1 ???using System; |
2 using System.Collections.ObjectModel; |
3 using System.Collections.Generic; |
4 using System.Runtime.InteropServices; |
5 using System.Threading; |
6 using System.Text; |
7 using System.IO; |
8 using LibUsbDotNet.Main; |
9 using LibUsbDotNet.Info; |
10 using LibUsbDotNet.Descriptors; |
11 using UCIS.USBLib.Communication; |
12 using LibUsb0Registry = UCIS.USBLib.Communication.LibUsb.LibUsb0Registry; |
13 using LibUsb1Registry = UCIS.USBLib.Communication.LibUsb1.LibUsb1Registry; |
14 using nIUsbDevice = UCIS.USBLib.Communication.IUsbDevice; |
15 using nIUsbInterface = UCIS.USBLib.Communication.IUsbInterface; |
16 using WinUsbRegistry = UCIS.USBLib.Communication.WinUsb.WinUsbRegistry; |
17 |
18 namespace LibUsbDotNet { |
19 public class UsbDevice : IUsbDevice { |
20 public nIUsbInterface Device { get; private set; } |
21 public UsbDevice(nIUsbInterface dev) { |
22 Device = dev; |
23 } |
24 public bool GetDescriptor(byte descriptorType, byte index, short langId, Byte[] buffer, int bufferLength, out int transferLength) { |
25 try { |
26 transferLength = Device.GetDescriptor(descriptorType, index, langId, buffer, 0, bufferLength); |
27 return true; |
28 } catch { |
29 transferLength = 0; |
30 return false; |
31 } |
32 } |
33 public bool ControlTransfer(ref UsbSetupPacket setupPacket, Byte[] buffer, int bufferLength, out int lengthTransferred) { |
34 if ((setupPacket.RequestType & 128) != 0) { |
35 lengthTransferred = Device.ControlRead((UsbControlRequestType)setupPacket.RequestType, setupPacket.Request, setupPacket.Value, setupPacket.Index, buffer, 0, bufferLength); |
36 } else { |
37 lengthTransferred = Device.ControlWrite((UsbControlRequestType)setupPacket.RequestType, setupPacket.Request, setupPacket.Value, setupPacket.Index, buffer, 0, bufferLength); |
38 } |
39 return true; |
40 } |
41 public DriverModeType DriverMode { get { return DriverModeType.Unknown; } } |
42 public enum DriverModeType { |
43 Unknown, |
44 LibUsb, |
45 WinUsb, |
46 MonoLibUsb, |
47 LibUsbWinBack |
48 } |
49 public UsbEndpointWriter OpenEndpointWriter(WriteEndpointID writeEndpointID, EndpointType endpointType) { |
50 return new UsbEndpointWriter(Device, (Byte)writeEndpointID, endpointType); |
51 } |
52 public UsbEndpointReader OpenEndpointReader(ReadEndpointID readEndpointID, int buffersize, EndpointType endpointType) { |
53 UsbEndpointReader reader = new UsbEndpointReader(Device, (Byte)readEndpointID, endpointType); |
54 reader.ReadBufferSize = buffersize; |
55 return reader; |
56 } |
57 public void Close() { |
58 Device.Dispose(); |
59 } |
60 public UsbDeviceInfo Info { get { return new UsbDeviceInfo(this); } } |
61 public static IList<UsbRegistry> AllDevices { |
62 get { |
63 List<UsbRegistry> list = new List<UsbRegistry>(); |
64 if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT) { |
65 foreach (IUsbDeviceRegistry reg in WinUsbRegistry.DeviceList) list.Add(new UsbRegistry(reg)); |
66 foreach (IUsbDeviceRegistry reg in LibUsb0Registry.DeviceList) list.Add(new UsbRegistry(reg)); |
67 } else { |
68 foreach (IUsbDeviceRegistry reg in LibUsb1Registry.DeviceList) list.Add(new UsbRegistry(reg)); |
69 } |
70 return list; |
71 } |
72 } |
73 private SafeHandle Handle { get { return null; } } |
74 public bool SetConfiguration(byte config) { |
75 nIUsbDevice dev = Device as nIUsbDevice; |
76 if (dev == null) return false; |
77 try { |
78 dev.Configuration = config; |
79 return true; |
80 } catch { |
81 return false; |
82 } |
83 } |
84 public bool ClaimInterface(int interfaceID) { |
