diff USBLib/Communication/LibUsbDotNet.cs @ 21:dcfec2be27c9

Added USBLib
author Ivo Smits <Ivo@UCIS.nl>
date Mon, 15 Apr 2013 01:04:59 +0200
children 5b14fed54a89
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/USBLib/Communication/LibUsbDotNet.cs	Mon Apr 15 01:04:59 2013 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.Text;
+using System.IO;
+using LibUsbDotNet.Main;
+using LibUsbDotNet.Info;
+using LibUsbDotNet.Descriptors;
+using UCIS.USBLib.Communication;
+using LibUsb0Registry = UCIS.USBLib.Communication.LibUsb.LibUsb0Registry;
+using LibUsb1Registry = UCIS.USBLib.Communication.LibUsb1.LibUsb1Registry;
+using nIUsbDevice = UCIS.USBLib.Communication.IUsbDevice;
+using nIUsbInterface = UCIS.USBLib.Communication.IUsbInterface;
+using WinUsbRegistry = UCIS.USBLib.Communication.WinUsb.WinUsbRegistry;
+namespace LibUsbDotNet {
+	public class UsbDevice : IUsbDevice {
+		public nIUsbInterface Device { get; private set; }
+		public UsbDevice(nIUsbInterface dev) {
+			Device = dev;
+		}
+		public bool GetDescriptor(byte descriptorType, byte index, short langId, Byte[] buffer, int bufferLength, out int transferLength) {
+			try {
+				transferLength = Device.GetDescriptor(descriptorType, index, langId, buffer, 0, bufferLength);
+				return true;
+			} catch {
+				transferLength = 0;
+				return false;
+			}
+		}
+		public bool ControlTransfer(ref UsbSetupPacket setupPacket, Byte[] buffer, int bufferLength, out int lengthTransferred) {
+			if ((setupPacket.RequestType & 128) != 0) {
+				lengthTransferred = Device.ControlRead((UsbControlRequestType)setupPacket.RequestType, setupPacket.Request, setupPacket.Value, setupPacket.Index, buffer, 0, bufferLength);
+			} else {
+				lengthTransferred = Device.ControlWrite((UsbControlRequestType)setupPacket.RequestType, setupPacket.Request, setupPacket.Value, setupPacket.Index, buffer, 0, bufferLength);
+			}
+			return true;
+		}
+		public DriverModeType DriverMode { get { return DriverModeType.Unknown; } }
+		public enum DriverModeType {
+			Unknown,
+			LibUsb,
+			WinUsb,
+			MonoLibUsb,
+			LibUsbWinBack
+		}
+		public UsbEndpointWriter OpenEndpointWriter(WriteEndpointID writeEndpointID, EndpointType endpointType) {
+			return new UsbEndpointWriter(Device, (Byte)writeEndpointID, endpointType);
+		}
+		public UsbEndpointReader OpenEndpointReader(ReadEndpointID readEndpointID, int buffersize, EndpointType endpointType) {
+			UsbEndpointReader reader = new UsbEndpointReader(Device, (Byte)readEndpointID, endpointType);
+			reader.ReadBufferSize = buffersize;
+			return reader;
+		}
+		public void Close() {
+			Device.Dispose();
+		}
+		public UsbDeviceInfo Info { get { return new UsbDeviceInfo(this); } }
+		public static IList<UsbRegistry> AllDevices {
+			get {
+				List<UsbRegistry> list = new List<UsbRegistry>();
+				if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT) {
+					foreach (IUsbDeviceRegistry reg in WinUsbRegistry.DeviceList) list.Add(new UsbRegistry(reg));
+					foreach (IUsbDeviceRegistry reg in LibUsb0Registry.DeviceList) list.Add(new UsbRegistry(reg));
+				} else {
+					foreach (IUsbDeviceRegistry reg in LibUsb1Registry.DeviceList) list.Add(new UsbRegistry(reg));
+				}
+				return list;
+			}
+		}
+		private SafeHandle Handle { get { return null; } }
+		public bool SetConfiguration(byte config) {
+			nIUsbDevice dev = Device as nIUsbDevice;
