types); |
1020 proxy = (ProxyBase)Activator.CreateInstance(proxyType); |
1021 ((ProxyBase)proxy).Init(this, objid); |
1022 } |
1023 return proxy; |
1024 } |
1025 |
1026 private static ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder = null; |
1027 private static Dictionary<String, Type> proxyCache = null; |
1028 private static Type GetProxyType(Type[] interfaceTypes) { |
1029 Type proxyType; |
1030 String key = String.Join("&", Array.ConvertAll(interfaceTypes, delegate(Type t) { return t.Name; })); |
1031 lock (typeof(RemotingManager)) if (proxyCache == null) proxyCache = new Dictionary<String, Type>(); |
1032 lock (proxyCache) { |
1033 if (!proxyCache.TryGetValue(key, out proxyType)) { |
1034 proxyType = GenerateProxyType(key, interfaceTypes); |
1035 proxyCache.Add(key, proxyType); |
1036 } |
1037 } |
1038 return proxyType; |
1039 } |
1040 private static Type GenerateProxyType(String name, Type[] interfaceTypes) { |
1041 lock (typeof(RemotingManager)) { |
1042 if (moduleBuilder == null) { |
1043 AssemblyBuilder assembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(new AssemblyName("UCIS.Remoting.Proxies"), AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run); |
1044 moduleBuilder = assembly.DefineDynamicModule("UCIS.Remoting.Proxies", false); |
1045 } |
1046 } |
1047 TypeBuilder typeBuilder = moduleBuilder.DefineType( |
1048 name.Length == 0 ? "UndefinedProxy" : name, //mono does not like types with no name! |
1049 TypeAttributes.NotPublic | TypeAttributes.Sealed, |
1050 typeof(ProxyBase), |
1051 interfaceTypes); |
1052 foreach (Type interfaceType in interfaceTypes) { |
1053 foreach (MethodInfo method in interfaceType.GetMethods()) { |
1054 GenerateProxyMethod(typeBuilder, method); |
1055 } |
1056 } |
1057 return typeBuilder.CreateType(); |
1058 } |
1059 private static void GenerateProxyMethod(TypeBuilder typeBuilder, MethodInfo newMethod) { |
1060 if (newMethod.IsGenericMethod) newMethod = newMethod.GetGenericMethodDefinition(); |
1061 ParameterInfo[] parameters = newMethod.GetParameters(); |
1062 Type[] parameterTypes = Array.ConvertAll(parameters, delegate(ParameterInfo parameter) { return parameter.ParameterType; }); |
1063 |
1064 MethodBuilder methodBuilder = typeBuilder.DefineMethod( |
1065 "Impl_" + newMethod.DeclaringType.Name + "_" + newMethod.Name, |
1066 MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Virtual, |
1067 newMethod.ReturnType, |
1068 parameterTypes); |
1069 typeBuilder.DefineMethodOverride(methodBuilder, newMethod); |
1070 |
1071 if (newMethod.IsGenericMethod) { |
1072 methodBuilder.DefineGenericParameters(Array.ConvertAll(newMethod.GetGenericArguments(), delegate(Type type) { return type.Name; })); |
1073 } |
1074 |
1075 ILGenerator ilGenerator = methodBuilder.GetILGenerator(); |
1076 GenerateProxyMethodCode(ilGenerator, parameters, newMethod.ReturnType, typeof(ProxyBase), "DoCall", newMethod); |
1077 } |
1078 private static void GenerateProxyMethodCode(ILGenerator ilGenerator, ParameterInfo[] parameters, Type returnType, Type baseType, String baseMethod, MethodInfo methodRef) { |
1079 LocalBuilder localBuilder = ilGenerator.DeclareLocal(typeof(Object[])); |
1080 ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, parameters.Length); |
1081 ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Newarr, typeof(Object)); |
1082 ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, localBuilder); |
1083 for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) { |
1084 if (parameters[i].ParameterType.IsByRef) continue; |
1085 ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, localBuilder); |
1086 ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, i); |
1087 ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, i + 1); |
1088 if (parameters[i].ParameterType.IsValueType) ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Box, parameters[i].ParameterType); |
1089 ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Stelem_Ref); |
1090 } |
1091 ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); |
1092 if (methodRef != null) ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldtoken, methodRef); |
1093 ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, localBuilder); |
1094 ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Call, baseType.GetMethod(baseMethod, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)); |
1095 if (returnType == typeof(void)) { |
1096 ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Pop); |
1097 } else if (returnType.IsValueType) { |
1098 ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox_Any, returnType); |
1099 } |
1100 ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); |
1101 } |
1102 #endregion |
1103 } |
1104 } |