85 nIUsbDevice dev = Device as nIUsbDevice; |
86 if (dev == null) return false; |
87 try { |
88 dev.ClaimInterface(interfaceID); |
89 return true; |
90 } catch { |
91 return false; |
92 } |
93 } |
94 public bool ReleaseInterface(int interfaceID) { |
95 nIUsbDevice dev = Device as nIUsbDevice; |
96 if (dev == null) return false; |
97 try { |
98 dev.ReleaseInterface(interfaceID); |
99 return true; |
100 } catch { |
101 return false; |
102 } |
103 } |
104 public IList<UsbConfigInfo> Configs { |
105 get { |
106 List<UsbConfigInfo> rtnConfigs = new List<UsbConfigInfo>(); |
107 byte[] cfgBuffer = new byte[UsbConstants.MAX_CONFIG_SIZE]; |
108 int iConfigs = Info.Descriptor.ConfigurationCount; |
109 for (int iConfig = 0; iConfig < iConfigs; iConfig++) { |
110 int iBytesTransmitted; |
111 if (!GetDescriptor((byte)UsbDescriptorType.Configuration, 0, 0, cfgBuffer, cfgBuffer.Length, out iBytesTransmitted)) |
112 throw new Exception("Could not read configuration descriptor"); |
113 if (iBytesTransmitted < UsbConfigDescriptor.Size || cfgBuffer[1] != (byte)UsbDescriptorType.Configuration) |
114 throw new Exception("GetDeviceConfigs: USB config descriptor is invalid."); |
115 UsbConfigDescriptor configDescriptor = new UsbConfigDescriptor(); |
116 Helper.BytesToObject(cfgBuffer, 0, Math.Min(UsbConfigDescriptor.Size, cfgBuffer[0]), configDescriptor); |
117 if (configDescriptor.TotalLength != iBytesTransmitted) throw new Exception("GetDeviceConfigs: USB config descriptor length doesn't match the length received."); |
118 List<byte[]> rawDescriptorList = new List<byte[]>(); |
119 int iRawLengthPosition = configDescriptor.Length; |
120 while (iRawLengthPosition < configDescriptor.TotalLength) { |
121 byte[] rawDescriptor = new byte[cfgBuffer[iRawLengthPosition]]; |
122 if (iRawLengthPosition + rawDescriptor.Length > iBytesTransmitted) throw new Exception("Descriptor length is out of range."); |
123 Array.Copy(cfgBuffer, iRawLengthPosition, rawDescriptor, 0, rawDescriptor.Length); |
124 rawDescriptorList.Add(rawDescriptor); |
125 iRawLengthPosition += rawDescriptor.Length; |
126 } |
127 rtnConfigs.Add(new UsbConfigInfo(this, configDescriptor, ref rawDescriptorList)); |
128 } |
129 return rtnConfigs; |
130 } |
131 } |
132 } |
133 public interface IUsbDevice { |
134 bool SetConfiguration(byte config); |
135 bool ClaimInterface(int interfaceID); |
136 bool ReleaseInterface(int interfaceID); |
137 } |
138 public class UsbEndpointWriter : IDisposable { |
139 public nIUsbInterface Device { get; private set; } |
140 public Byte EndpointID { get; private set; } |
141 public EndpointType EndpointType { get; private set; } |
142 public Byte EpNum { get { return EndpointID; } } |
143 public UsbEndpointWriter(nIUsbInterface dev, byte epid, EndpointType eptype) { |
144 Device = dev; |
145 EndpointID = epid; |
146 EndpointType = eptype; |
147 } |
148 public ErrorCode Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, int timeout, out int transferLength) { |
149 switch (EndpointType) { |
150 case EndpointType.Bulk: transferLength = Device.BulkWrite(EndpointID, buffer, offset, count); break; |
151 case EndpointType.Interrupt: transferLength = Device.InterruptWrite(EndpointID, buffer, offset, count); break; |
152 default: transferLength = 0; return ErrorCode.Error; |
153 } |
154 return ErrorCode.Ok; |
155 } |
156 public void Dispose() { } |
157 } |
158 public class UsbEndpointReader : IDisposable { |
159 public nIUsbInterface Device { get; private set; } |
160 public Byte EndpointID { get; private set; } |