+			if (dev == null) return false;
+			try {
+				dev.Configuration = config;
+				return true;
+			} catch {
+				return false;
+			}
+		}
+		public bool ClaimInterface(int interfaceID) {
+			nIUsbDevice dev = Device as nIUsbDevice;
+			if (dev == null) return false;
+			try {
+				dev.ClaimInterface(interfaceID);
+				return true;
+			} catch {
+				return false;
+			}
+		}
+		public bool ReleaseInterface(int interfaceID) {
+			nIUsbDevice dev = Device as nIUsbDevice;
+			if (dev == null) return false;
+			try {
+				dev.ReleaseInterface(interfaceID);
+				return true;
+			} catch {
+				return false;
+			}
+		}
+		public IList<UsbConfigInfo> Configs {
+			get {
+				List<UsbConfigInfo> rtnConfigs = new List<UsbConfigInfo>();
+				byte[] cfgBuffer = new byte[UsbConstants.MAX_CONFIG_SIZE];
+				int iConfigs = Info.Descriptor.ConfigurationCount;
+				for (int iConfig = 0; iConfig < iConfigs; iConfig++) {
+					int iBytesTransmitted;
+					if (!GetDescriptor((byte)UsbDescriptorType.Configuration, 0, 0, cfgBuffer, cfgBuffer.Length, out iBytesTransmitted))
+						throw new Exception("Could not read configuration descriptor");
+					if (iBytesTransmitted < UsbConfigDescriptor.Size || cfgBuffer[1] != (byte)UsbDescriptorType.Configuration)
+						throw new Exception("GetDeviceConfigs: USB config descriptor is invalid.");
+					UsbConfigDescriptor configDescriptor = new UsbConfigDescriptor();
+					Helper.BytesToObject(cfgBuffer, 0, Math.Min(UsbConfigDescriptor.Size, cfgBuffer[0]), configDescriptor);
+					if (configDescriptor.TotalLength != iBytesTransmitted) throw new Exception("GetDeviceConfigs: USB config descriptor length doesn't match the length received.");
+					List<byte[]> rawDescriptorList = new List<byte[]>();
+					int iRawLengthPosition = configDescriptor.Length;
+					while (iRawLengthPosition < configDescriptor.TotalLength) {
+						byte[] rawDescriptor = new byte[cfgBuffer[iRawLengthPosition]];
+						if (iRawLengthPosition + rawDescriptor.Length > iBytesTransmitted) throw new Exception("Descriptor length is out of range.");
+						Array.Copy(cfgBuffer, iRawLengthPosition, rawDescriptor, 0, rawDescriptor.Length);
+						rawDescriptorList.Add(rawDescriptor);
+						iRawLengthPosition += rawDescriptor.Length;
+					}
+					rtnConfigs.Add(new UsbConfigInfo(this, configDescriptor, ref rawDescriptorList));
+				}
+				return rtnConfigs;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	public interface IUsbDevice {
+		bool SetConfiguration(byte config);
+		bool ClaimInterface(int interfaceID);
+		bool ReleaseInterface(int interfaceID);
+	}
+	public class UsbEndpointWriter : IDisposable {
+		public nIUsbInterface Device { get; private set; }
+		public Byte EndpointID { get; private set; }
+		public EndpointType EndpointType { get; private set; }
+		public Byte EpNum { get { return EndpointID; } }
+		public UsbEndpointWriter(nIUsbInterface dev, byte epid, EndpointType eptype) {
+			Device = dev;
+			EndpointID = epid;
+			EndpointType = eptype;
+		}
+		public ErrorCode Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, int timeout, out int transferLength) {
+			switch (EndpointType) {
+				case EndpointType.Bulk: transferLength = Device.BulkWrite(EndpointID, buffer, offset, count); break;
+				case EndpointType.Interrupt: transferLength = Device.InterruptWrite(EndpointID, buffer, offset, count); break;