161 public EndpointType EndpointType { get; private set; } |
162 public Byte EpNum { get { return EndpointID; } } |
163 public int ReadBufferSize { get; set; } |
164 |
165 public UsbEndpointReader(nIUsbInterface dev, byte epid, EndpointType eptype) { |
166 Device = dev; |
167 EndpointID = epid; |
168 EndpointType = eptype; |
169 ReadBufferSize = 4096; |
170 } |
171 public ErrorCode Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, int timeout, out int transferLength) { |
172 switch (EndpointType) { |
173 case EndpointType.Bulk: transferLength = Device.BulkRead(EndpointID, buffer, offset, count); break; |
174 case EndpointType.Interrupt: transferLength = Device.InterruptRead(EndpointID, buffer, offset, count); break; |
175 default: transferLength = 0; return ErrorCode.Error; |
176 } |
177 return ErrorCode.Ok; |
178 } |
179 public void Dispose() { DataReceivedEnabled = false; } |
180 |
181 private bool mDataReceivedEnabled; |
182 private Thread mReadThread; |
183 |
184 public virtual bool DataReceivedEnabled { |
185 get { return mDataReceivedEnabled; } |
186 set { |
187 if (value != mDataReceivedEnabled) { |
188 if (mDataReceivedEnabled) { |
189 mReadThread.Abort(); |
190 } else { |
191 mDataReceivedEnabled = true; |
192 mReadThread = new Thread(ReadDataProcess); |
193 mReadThread.Start(); |
194 } |
195 } |
196 } |
197 } |
198 |
199 private void ReadDataProcess(object state) { |
200 byte[] buffer = new byte[ReadBufferSize]; |
201 try { |
202 while (mDataReceivedEnabled) { |
203 int transferLength; |
204 Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, -1, out transferLength); |
205 EventHandler<EndpointDataEventArgs> eh = DataReceived; |
206 if (!ReferenceEquals(eh, null)) eh(this, new EndpointDataEventArgs(buffer, transferLength)); |
207 } |
208 } catch (Exception ex) { |
209 if (ReadError != null) ReadError(this, new ErrorEventArgs(ex)); |
210 } finally { |
211 mDataReceivedEnabled = false; |
212 } |
213 } |
214 |
215 public event EventHandler<EndpointDataEventArgs> DataReceived; |
216 public event ErrorEventHandler ReadError; |
217 } |
218 } |
219 namespace LibUsbDotNet.Main { |
220 public static class UsbConstants { |
221 public const int MAX_CONFIG_SIZE = 4096; |
222 public const int MAX_DEVICES = 128; |
223 public const int MAX_ENDPOINTS = 32; |
224 public const byte ENDPOINT_DIR_MASK = 0x80; |
225 public const byte ENDPOINT_NUMBER_MASK = 0xf; |
226 } |
227 public static class Helper { |
228 public static void BytesToObject(byte[] sourceBytes, int iStartIndex, int iLength, object destObject) { |
229 GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(destObject, GCHandleType.Pinned); |
230 IntPtr ptrDestObject = gch.AddrOfPinnedObject(); |
231 Marshal.Copy(sourceBytes, iStartIndex, ptrDestObject, iLength); |
232 gch.Free(); |
233 } |
234 public static string ToString(string sep0, string[] names, string sep1, object[] values, string sep2) { |
235 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); |
236 for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++) sb.Append(sep0 + names[i] + sep1 + values[i] + sep2); |
237 return sb.ToString(); |
238 } |
239 } |
240 public class EndpointDataEventArgs : EventArgs { |
241 internal EndpointDataEventArgs(byte[] bytes, int size) { |
242 Buffer = bytes; |
243 Count = size; |
244 } |
245 public byte[] Buffer { get; private set; } |
246 public int Count { get; private set; } |
247 } |
248 [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)] |
249 public struct UsbSetupPacket { |
250 public byte RequestType; |
251 public byte Request; |