+				default: transferLength = 0; return ErrorCode.Error;
+			}
+			return ErrorCode.Ok;
+		}
+		public void Dispose() { }
+	}
+	public class UsbEndpointReader : IDisposable {
+		public nIUsbInterface Device { get; private set; }
+		public Byte EndpointID { get; private set; }
+		public EndpointType EndpointType { get; private set; }
+		public Byte EpNum { get { return EndpointID; } }
+		public int ReadBufferSize { get; set; }
+		public UsbEndpointReader(nIUsbInterface dev, byte epid, EndpointType eptype) {
+			Device = dev;
+			EndpointID = epid;
+			EndpointType = eptype;
+			ReadBufferSize = 4096;
+		}
+		public ErrorCode Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, int timeout, out int transferLength) {
+			switch (EndpointType) {
+				case EndpointType.Bulk: transferLength = Device.BulkRead(EndpointID, buffer, offset, count); break;
+				case EndpointType.Interrupt: transferLength = Device.InterruptRead(EndpointID, buffer, offset, count); break;
+				default: transferLength = 0; return ErrorCode.Error;
+			}
+			return ErrorCode.Ok;
+		}
+		public void Dispose() { DataReceivedEnabled = false; }
+		private bool mDataReceivedEnabled;
+		private Thread mReadThread;
+		public virtual bool DataReceivedEnabled {
+			get { return mDataReceivedEnabled; }
+			set {
+				if (value != mDataReceivedEnabled) {
+					if (mDataReceivedEnabled) {
+						mReadThread.Abort();
+					} else {
+						mDataReceivedEnabled = true;
+						mReadThread = new Thread(ReadDataProcess);
+						mReadThread.Start();
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		private void ReadDataProcess(object state) {
+			byte[] buffer = new byte[ReadBufferSize];
+			try {
+				while (mDataReceivedEnabled) {
+					int transferLength;
+					Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, -1, out transferLength);
+					EventHandler<EndpointDataEventArgs> eh = DataReceived;
+					if (!ReferenceEquals(eh, null)) eh(this, new EndpointDataEventArgs(buffer, transferLength));
+				}
+			} catch (Exception ex) {
+				if (ReadError != null) ReadError(this, new ErrorEventArgs(ex));
+			} finally {
+				mDataReceivedEnabled = false;
+			}
+		}
+		public event EventHandler<EndpointDataEventArgs> DataReceived;
+		public event ErrorEventHandler ReadError;
+	}
+namespace LibUsbDotNet.Main {
+	public static class UsbConstants {
+		public const int MAX_CONFIG_SIZE = 4096;
+		public const int MAX_DEVICES = 128;
+		public const int MAX_ENDPOINTS = 32;
+		public const byte ENDPOINT_DIR_MASK = 0x80;
+		public const byte ENDPOINT_NUMBER_MASK = 0xf;
+	}
+	public static class Helper {
+		public static void BytesToObject(byte[] sourceBytes, int iStartIndex, int iLength, object destObject) {
+			GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(destObject, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+			IntPtr ptrDestObject = gch.AddrOfPinnedObject();
+			Marshal.Copy(sourceBytes, iStartIndex, ptrDestObject, iLength);
+			gch.Free();
+		}
+		public static string ToString(string sep0, string[] names, string sep1, object[] values, string sep2) {
+			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+			for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++) sb.Append(sep0 + names[i] + sep1 + values[i] + sep2);
+			return sb.ToString();
+		}
+	}
+	public class EndpointDataEventArgs : EventArgs {
+		internal EndpointDataEventArgs(byte[] bytes, int size) {
+			Buffer = bytes;
+			Count = size;
+		}
+		public byte[] Buffer { get; private set; }
+		public int Count { get; private set; }
+	}
+	[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
+	public struct UsbSetupPacket {
+		public byte RequestType;
+		public byte Request;
+		public short Value;
+		public short Index;
+		public short Length;
+		public UsbSetupPacket(byte requestType, byte request, short value, short index, short length) {
+			RequestType = requestType;
+			Request = request;
+			Value = value;
+			Index = index;
+			Length = length;
+		}
+	}
+	public enum UsbEndpointDirection : byte {
+		EndpointIn = 0x80,
+		EndpointOut = 0x00,
+	}
+	public enum UsbRequestType : byte {
+		TypeClass = (0x01 << 5),
+		TypeReserved = (0x03 << 5),
+		TypeStandard = (0x00 << 5),
+		TypeVendor = (0x02 << 5),
+	}
+	public enum WriteEndpointID : byte {
+		Ep01 = 0x01,
+		Ep02 = 0x02,
+		Ep03 = 0x03,
+		Ep04 = 0x04,
+		Ep05 = 0x05,
+		Ep06 = 0x06,
+		Ep07 = 0x07,
+		Ep08 = 0x08,
+		Ep09 = 0x09,
+		Ep10 = 0x0A,
+		Ep11 = 0x0B,
+		Ep12 = 0x0C,
+		Ep13 = 0x0D,
+		Ep14 = 0x0E,
+		Ep15 = 0x0F,
+	}
+	public enum ReadEndpointID : byte {
+		Ep01 = 0x81,
+		Ep02 = 0x82,
+		Ep03 = 0x83,
+		Ep04 = 0x84,
+		Ep05 = 0x85,
+		Ep06 = 0x86,
+		Ep07 = 0x87,
+		Ep08 = 0x88,
+		Ep09 = 0x89,
+		Ep10 = 0x8A,
+		Ep11 = 0x8B,
+		Ep12 = 0x8C,
+		Ep13 = 0x8D,
+		Ep14 = 0x8E,
+		Ep15 = 0x8F,
+	}
+	public enum UsbRequestRecipient : byte {
+		RecipDevice = 0x00,
+		RecipInterface = 0x01,
+		RecipEndpoint = 0x02,
+		RecipOther = 0x03,
+	}
+	public enum EndpointType : byte {
+		Control,
+		Isochronous,
+		Bulk,
+		Interrupt
+	}
+	public enum ErrorCode {
+		Ok = 0,
+		Error = 1,
+	}
+	public class UsbRegistry {
+		public IUsbDeviceRegistry Registry { get; private set; }
+		public UsbRegistry(IUsbDeviceRegistry reg) {
+			Registry = reg;
+		}
+		public int Vid { get { return Registry.Vid; } }
+		public int Pid { get { return Registry.Pid; } }
+		public int Rev { get { return 0; } }
+		public Boolean IsAlive { get { return true; } }
+		public Boolean Open(out UsbDevice hand) {
+			hand = new UsbDevice(Registry.Open());
+			return true;
+		}
+		public IDictionary<String, Object> DeviceProperties { get { return Registry.DeviceProperties; } }
+		public String FullName { get { return Registry.FullName; } }
+		public String Name { get { return Registry.Name; } }
+		public String SymbolicName { get { return Registry.SymbolicName; } }
+	}
+namespace LibUsbDotNet.Info {
+	public class UsbDeviceInfo {
+		private readonly UsbDeviceDescriptor mDeviceDescriptor;
+		internal UsbDevice mUsbDevice;
+		internal UsbDeviceInfo(UsbDevice usbDevice) {
+			mUsbDevice = usbDevice;
+			mDeviceDescriptor = new UsbDeviceDescriptor();
+			Byte[] bytes = new Byte[UsbDeviceDescriptor.Size];
+			int ret;
+			usbDevice.GetDescriptor((byte)UsbDescriptorType.Device, 0, 0, bytes, UsbDeviceDescriptor.Size, out ret);
+			Object asobj = mDeviceDescriptor;
+			Helper.BytesToObject(bytes, 0, ret, asobj);
+			mDeviceDescriptor = (UsbDeviceDescriptor)asobj;
+		}
+		public UsbDeviceDescriptor Descriptor { get { return mDeviceDescriptor; } }
+		public String ManufacturerString {
+			get {
+				if (Descriptor.ManufacturerStringIndex == 0) return null;
+				return mUsbDevice.Device.GetString(0, Descriptor.ManufacturerStringIndex);
+			}
+		}
+		public String ProductString {
+			get {