252 public short Value; |
253 public short Index; |
254 public short Length; |
255 public UsbSetupPacket(byte requestType, byte request, short value, short index, short length) { |
256 RequestType = requestType; |
257 Request = request; |
258 Value = value; |
259 Index = index; |
260 Length = length; |
261 } |
262 } |
263 public enum UsbEndpointDirection : byte { |
264 EndpointIn = 0x80, |
265 EndpointOut = 0x00, |
266 } |
267 public enum UsbRequestType : byte { |
268 TypeClass = (0x01 << 5), |
269 TypeReserved = (0x03 << 5), |
270 TypeStandard = (0x00 << 5), |
271 TypeVendor = (0x02 << 5), |
272 } |
273 public enum WriteEndpointID : byte { |
274 Ep01 = 0x01, |
275 Ep02 = 0x02, |
276 Ep03 = 0x03, |
277 Ep04 = 0x04, |
278 Ep05 = 0x05, |
279 Ep06 = 0x06, |
280 Ep07 = 0x07, |
281 Ep08 = 0x08, |
282 Ep09 = 0x09, |
283 Ep10 = 0x0A, |
284 Ep11 = 0x0B, |
285 Ep12 = 0x0C, |
286 Ep13 = 0x0D, |
287 Ep14 = 0x0E, |
288 Ep15 = 0x0F, |
289 } |
290 public enum ReadEndpointID : byte { |
291 Ep01 = 0x81, |
292 Ep02 = 0x82, |
293 Ep03 = 0x83, |
294 Ep04 = 0x84, |
295 Ep05 = 0x85, |
296 Ep06 = 0x86, |
297 Ep07 = 0x87, |
298 Ep08 = 0x88, |
299 Ep09 = 0x89, |
300 Ep10 = 0x8A, |
301 Ep11 = 0x8B, |
302 Ep12 = 0x8C, |
303 Ep13 = 0x8D, |
304 Ep14 = 0x8E, |
305 Ep15 = 0x8F, |
306 } |
307 public enum UsbRequestRecipient : byte { |
308 RecipDevice = 0x00, |
309 RecipInterface = 0x01, |
310 RecipEndpoint = 0x02, |
311 RecipOther = 0x03, |
312 } |
313 public enum EndpointType : byte { |
314 Control, |
315 Isochronous, |
316 Bulk, |
317 Interrupt |
318 } |
319 public enum ErrorCode { |
320 Ok = 0, |
321 Error = 1, |
322 } |
323 public class UsbRegistry { |
324 public IUsbDeviceRegistry Registry { get; private set; } |
325 public UsbRegistry(IUsbDeviceRegistry reg) { |
326 Registry = reg; |
327 } |
328 public int Vid { get { return Registry.Vid; } } |
329 public int Pid { get { return Registry.Pid; } } |
330 public int Rev { get { return 0; } } |
331 public Boolean IsAlive { get { return true; } } |
332 public Boolean Open(out UsbDevice hand) { |
333 hand = new UsbDevice(Registry.Open()); |
334 return true; |
335 } |
336 public IDictionary<String, Object> DeviceProperties { get { return Registry.DeviceProperties; } } |
337 public String FullName { get { return Registry.FullName; } } |
338 public String Name { get { return Registry.Name; } } |
339 public String SymbolicName { get { return Registry.SymbolicName; } } |
340 } |
341 } |
342 namespace LibUsbDotNet.Info { |
343 public class UsbDeviceInfo { |
344 private readonly UsbDeviceDescriptor mDeviceDescriptor; |
345 internal UsbDevice mUsbDevice; |
346 internal UsbDeviceInfo(UsbDevice usbDevice) { |
347 mUsbDevice = usbDevice; |
348 mDeviceDescriptor = new UsbDeviceDescriptor(); |
349 Byte[] bytes = new Byte[UsbDeviceDescriptor.Size]; |
350 int ret; |
351 usbDevice.GetDescriptor((byte)UsbDescriptorType.Device, 0, 0, bytes, UsbDeviceDescriptor.Size, out ret); |
352 Object asobj = mDeviceDescriptor; |
353 Helper.BytesToObject(bytes, 0, ret, asobj); |
354 mDeviceDescriptor = (UsbDeviceDescriptor)asobj; |
355 } |
356 public UsbDeviceDescriptor Descriptor { get { return mDeviceDescriptor; } } |
357 public String ManufacturerString { |
358 get { |
359 if (Descriptor.ManufacturerStringIndex == 0) return null; |
360 return mUsbDevice.Device.GetString(0, Descriptor.ManufacturerStringIndex); |
361 } |
362 } |
363 public String ProductString { |
364 get { |
365 if (Descriptor.ProductStringIndex == 0) return null; |
366 return mUsbDevice.Device.GetString(0, Descriptor.ProductStringIndex); |
367 } |
368 } |
369 public String SerialString { |
370 get { |
371 if (Descriptor.SerialStringIndex == 0) return null; |
372 return mUsbDevice.Device.GetString(0, Descriptor.SerialStringIndex); |
373 } |
374 } |
375 } |
376 public class UsbConfigInfo { |
377 private readonly List<UsbInterfaceInfo> mInterfaceList = new List<UsbInterfaceInfo>(); |
378 internal readonly UsbConfigDescriptor mUsbConfigDescriptor; |
379 internal UsbDevice mUsbDevice; |
380 internal UsbConfigInfo(UsbDevice usbDevice, UsbConfigDescriptor descriptor, ref List<byte[]> rawDescriptors) { |
381 mUsbDevice = usbDevice; |
382 mUsbConfigDescriptor = descriptor; |
383 UsbInterfaceInfo currentInterface = null; |
384 for (int iRawDescriptor = 0; iRawDescriptor < rawDescriptors.Count; iRawDescriptor++) { |
385 byte[] bytesRawDescriptor = rawDescriptors[iRawDescriptor]; |
386 switch (bytesRawDescriptor[1]) { |
387 case (byte)UsbDescriptorType.Interface: |
388 currentInterface = new UsbInterfaceInfo(usbDevice, bytesRawDescriptor); |
389 mInterfaceList.Add(currentInterface); |
390 break; |
391 case (byte)UsbDescriptorType.Endpoint: |
392 if (currentInterface == null) throw new Exception("Recieved and endpoint descriptor before receiving an interface descriptor."); |
393 currentInterface.mEndpointInfo.Add(new UsbEndpointInfo(bytesRawDescriptor)); |
394 break; |
395 } |
396 } |
397 } |
398 public UsbConfigDescriptor Descriptor { get { return mUsbConfigDescriptor; } } |
399 public ReadOnlyCollection<UsbInterfaceInfo> InterfaceInfoList { get { return mInterfaceList.AsReadOnly(); } } |
400 } |
401 public class UsbInterfaceInfo { |
402 internal readonly UsbInterfaceDescriptor mUsbInterfaceDescriptor; |
403 internal UsbDevice mUsbDevice; |
404 internal List<UsbEndpointInfo> mEndpointInfo = new List<UsbEndpointInfo>(); |
405 internal UsbInterfaceInfo(UsbDevice usbDevice, byte[] descriptor) { |
406 mUsbDevice = usbDevice; |
407 mUsbInterfaceDescriptor = new UsbInterfaceDescriptor(); |
408 Helper.BytesToObject(descriptor, 0, Math.Min(UsbInterfaceDescriptor.Size, descriptor[0]), mUsbInterfaceDescriptor); |
409 } |
410 public UsbInterfaceDescriptor Descriptor { get { return mUsbInterfaceDescriptor; } } |
411 public ReadOnlyCollection<UsbEndpointInfo> EndpointInfoList { get { return mEndpointInfo.AsReadOnly(); } } |
412 } |
413 public class UsbEndpointInfo { |
414 internal UsbEndpointDescriptor mUsbEndpointDescriptor; |
415 internal UsbEndpointInfo(byte[] descriptor) { |
416 mUsbEndpointDescriptor = new UsbEndpointDescriptor(); |
417 Helper.BytesToObject(descriptor, 0, Math.Min(UsbEndpointDescriptor.Size, descriptor[0]), mUsbEndpointDescriptor); |
418 } |
419 public UsbEndpointDescriptor Descriptor { |
420 get { return mUsbEndpointDescriptor; } |
421 } |
422 } |
423 } |
424 namespace LibUsbDotNet.Descriptors { |
425 public enum DescriptorType : byte { |
426 Device = 1, |
427 Configuration = 2, |
428 String = 3, |
429 Interface = 4, |
430 Endpoint = 5, |
431 DeviceQualifier = 6, |
432 OtherSpeedConfiguration = 7, |
433 InterfacePower = 8, |
434 OTG = 9, |
435 Debug = 10, |
436 InterfaceAssociation = 11, |
437 Hid = 0x21, |
438 HidReport = 0x22, |
439 Physical = 0x23, |
440 Hub = 0x29 |
441 } |
442 public enum ClassCodeType : byte { |
443 PerInterface = 0, |
444 Audio = 1, |
445 Comm = 2, |
446 Hid = 3, |
447 Printer = 7, |
448 Ptp = 6, |
449 MassStorage = 8, |
450 Hub = 9, |
451 Data = 10, |
452 VendorSpec = 0xff |
453 } |
454 [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)] |