+				if (Descriptor.ProductStringIndex == 0) return null;
+				return mUsbDevice.Device.GetString(0, Descriptor.ProductStringIndex);
+			}
+		}
+		public String SerialString {
+			get {
+				if (Descriptor.SerialStringIndex == 0) return null;
+				return mUsbDevice.Device.GetString(0, Descriptor.SerialStringIndex);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	public class UsbConfigInfo {
+		private readonly List<UsbInterfaceInfo> mInterfaceList = new List<UsbInterfaceInfo>();
+		internal readonly UsbConfigDescriptor mUsbConfigDescriptor;
+		internal UsbDevice mUsbDevice;
+		internal UsbConfigInfo(UsbDevice usbDevice, UsbConfigDescriptor descriptor, ref List<byte[]> rawDescriptors) {
+			mUsbDevice = usbDevice;
+			mUsbConfigDescriptor = descriptor;
+			UsbInterfaceInfo currentInterface = null;
+			for (int iRawDescriptor = 0; iRawDescriptor < rawDescriptors.Count; iRawDescriptor++) {
+				byte[] bytesRawDescriptor = rawDescriptors[iRawDescriptor];
+				switch (bytesRawDescriptor[1]) {
+					case (byte)UsbDescriptorType.Interface:
+						currentInterface = new UsbInterfaceInfo(usbDevice, bytesRawDescriptor);
+						mInterfaceList.Add(currentInterface);
+						break;
+					case (byte)UsbDescriptorType.Endpoint:
+						if (currentInterface == null) throw new Exception("Recieved and endpoint descriptor before receiving an interface descriptor.");
+						currentInterface.mEndpointInfo.Add(new UsbEndpointInfo(bytesRawDescriptor));
+						break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		public UsbConfigDescriptor Descriptor { get { return mUsbConfigDescriptor; } }
+		public ReadOnlyCollection<UsbInterfaceInfo> InterfaceInfoList { get { return mInterfaceList.AsReadOnly(); } }
+	}
+	public class UsbInterfaceInfo {
+		internal readonly UsbInterfaceDescriptor mUsbInterfaceDescriptor;
+		internal UsbDevice mUsbDevice;
+		internal List<UsbEndpointInfo> mEndpointInfo = new List<UsbEndpointInfo>();
+		internal UsbInterfaceInfo(UsbDevice usbDevice, byte[] descriptor) {
+			mUsbDevice = usbDevice;
+			mUsbInterfaceDescriptor = new UsbInterfaceDescriptor();
+			Helper.BytesToObject(descriptor, 0, Math.Min(UsbInterfaceDescriptor.Size, descriptor[0]), mUsbInterfaceDescriptor);
+		}
+		public UsbInterfaceDescriptor Descriptor { get { return mUsbInterfaceDescriptor; } }
+		public ReadOnlyCollection<UsbEndpointInfo> EndpointInfoList { get { return mEndpointInfo.AsReadOnly(); } }
+	}
+	public class UsbEndpointInfo {
+		internal UsbEndpointDescriptor mUsbEndpointDescriptor;
+		internal UsbEndpointInfo(byte[] descriptor) {
+			mUsbEndpointDescriptor = new UsbEndpointDescriptor();
+			Helper.BytesToObject(descriptor, 0, Math.Min(UsbEndpointDescriptor.Size, descriptor[0]), mUsbEndpointDescriptor);
+		}
+		public UsbEndpointDescriptor Descriptor {
+			get { return mUsbEndpointDescriptor; }
+		}
+	}
+namespace LibUsbDotNet.Descriptors {
+	public enum DescriptorType : byte {
+		Device = 1,
+		Configuration = 2,
+		String = 3,
+		Interface = 4,
+		Endpoint = 5,
+		DeviceQualifier = 6,
+		OtherSpeedConfiguration = 7,
+		InterfacePower = 8,
+		OTG = 9,
+		Debug = 10,
+		InterfaceAssociation = 11,
+		Hid = 0x21,
+		HidReport = 0x22,
+		Physical = 0x23,
+		Hub = 0x29
+	}
+	public enum ClassCodeType : byte {
+		PerInterface = 0,
+		Audio = 1,
+		Comm = 2,
+		Hid = 3,
+		Printer = 7,
+		Ptp = 6,
+		MassStorage = 8,
+		Hub = 9,
+		Data = 10,