455 public abstract class UsbDescriptor { |
456 public static readonly int Size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(UsbDescriptor)); |
457 public byte Length; |
458 public DescriptorType DescriptorType; |
459 } |
460 [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)] |
461 public class UsbDeviceDescriptor : UsbDescriptor { |
462 public new static readonly int Size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(UsbDeviceDescriptor)); |
463 public short BcdUsb; |
464 public ClassCodeType Class; |
465 public byte SubClass; |
466 public byte Protocol; |
467 public byte MaxPacketSize0; |
468 public short VendorID; |
469 public short ProductID; |
470 public short BcdDevice; |
471 public byte ManufacturerStringIndex; |
472 public byte ProductStringIndex; |
473 public byte SerialStringIndex; |
474 public byte ConfigurationCount; |
475 internal UsbDeviceDescriptor() { } |
476 } |
477 [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)] |
478 public class UsbConfigDescriptor : UsbDescriptor { |
479 public new static readonly int Size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(UsbConfigDescriptor)); |
480 public readonly short TotalLength; |
481 public readonly byte InterfaceCount; |
482 public readonly byte ConfigID; |
483 public readonly byte StringIndex; |
484 public readonly byte Attributes; |
485 public readonly byte MaxPower; |
486 internal UsbConfigDescriptor() { } |
487 } |
488 [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)] |
489 public class UsbInterfaceDescriptor : UsbDescriptor { |
490 public new static readonly int Size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(UsbInterfaceDescriptor)); |
491 public readonly byte InterfaceID; |
492 public readonly byte AlternateID; |
493 public readonly byte EndpointCount; |
494 public readonly ClassCodeType Class; |
495 public readonly byte SubClass; |
496 public readonly byte Protocol; |
497 public readonly byte StringIndex; |
498 internal UsbInterfaceDescriptor() { } |
499 } |
500 [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)] |
501 public class UsbEndpointDescriptor : UsbDescriptor { |
502 public new static readonly int Size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(UsbEndpointDescriptor)); |
503 public readonly byte EndpointID; |
504 public readonly byte Attributes; |
505 public readonly short MaxPacketSize; |
506 public readonly byte Interval; |
507 public readonly byte Refresh; |
508 public readonly byte SynchAddress; |
509 internal UsbEndpointDescriptor() { } |
510 } |
511 } |
512 namespace MonoLibUsb { |
513 public static class MonoUsbApi { |
514 internal const CallingConvention CC = 0; |
515 internal const string LIBUSB_DLL = "libusb-1.0.dll"; |
516 [DllImport(LIBUSB_DLL, CallingConvention = CC, SetLastError = false, EntryPoint = "libusb_detach_kernel_driver")] |
517 public static extern int DetachKernelDriver([In] MonoUsbDeviceHandle deviceHandle, int interfaceNumber); |
518 public static int ControlTransfer(MonoUsbDeviceHandle deviceHandle, byte requestType, byte request, short value, short index, object data, short dataLength, int timeout) { |
519 throw new NotImplementedException(); |
520 } |
521 public static int BulkTransfer(MonoUsbDeviceHandle deviceHandle, byte endpoint, object data, int length, out int actualLength, int timeout) { |
522 throw new NotImplementedException(); |
523 } |
524 } |
525 public abstract class MonoUsbDeviceHandle : SafeHandle { |
526 public MonoUsbDeviceHandle(Boolean bOwnsHandle) : base(IntPtr.Zero, bOwnsHandle) { } |
527 } |
528 } |