+		VendorSpec = 0xff
+	}
+	[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
+	public abstract class UsbDescriptor {
+		public static readonly int Size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(UsbDescriptor));
+		public byte Length;
+		public DescriptorType DescriptorType;
+	}
+	[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
+	public class UsbDeviceDescriptor : UsbDescriptor {
+		public new static readonly int Size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(UsbDeviceDescriptor));
+		public short BcdUsb;
+		public ClassCodeType Class;
+		public byte SubClass;
+		public byte Protocol;
+		public byte MaxPacketSize0;
+		public short VendorID;
+		public short ProductID;
+		public short BcdDevice;
+		public byte ManufacturerStringIndex;
+		public byte ProductStringIndex;
+		public byte SerialStringIndex;
+		public byte ConfigurationCount;
+		internal UsbDeviceDescriptor() { }
+	}
+	[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
+	public class UsbConfigDescriptor : UsbDescriptor {
+		public new static readonly int Size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(UsbConfigDescriptor));
+		public readonly short TotalLength;
+		public readonly byte InterfaceCount;
+		public readonly byte ConfigID;
+		public readonly byte StringIndex;
+		public readonly byte Attributes;
+		public readonly byte MaxPower;
+		internal UsbConfigDescriptor() { }
+	}
+	[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
+	public class UsbInterfaceDescriptor : UsbDescriptor {
+		public new static readonly int Size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(UsbInterfaceDescriptor));
+		public readonly byte InterfaceID;
+		public readonly byte AlternateID;
+		public readonly byte EndpointCount;
+		public readonly ClassCodeType Class;
+		public readonly byte SubClass;
+		public readonly byte Protocol;
+		public readonly byte StringIndex;
+		internal UsbInterfaceDescriptor() { }
+	}
+	[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
+	public class UsbEndpointDescriptor : UsbDescriptor {
+		public new static readonly int Size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(UsbEndpointDescriptor));
+		public readonly byte EndpointID;
+		public readonly byte Attributes;
+		public readonly short MaxPacketSize;
+		public readonly byte Interval;
+		public readonly byte Refresh;
+		public readonly byte SynchAddress;
+		internal UsbEndpointDescriptor() { }
+	}
+namespace MonoLibUsb {
+	public static class MonoUsbApi {
+		internal const CallingConvention CC = 0;
+		internal const string LIBUSB_DLL = "libusb-1.0.dll";
+		[DllImport(LIBUSB_DLL, CallingConvention = CC, SetLastError = false, EntryPoint = "libusb_detach_kernel_driver")]
+		public static extern int DetachKernelDriver([In] MonoUsbDeviceHandle deviceHandle, int interfaceNumber);
+		public static int ControlTransfer(MonoUsbDeviceHandle deviceHandle, byte requestType, byte request, short value, short index, object data, short dataLength, int timeout) {
+			throw new NotImplementedException();
+		}
+		public static int BulkTransfer(MonoUsbDeviceHandle deviceHandle, byte endpoint, object data, int length, out int actualLength, int timeout) {
+			throw new NotImplementedException();
+		}
+	}
+	public abstract class MonoUsbDeviceHandle : SafeHandle {
+		public MonoUsbDeviceHandle(Boolean bOwnsHandle) : base(IntPtr.Zero, bOwnsHandle) { }
+	}